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"It is fortunate for Corcyrus, and for peace," said Ligurious, "that he with whom we truly have to deal is not Miles, general of Argentum, but with Claudius, her Ubar. He, I trust, is far less hotheaded. He, I trust, is more rational. He, I trust, may be expected to see reason and acknowledge, however reluctantly, the justice of our cause."

"Corcyrus is not feared by Argentum," said Miles.

"Yet," smiled Ligurious, "it seems that men with you have brought chests, bound with bands of iron, and intricately wrought coffers, to the foot of our throne." "That is true," said Miles. These chests and coffers were behind him, on the floor.

"If the gifts are suitable," said Ligurious, "our Tatrix,-after the cession of the mines, may be moved to deal somewhat less harshly with the miscreants of Argentum."

"I am sure that Claudius, my Ubar, would be relieved to bear that," said Miles. Ligurious inclined big head, acknowledging these words graciously. There was some laughter about me. I heard blades being returned to sheaths.

"I see," said Ligurious, lightly, "that you bring With you no male silk slaves, in chains, to be presented to the Tatrix."

"It is well known," said Miles, "that the Tatrix of Corcyrus is not interested in men, but only in gold and power."

"'Beware," said Ligurious.

I did not understand, truly, the remark of Miles of Argentum. I was not interested in men, of course, I reassured myself, as a woman of Earth, but, on the other hand, I did not think that I was unusually greedy either. Such things, at any rate, were generally not uppermost in my mind. There was a difference sometimes, I supposed, between the true and reputed characters of public figures. How odd, sometimes, are fame and rumors. That I might conceivably be presented with male silk slaves took me aback for a moment but then I realized that, as a female ruler, it was not out of the question that I might be presented with such gifts.

Typical gifts for a male ruler, I knew, might include beautiful female slaves, additional riches for his pleasure gardens.

"You may now open the chests and coffers," said Ligurious, eyeing them with interest.

"How is it," inquired Miles, "that the Tatrix of Corcyrus. goes unveiled?" "It is custom," said Ligurious.

"From our former messengers and envoys," said Miles, gather that the custom is a new one."

"Every custom has its beginning," said Ligurious. I was interested to hear this. I had not realized that the custom was a recent one. Here are many justifications for initiating such a custom. Foremost among them, doubtless, is that it is now possible for her subjects to gaze upon her with awe and reverence.

"I should think, rather," said Miles, smiling, "that you might fear that her subjects would gaze upon her not with awe and reverence, but interest." "Interest?" asked Ligurions.

"Yes, said Miles, "wondering, perhaps, what she might look like in a collar." "I think it is time," said Ligurious, "that you should improve your service to your Ubar. Let us see what gifts he proffers to- Corcyrus, petitioning for our mercy and favor."

"Take no offense, Lady," said Miles to me, "for it is high commendation I extend to you. Though I have had many women far superior to you, and even in the alcoves of taverns, I am not insensitive to your beauty. It is not inconsiderable. Indeed, I have no doubt that in the middle price ranges you would prove to be a desirable buy."

I clenched my fists on the arms of the throne. How insolent he was! How I hated him! I wondered, too, if some men, indeed, might find me a desirable buy. "Open the chests and coffers," said Ligurious, menacingly.

"Surely Corcyrus needs no more riches," said Miles. "Consider the lavishness of the appointments of this hall, the richness of the regalia of those here convened."

"Let us see what Claudius has sent us," said Ligurious.

"I see rich cloths here," be said, indicating the cloths spread tastefully about the steps of the dais. "I see that there is gold in Corcyrus," he said, indicating the coins in their plentitudes, seemingly casually spilled about the steps. "I see, too," he said, "that there are beautiful slaves in Corcyrus." His eyes rested then, fully, upon Susan, kneeling, chained by the neck to the side of my throne. This was not the first time that he had seen her, of course. Indeed, I had seen him picking her out more than once. I think he found her of interest. At any rate, clearly, she was not now being noticed in passing, as a mere component in a display, but was being attended to, observed, scrutinized, even studied, as a specific, individual slave, on her chain. She drew back, fearfully, with a small sound of the chain. She did not dare to meet his eyes. She clenched her thighs closely together. She was trembling her breathing was rapid; doubtless her heart was pounding; doubtless she was aware of it in her small rib cage. Yet I had seen her looking at him. She had hardly been able to keep her eyes from him. I supposed it was difficult for mere female slaves, in their scanty garments, and in their lowly station, not to be excited by rich, powerful, handsome, resplendent free men, so far above themselves.-It was much easier for one like myself, a free woman, and richly robed, to control, resist and fight femininity. In the case of the slave, on the other hand, femininity is actually required of her.

Indeed, if she is insufficiently feminine she will be beaten. It is no wonder female slaves are so helpless with men. I noted the eyes of Miles of Argenturn on Susan. She trembled, being appraised. I felt sudden danger, and jealousy. He had not looked at me like thatl To be sure, she was a slave, and I was free. It would certainly be improper for anyone to look on me, a free woman, in that candid, basic wayl Too, Susan had me at a disadvantage. Would not any woman look attractive if she were half naked and put on a chain? flow could I compete with that? Let us both be stripped and chained, I thought, and then let men decide, examining us, which was most beautiful But then I realized that Susan was, doubtless, far more beautiful than I. She was exquisite. It had been, no mistake on the part of slavers that she had been brought to Gor. I then thought that tonight I might whip Susan. She could not resist. She was a slave. I could have her take off her clothes and then tie her to a ring. I could then whip her. That would teach her to be more beautiful than I! Then I thought how absurd that was. It was not Susan's fault if she were more beautiful than I, or my fault if I might not be, objectively, as beautiful as she. I felt ashamed of my hostility, my jealousy. But Susan's beauty, I realized, then, was not a matter merely of features and figure, exquisite though these might be. Her beauty had to do more intimately and basically I thought, somehow, with matters which were more psychological and emotional; it had to do, somehow, in its softness and femininity, with the slavery of her. I wondered if I might become more beautiful than I was. I wondered if I might become as beautiful, someday, as the women cited by Miles of Argentum as being so superior to me. I wondered if I might one day be so beautiful that he might see nothing to choose from, between me and them. I wondered if I might not, one day, even be their superior! But then I put such thoughts from my mind. Where was my pride and freedoml "Let us see," insisted Ligurious, "what Claudius has sent us Of course," said Miles of Argentum. He handed his helmet to one of the men about him. With a great key be unlocked the largest chest.

The other chests and coffers, too, by others, were then unlocked.

Ligurious, and I, and the others, leaned forward, to i.h glimpse the contents of these chests and coffers.

"In. suit for the favor of Corcyrus, in deference and tribute to Corcyrus, Claudius, Ubar of Argentum," said Miles of Argenturn, "sends this!" He flung open the great chest, and turned it to its side. The other chests and coffers, by his fellows, were similarly treated.