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Ginny felt Kara pull her towards her and she went willingly. When Kara’s hand touched her face to guide her, she closed her eyes and waited for Kara’s lips to touch hers.

"Ginny," Kara whispered again and Ginny felt Kara’s breath, warm on her face. She turned towards it and when their lips met, it was not slow and gentle. It was hurried and hungry and Ginny’s mouth opened under hers and she whimpered softly when their tongues touched briefly for the first time.

Kara pulled her in close, dropping her sketch pad to the ground and fitting Ginny’s body with hers, feeling Ginny’s breasts press against her own and she lost what little resolve she had. Her hands slid to Ginny’s hips and she cupped her roundness, pulling Ginny flush against her as Ginny’s trembling hands moved over her shoulders and around her neck.

"Yes," Ginny breathed against Kara’s lips and her tongue explored Kara’s warm mouth, pushing past her lips. Soft lips, not a man’s lips. She was on fire.

It was magic. Their kisses were hot, wet and Ginny felt unfamiliar desire pool between her legs and she moaned softly against Kara’s lips. Kara started to pull away, but Ginny followed, refusing to release her, all thought gone except these insane feelings that this woman created in her. Kara’s lips softened and now they moved with exquisite gentleness over her own and Ginny felt her legs threaten to collapse as Kara cupped her face between her hands and touched her lips again and again.

"Ginny," Kara whispered when she finally drew back. "Why?"

"You know why," she accused. Ginny lowered her head and buried it against Kara’s chest, her breath coming fast between her parted lips. "I just… had to know," she whispered.

Kara tipped her chin up and looked deep into her eyes. "And now you think you know what it’s like to kiss a woman?"

"Yes," came the whispered answer.

"And are you curious, too, as to how it would feel if I touched your breasts?"

Ginny took in a deep breath, afraid to answer as Kara’s hands slid dangerously close to her breasts.

"Do you want to know?" Kara whispered and she bent again to take Ginny’s mouth, which opened instantly to her tongue. Her hands stopped, the tops just brushing the swell under Ginny’s breasts.

"I’m so afraid of what I’m feeling," Ginny whispered, although her body begged for Kara’s touch and she pressed closer, feeling her nipples harden at the thought of Kara’s hands on them. In the early twilight, her eyes sought Kara’s, trying desperately to make some sense of her feelings.

Kara’s hands trembled. It would be so easy, she knew. One more kiss, one touch. But she heard the fear in Ginny’s voice, could see the uncertainty in her eyes.

"You should be afraid," Kara said finally and pushed Ginny away, nearly causing her to stumble. She stepped back, her hands brushing her hair from her eyes. Jesus. What are you thinking? What are you doing?

"I’m so sorry," Ginny whispered, her own hands trembling as they wrapped around herself. "I never should have asked."

Kara turned her back to Ginny, needing time. "Why are you sorry? It’s not like I didn’t want to kiss you."

"I don’t know what to say, Kara. I’m sorry…"

"Please stop saying that. I’m the one who…"

"No." Ginny swallowed with difficulty. "I’ve been thinking about you," she admitted. "Thinking things I shouldn’t." She took a deep breath and turned away. "I can’t stop… I mean… you’re thinking I’m just curious, aren’t you?" she asked.

"I don’t know. Are you?"

Ginny touched Kara’s arm and turned her around to face her. "Maybe. I’ve never really thought about being with a woman before," she said. Her mind refused to bring up Renee. "Until I met you."

Kara laughed and shoved her hands inside her pockets to stop herself from reaching out to her. "Well, if you’re thinking of experimenting, you’ll have to look elsewhere. I’m not really into that." She jerked up her sketchpad and began walking back along the trail and Ginny followed, running after her.

"Kara, wait. I need to talk about this."

"Well, I don’t," Kara snapped. Stupid, stupid fool, she cursed herself.

"You don’t understand," Ginny said, trying to keep up with Kara’s long strides.

"No, I suppose I don’t," she said.

"Goddamn it, will you stop," Ginny shouted.

Kara stopped and turned around, her eyes angry. "What?"

"I know what you’re thinking," Ginny said.

Kara laughed without humor. "Oh, I seriously doubt it."

Ginny stared at her, her thoughts gone suddenly as she saw the desire still shimmering in Kara’s eyes. It scared her more than she thought possible.

"Don’t play with me," Kara warned softly.

"I’m not," Ginny said. "I’m sorry."

"Because you don’t know what you’re doing," Kara continued, her voice now gentle. "I want you. But then, I guess you already know that."

Ginny nodded weakly and she was frightened by the look in Kara’s eyes. But more than that, she was frightened by what her own might reveal.


GINNY SLEPT NAKED for the first time in years, her body yearning for someone’s touch. Kara’s touch. She laid still, her arms firmly at her sides while her mind raced, memories of Kara’s lips still fresh. She closed her eyes, her body on fire. Before she realized it, her hands moved to her breasts, touching her erect nipples lightly, feeling her stomach churn with desire. Her breath came quickly as she pictured Kara’s hands on her, touching just under her breasts. "Are you curious, too, as to how it would feel if I touched your breasts?" God, yes. And she knew, didn’t she? Her hand moved lower, across her belly and she touched her soft hair, imaging Kara’s hand there. Her legs parted and she touched herself, moaning softly at the wetness she found. Her hips moved on the bed, reaching out to her hand, to Kara’s hand and her pulse pounded in her temples as she stroked herself, bringing herself closer to orgasm.

"No," she cried and pulled her hand away. She would not. "What am I doing?" God, it was Kara she wanted.

She rolled over onto her stomach, her body still trembling and wanting. Kara. She wanted Kara. The truth of her thoughts scared her to death. She wanted a woman. She wanted Kara. And she was scared.

She overslept. Nana was knocking impatiently on her door, asking if she was all right and Ginny forced herself out of her dream, her wonderful dream and she turned, eyes trying to focus on the door that opened slowly.

"Ginny?" Nana’s voice was concerned.

"I’m sorry. What time is it?" she asked, her voice husky with sleep and desire.

"Nearly seven. Do you want me to open up?"

Ginny very nearly sat up, then she remembered her nakedness and slumped down again under the covers. "Would you mind? I’ll be there in a few minutes."

"Are you sick?"

"No. I had trouble falling asleep is all," she said.

"You’ve been doing that a lot lately," Nana said.

"I’m fine, Nana."

Nana watched her for a moment longer, then smiled and told her to hurry. Ginny waited until the door closed before she stood and wrapped her robe around her, her breasts, her body, still aching for Kara’s touch. She shoved at her hair, tucking it behind her ears and rubbed her face, trying to wake up. Her body felt like lead and she tried to hurry through her shower, but she stood for endless moments under the warm spray, reliving the night before, remembering Kara’s hot mouth on hers. Remembering how seeking her own had been. And how natural it felt.

"God, I’m losing my mind," she murmured. Maybe she needed to call Phil. Maybe she just needed to be with him. It had been a long time, too long really. It wasn’t normal to go without sex this long. That’s all it was, surely, she thought. Why else would she be having these insane thoughts about another woman?