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"I just wanted you to be sure… that I was what you wanted. I didn’t want to assume…" Kara said, trying to explain.

"I’m sure." Then Ginny smiled and leaned over to touch her lips to Kara’s. "I’m sure that I want you in my life, like this. I’m sure that I love you. I’m sure that I want you to make love to me… right now," she finished in a whisper as her kiss deepened.

Kara’s lovemaking was slow, unhurried. She touched Ginny with gentle hands and soft lips, saying she was sorry, over and over again. Then Ginny was guiding her, spreading her legs for her and Kara went to her, her mouth loving her, her tongue moving through her wetness, her moan mingling with Ginny’s as her tongue slipped deep inside her.

Much too soon, Ginny thought. Too soon. But she couldn’t stop the flame as it moved through her body, consuming her, igniting the fire that burned beneath Kara’s mouth. She clutched at the bed, her fists raking through the covers as she tried to anchor herself, but she was washed away as wave after wave hit her, causing her to cry out, to scream Kara’s name, to press Kara even closer to her.

"Oh… my… God," she whispered. "No one but you," she breathed, so softly.

Kara gathered Ginny in her arms. "No one but you."


KARA LAUGHED AS Ginny surveyed the room, trying to find the perfect place to hang the Big Tree. Kara already knew it would go over the fireplace, but Ginny wanted to be certain it was the best place for them to see it at all times.

They bought the Dobson cabin together. It needed a little work, but they had time. In the past month, they had been to Seattle to collect some of Kara’s things and they moved most of Ginny’s from Nana’s house. Nana had not yet accepted this. She didn’t understand the love they had for each other and Kara didn’t blame her. But she knew it was very hard for Ginny. Louise could hardly stay in the same room as Kara now.

"She’ll come around," Ginny had said. "Give her time."

Kara’s eyes followed Ginny across the room, watching her. Her heart swelled with love each and every time she looked at her. Kara knew she had never been so happy in all her life. Finally, she felt at home.

"You know what I think?" Ginny asked as she stood with her hands perched on her hips.

"What’s that?"

"I think we should hang it over the fireplace."

Kara arched one eyebrow.

"Really? What a wonderful idea," she teased.

Ginny walked slowly towards her, her own eyebrow raised.

"Do you have any idea how sexy you are?" Ginny asked. She slid her arms around Kara and pressed her hips intimately against her. Kara responded instantly.

But Ginny pulled away, a grin on her face.

"So, will you help me hang it?"

"Now?" Kara asked, trying to pull Ginny back.

"Yes, now. Baby, we spent the entire morning in bed."

"And what’s wrong with the afternoon, too?"

Ginny laughed, then laughed harder when she saw that Kara was serious.

"We did that yesterday."


Ginny reached out and cupped Kara’s cheek, her eyes soft upon her.

"Why haven’t you been painting?"

Kara shrugged. "I’ve been busy."

"You haven’t painted since you’ve been back."

Kara dipped her head, then looked up shyly at Ginny. "I’d rather be with you," she said.

Ginny heard the words behind the words. She moved closer to Kara, one hand sliding easily under her shirt to touch warm skin.

"I’m not Marsha," she said.

Kara looked up, surprised. "I know. I just…"

"I’m not going to leave you. I won’t go out with friends because you’re not paying me enough attention, honey. Painting is your life," she said.

"You’re my life."

"No. I’m a part of your life. Painting is, too. It’s who you are. It’s what makes you special."

"I don’t want to fall into the same trap, Ginny. I get so involved, I just lose track of time."

"Then I’ll remind you. And if I feel like you’re ignoring me, I’ll sneak up behind you," she said, moving behind Kara as she spoke. "Like this," she whispered, moving both hands under Kara’s shirt now, sliding up to cup her breasts. "And I’ll tell you that I need you," she murmured into her ear. She felt Kara’s heart pounding beneath her hands and she closed her eyes, so sure of their love for each other. She slid one hand lower, along Kara’s thigh and felt her tremble in her arms. "And I know you’ll stop what you’re doing, because you love me… and you want me."

Kara turned quickly and captured Ginny, wrapping long arms around her before kissing her soundly.

"Are you teasing me?" she murmured against her mouth.


Their mouths met again, harder, and their bodies moved together in a dance that was known only to them.

Louise stood in the opened doorway, a witness to a love she never thought she’d see. She’d heard laughter from inside and walked up the wooden steps, unnoticed. She saw, for the first time, Ginny’s happiness. She could see it in her eyes as she looked at Kara. She could see it as Ginny moved to the other woman, touching her so naturally that Louise blushed with the genuine love she saw there. And Kara. Oh, her eyes followed Ginny around the room, a smile touching her face just from being in her presence. She saw their teasing, their affection for one another. It reminded her of her own marriage.

How could she have disapproved of this? Had she ever seen Ginny so happy? But then, they had moved together, had touched in ways Louise could never have imagined.

She cleared her throat loudly, coughing lightly. The couple pulled apart quickly, a crimson blush lighting Ginny’s face immediately.


"I thought I should intervene before I witnessed something far too personal for grandmothers," she said lightly, stepping fully into the room

"I’m sorry. I… I didn’t expect you," Ginny said and she moved farther away from Kara.

Louise took a deep breath and clasped her granddaughter’s hands.

"Ginny, don’t be sorry. I’m the one who should be sorry. I couldn’t see the love you have for her. I couldn’t imagine… what you could have with Kara." She glanced quickly at Kara, a woman she had admired before and then shunned. She knew that she was wrong. "I have never seen you so happy."

Ginny’s eyes misted over and she hugged Nana tightly. She had been so afraid she had lost her love.

"I love her," Ginny whispered.

"Yes, I can see that. I’m sorry I judged you."

Ginny pulled away from Nana and grabbed for Kara’s hand. She pulled her close to her side, her eyes meeting Nana’s again.

"I’ve found my magic, Nana," Ginny whispered. "I so want you to be happy for me."

"I am." She raised her eyes to Kara, meeting the blue, blue eyes of the woman who loved her Ginny. "I’m happy for you both. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to see what you have."

Kara lifted a corner of her mouth in a smile. Louise had come around.

"We’re having lasagna for dinner, Louise. I hope you’ll stay," she offered.

"Of course. And I’d like to look around. I haven’t been to the Dobson place in years. Imagine, Ginny, married forty years and divorcing. Why, I declare… it’s not like your grandfather and I didn’t have fights. But we would never let it come to this. We would work through it. People nowadays…"

Kara listened as her voice trailed off when Ginny led her through the cabin, showing her the kitchen.

She smiled as Ginny shot her a glance over Nana’s shoulder. Everything was complete. Nana had come around.