Stile used the back game to interfere with the Citizen's establishment on his home board. Because most of Stile's men had been relegated to the bar, he had them in ready position to attack the Citizen's men as they lined up for bearing off. This sort of situation could be a lot more volatile than many people thought "Double," Stile said, turning the cube.
"You're crazy," the Citizen said, redoubling in his turn.
Stile hit another blot. He needed more than this to recover a decent position, but it helped.
The Citizen threw double sixes. That moved his blotted man all the way from the bar to one space from the end. His luck was still more than sufficient to swamp whatever breaks Stile managed.
Stile doubled again, though he was still obviously behind. The Citizen, when his turn came, laughed and doubled once more. Now the cube stood at sixty-four, its maximum. "You really want to go down big, tyke!"
They were reduced to five men each; the rest had been borne off. The game was actually much closer than the Citizen realized. Stile had already won the advantage he sought. If the game had proceeded with only Stile's first doubling, and he won by two men, all he would have would be four more points. If he lost by the same margin, however, the Citizen's four points would put him at one hundred for final victory. But now the cube stood at sixty-four, so that a two-man win by the Citizen would give him the same victory by an unnecessary margin — while the same win by Stile would give him 128 points^ at one stroke enough for his final victory. So he had in effect evened it up. Instead of being behind by ninety points, he had only to win two points. The Citizen had been foolish to permit the doubling to go to this level; he had thrown away a major advantage.
"I hear some of these animals can change to human form," the Citizen said. "I guess an animal in the form of a woman could be a lot of fun to a lonely man."
Was there anything this slob did not know about Phaze, or any limit to his crudity of insinuation? Stile allowed a little ire to show, deliberately. "It is a different frame, sir, with different natural laws. Those animals have human intelligence."
The Citizen gleefully pounced on this. "So youhave sampled the wares of the mares and the britches of the bitches!" He was hardly paying attention to the backgammon game in his voyeuristic lust. He wanted to make Stile angry and, in seeming success, he was letting the means preempt the ends. This was always ethically problematical, and often strategically unsound. The Citizen was setting himself up for a fall. If only the luck evened out!
Stile had a good roll of the dice. He hit two blots, and the Citizen hardly noticed. "I don't see that it is any of your business, sir, no disrespect intended."
"With animals!" the Citizen exclaimed, smiling broadly. "You admit it!"
"I don't deny it, sir," Stile said, obviously nettled.
"And did they bother to change form each time?" the Citizen demanded, almost drooling. He was hardly looking at the board, playing automatically and poorly. "Maybe sometimes a bitch stayed in her dog-form, just for the novelty?"
Stile wondered just what sort of bestiality lurked in the secret dreams of this nasty man. Perhaps this was the phenomenon of projection, in which a person with illicit desires projected the realization of certain acts onto others. The Citizen was giving himself away without realizing it.
Stile continued to раrrу him verbally, taking the worst of it, though he had the ability to reverse the onus at any time. He was tacitly egging the man on. Meanwhile, he exploited the rolls of the dice skillfully, and soon had gained a net advantage. The Citizen could have prevented this, had he been paying similar attention. But his morbid fascination with Stile's supposed exploits with shape-changing females had done him in. By the time he became aware of the trap, it was too late; even his amazing luck could not make up for his squandered opportunities.
They entered the final stage, and both resumed bearing off men. For once Stile had better throws of the dice, and finished two men ahead.
It took a moment for the Citizen to absorb the significance. He had been so far ahead, he knew subjectively that it would take a prohibitively massive turn of fortune to deprive him of victory. No such turn had occurred. Now his eyes fixed on the number 64 at the top of the doubling cube, and he saw that this narrow margin of two pieces had at one stroke washed him out of the Tourney.
"You must visit Phaze some day, sir," Stile said brightly. "I know just the bitch for you."
3. Honeymoon (F)
Stile crossed the curtain at the usual place, emerging from the food-servicing hall to the deep forest of Phaze. In a moment a unicorn trotted up. But it wasn't Neysa. This one was slightly larger, male, and his coat was deep dark blue except for the two red socks on his hind feet. "Clip!" Stile exclaimed, surprised. "I expected-" The unicorn metamorphosed into a young man garbed in blue shirt, furry trousers, red socks, floppy hat, gloves, and boots. His resemblance to the unicorn was clear to anyone conversant with the forms. "She's off getting bred, at long last The Herd Stallion's keeping her with the herd until she foals. That's S.O.P."
"Yes, of course," Stile agreed, disappointed. He found his hidden clothes and dressed quickly it would not do to travel naked here, though there was really no firm convention. He wanted only the best for Neysa, his best friend in this frame, yet he felt empty without her company. But he had made a deal with the Herd Stallion to release her for breeding when his mission of vengeance was finished; now that he had dispatched the Red Adept it was time. Time for relaxation, recovery, and love. Time to be with the lovely Lady Blue.
"That was the funniest thing," Clip said, evidently following the thrust of Stile's thoughts. "Thou didst marry the Lady, then skipped off without even-"
"An idiosyncracy of the situation," Stile said shortly. He had departed without consummating the marriage because of a prophecy that he would have a son by the Lady Blue; he knew he would survive the dangerous mission ahead of him if he only waited to generate that child thereafter, since such prophecies had the force of law. But
now the barbs of the ugly Citizen were fresh in his mind, making this subject sensitive. "You're volunteering to be my mount?"
"Neysa intimated gently that I'd get homed at the wrong end if I didn't," Clip admitted. "Besides, thou dost have interesting adventures."
"I'm only going to honeymoon with my wife."
"That's what I mean." Clip shifted to his natural form, his horn playing with the sound of a saxophone — a bar of the wedding march, trailing into a tune with risqué connotations.
Stile jumped on the unicorn's back, landing deliberately hard. Clip blew out one more startled note and took off. The velocity of the unicorn was greater than that of the horse because it was enhanced by magic; yet the two types of creatures were closely akin. As Clip himself had put it, once: as close as men were to apes. Stile was uncertain what freighting accompanied that statement, but had never challenged it. Man had intelligence and science the ape lacked; unicorns had intelligence and magic the horses lacked.
Soon they emerged from the forest and were racing over the fields toward the moated castle that was the heart of the Blue Demesnes. "Dost thou happen to know how Clef from Proton fared?" Stile inquired. "I gave him the Platinum Flute and sent him to the Little Folk, but I've been too busy to follow further. I'm sure you're up on all the news."
Clip blew an affirmative note. He was the gossipy kind.
"Did Clef arrive safely?" Stile was interested in verifying the accuracy of his dream. The frames had always been firmly separated; if his dream were true, it meant that that separation was beginning to fuzz, at least for him.