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We Japanese, 1950 — We Japanese. Yokohama, 1950.

Yamamoto, 1978 — Yamamoto Yoshiko. The Namahage: a Festival in the Northeast of Japan. Philadelphia, 1978.

Yanagida, 1957 — Yanagida Kunio. Japanese Manners and Customs in the Meiji Era. Tokyo, 1957.

Yoda Chihoko, 1966 — Yoda Chihoko. A Typological Study of the Religious Rites and Ceremonies Concerning Rice Culture in Korea. — Миндзокугаку кэнкю. Vol. 31, 1966, № 2 (на яп. яз.).

Zo Zayong, 1977 — Zo Zayong. Korean Folk painting Emillie Museum. Seoul, 1977.