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Harita. Here are ornaments for our lady. (The women look at them in astonishment.)

Gautami. Harita, my son, whence come these things?

Harita. From the holy power of Father Kanva.

Gautami. A creation of his mind?

Harita. Not quite. Listen. Father Kanva sent us to gather blossoms from the trees for Shakuntala, and then

One tree bore fruit, a silken marriage dress

That shamed the moon in its white loveliness;

Another gave us lac-dye for the feet;

From others, fairy hands extended, sweet

Like flowering twigs, as far as to the wrist,

And gave us gems, to adorn her as we list.

Priyamvada (looking at Shakuntala). A bee may be born in a hole in a tree, but she likes the honey of the lotus.

Gautami. This gracious favour is a token of the queenly happiness which you are to enjoy in your husband’s palace. (Shakuntala shows embarrassment.)

Harita. Father Kanva has gone to the bank of the Malini, to perform his ablutions. I will tell him of the favour shown us by the trees. (Exit.) Anusuya. My dear, we poor girls never saw such ornaments. How shall we adorn you? (She stops to think, and to look at the ornaments.) But we have seen pictures. Perhaps we can arrange them right.

Shakuntala. I know how clever you are. (The two friends adorn her. Enter Kanva, returning after his ablutions.)


Shakuntala must go to-day;

I miss her now at heart;

I dare not speak a loving word

Or choking tears will start.

My eyes are dim with anxious thought;

Love strikes me to the life:

And yet I strove for pious peace -

I have no child, no wife.

What must a father feel, when come

The pangs of parting from his child at home?

(He walks about.)

The two friends. There, Shakuntala, we have arranged your ornaments.

Now put on this beautiful silk dress. (Shakuntala rises and does so.) Gautami. My child, here is your father. The eyes with which he seems to embrace you are overflowing with tears of joy. You must greet him properly. (Shakuntala makes a shamefaced reverence.) Kanva. My child,

Like Sharmishtha, Yayati’s wife,

Win favour measured by your worth;

And may you bear a kingly son

Like Puru, who shall rule the earth.

Gautami. My child, this is not a prayer, but a benediction.

Kanva. My daughter, walk from left to right about the fires in which the offering has just been thrown. (All walk about.) The holy fires around the altar kindle,

And at their margins sacred grass is piled;

Beneath their sacrificial odours dwindle

Misfortunes. May the fires protect you, child!

(Shakuntala walks about them from left to right.) Kanva. Now you may start, my daughter. (He glances about.) Where are Sharngarava and Sharadvata? (Enter the two pupils.) The two pupils. We are here, Father.

Kanva. Sharngarava, my son, lead the way for your sister.

Sharngarava. Follow me. (They all walk about.) Kanva. O trees of the pious grove, in which the fairies dwell.

She would not drink till she had wet

Your roots, a sister’s duty,

Nor pluck your flowers; she loves you yet

Far more than selfish beauty.

‘Twas festival in her pure life

When budding blossoms showed;

And now she leaves you as a wife

Oh, speed her on her road!

Sharngarava (listening to the song of koil-birds). Father, The trees are answering your prayer

In cooing cuckoo-song,

Bidding Shakuntala farewell,

Their sister for so long.

Invisible beings.

May lily-dotted lakes delight your eye;

May shade-trees bid the heat of noonday cease;

May soft winds blow the lotus-pollen nigh;

May all your path be pleasantness and peace.

(All listen in astonishment.)

Gautami. My child, the fairies of the pious grove bid you farewell. For they love the household. Pay reverence to the holy ones.

Shakuntala (does so. Aside to Priyamvada). Priyamvada, I long to see my husband, and yet my feet will hardly move. It is hard, hard to leave the hermitage.

Priyamvada. You are not the only one to feel sad at this farewell. See how the whole grove feels at parting from you.

The grass drops from the feeding doe;

The peahen stops her dance;

Pale, trembling leaves are falling slow,

The tears of clinging plants.

Shakuntala (recalling something). Father, I must say good-bye to the spring-creeper, my sister among the vines.

Kanva. I know your love for her. See! Here she is at your right hand.

Shakuntala (approaches the vine and embraces it). Vine sister, embrace me too with your arms, these branches. I shall be far away from you after to-day. Father, you must care for her as you did for me.


My child, you found the lover who

Had long been sought by me;

No longer need I watch for you;

I’ll give the vine a lover true,

This handsome mango-tree.

And now start on your journey.

Shakuntala (going to the two friends). Dear girls, I leave her in your care too.

The two friends. But who will care for poor us? (They shed tears.) Kanva. Anusuya! Priyamvada! Do not weep. It is you who should cheer Shakuntala. (All walk about.)

Shakuntala. Father, there is the pregnant doe, wandering about near the cottage. When she becomes a happy mother, you must send some one to bring me the good news. Do not forget.

Kanva. I shall not forget, my child.

Shakuntala (stumbling). Oh, oh! Who is it that keeps pulling at my dress, as if to hinder me? (She turns round to see.) Kanva.

It is the fawn whose lip, when torn

By kusha-grass, you soothed with oil;

The fawn who gladly nibbled corn

Held in your hand; with loving toil

You have adopted him, and he

Would never leave you willingly.

Shakuntala. My dear, why should you follow me when I am going away from home? Your mother died when you were born and I brought you up. Now I am leaving you, and Father Kanva will take care of you.

Go back, dear! Go back! (She walks away, weeping.) Kanva. Do not weep, my child. Be brave. Look at the path before you.

Be brave, and check the rising tears

That dim your lovely eyes;

Your feet are stumbling on the path

That so uneven lies.

Sharngarava. Holy Father, the Scripture declares that one should accompany a departing loved one only to the first water. Pray give us your commands on the bank of this pond, and then return.

Kanva. Then let us rest in the shade of this fig-tree. (All do so.) What commands would it be fitting for me to lay on King Dushyanta? (He reflects.)