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Benson Herbert. The Relaxation Response. New York: Avon Books, 1975.

Garrington Patricia. Releasing. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1984.

О личностном и духовном развитии:

Вете Eric. What Do You Say After You Say Hello? New York; Bantam Books, 1972.

Ellis Albert, Knaus William. Overcoming Procrastination. New York: Institute for Rational Living, 1977.

Gelb Michael. Present Yourself! Rolling Hills Estates, California: Jalmar Press, 1988.

Haynes-Klassen Joanne. Learning to Live, Learning to Love. Rolling Hills Estates, California: Jalmar Press, 1985.

Keyes Ken. Handbook to Higher Consciousness. Berkeley, California: Living Love Center, 1974.

Keyes Ken, Penny Keyes and Staff. Gathering Power Through Insight and Love. Coos Bay, Oregon: Living Love Publications, 1987.

Macy Joanna Rogers. Despair and. Personal Power in the Nuclear Age. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1983.

Maltz Maxwell. Psycho-Cybernetics. New York: Pocket Books, 1960.

Parker William R. Prayer Can Change Your Life. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1957.

Rogers Carl. On Becoming a Person, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1961.

Schriner Chris. Feeling Great. Peoria, Illinois: Wesley-Kolbe Publishing Company, 1986.

Schuller Rev. Robert. Belive in the God Who Believes in You. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 1989.

Selye Hans. The Stress of Life. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1956.

Sparks Ada. The Two Minute Lover. Rolling Hills Estates, California: Jalmar Press, 1989.

Stevens John O. Awareness: exploring experimenting experiencing. Lafayette, California: Real People Press, 1971.

Tavris Carol. Anger: The Misunderstood Emotion. Beaverton, Oregon: Touchstone Press, 1984.

Vitale Barbara Meister. Free Flight. Rolling Hills Estates, California: Jalmar Press, 1986.


Глава 6. Советы, ловушки и маленькие хитрости. Мини-руководство для самостоятельных действий..........................93

Глава 10. Мы уже отдыхаем? Размышления по поводу досуга и удовольствия .... 158