Justice Done

Justice Done
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Автор: Барк Жан
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Добавил: Admin 7 Июн 16
Проверил: Admin 7 Июн 16
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The fifth of six e-short story collections from New York Times bestselling suspense author Jan Burke, including three stories from the highly acclaimed print anthology Eighteen, praised as "Astonishing… wry… these stories are sure to delight" (Jeffery Deaver, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Kill Room).
Justice Done is a mini-anthology containing a brand-new short story, with an added bonus of three stories from Eighteen: "Miscalculation," "Two Bits," and "An Unsuspected Condition of the Heart." New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Kellerman says of the anthology, "A delightful collection of page-turners. At turns chilling, funny, poignant – and always insightful. With these stories, Jan Burke's at the top of her game."

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