“Only in a manner of speakin’,” Murphy replied. “You’re dismissin’ what they’re doin’ as just some kid’s act, like throwin’ a tantrum or holding their breath until they get their way. It’s not like that. That’s how it starts, but they’re already well along. There’s always somethin’ to them things, I found in me long life. Maybe not what you expect, or even what they think is right, but usually there’s reasons why things keep goin’, and wherever there’s a belief in somethin’ supernatural, there’s always the two sides. The yin and the yang. God and the devil. Angels and demons. Somehow those little darlin’s sprung themselves from what must have been pretty good security. And, in that condition, they somehow made their way over forty kilometers on a world with no paved roads or mechanized vehicles to the one point of outside contact, the tiny spaceport and freight center. Security’s even better there. Really good. They hire some real experts to make sure of that, since they don’t want nobody on their little world to get the idea you can just pick up and leave and all. Folks like me don’t even have a point of contact with the common folk there. Just a few officials, priests mostly, who do the intermediary work. Yet they got in there, easy as you please, and it was just my bad fortune to be the one in port at the time. They only can handle one ship at a time, y’see.”
“But given that, tugs are generally automated or have at best one pilot. There wouldn’t even be room for them, and they’d be detected by machines or pilots. How did they get aboard your ship?”
“They just—did, that’s all. I delivered some pure breeding stock, mostly cows. I figure they used the pressurized and insulated containers to get up. But how they got in, how they kept from triggerin’ all the alarms or bein’ seen on the monitors, and how for that matter they got through a coded double airlock into the ship itself is beyond me. You see what I mean?”
“You asked them, I assume?”
“Oh, yes, I asked ’em. Never got an answer, though. Fact is, once they was in there, it never once entered my head to report ’em, throw ’em off, or whatever. It was like they was payin’ passengers and was expected. I can’t explain it, but it’s kinda spooky. On the one hand, I knew somethin’ was real wrong, but on the other, I just went along like all was normal.”
The commander stared at the chanting women and considered the new information. “So these three are not the ignorant little things they’d like us to believe?”
“That’s just the point! I think they are pretty much what you see. They’re sure enough illiterate; they think the law of gravity is somethin’ passed by the government, they was absolutely shocked when they discovered that their home world wasn’t flat, and they didn’t have the slightest idea how to turn the lights on and off in the cabin, let alone figure out how to boil water for tea. No, they think it’s all bein’ done by invisible demons from the depths of Hell or somethin’. But they got power that’s scary as all hell. That’s what I meant by you bein’ sorry you ever picked us up. Looks to me like they’re gettin’ ready to use that power, and with all that and not a brain in their cute little heads, they’re about as dangerous as a nuclear reaction.”
“Why didn’t you tell us this at the start?”
The old captain shrugged. “What? That them girls is three witches with supernatural powers who can do all sorts of mysterious stuff? You don’t even believe my story now, Commander. But looks like you will soon. When they start them chants and trance stuff, they’re up to somethin’. Just what I can’t say, but you’re gonna have a hard time figurin’ it out or dealin’ with it. Then you’ll see.”
Commander Sittithong sighed. “I sincerely doubt this, Captain. You might be so suggestible or gullible, but this is a star cruiser capable of eliminating whole planets if such a drastic action were ever needed. There’s more military might, and military safeguards, on this vessel than in any of past history’s entire navies, all under the ultimate command and control of cybernetic minds who themselves share power and must agree on an action. No, Captain, they’re just going to sit there and chant themselves all the way home.”
Murphy’s head shot up, suddenly wide awake. “Home? You’re takin’ ’em home?”
“There is no other legal, moral, or ethical choice,” the exec told him. “It has been approved all the way to the Admiralty. We’ll be within their home sector in just a few weeks, and then we’ll shuttle them back in. You, too, unless we find somewhere before that you can be put off at. Then none of you are our problem any longer.”
“You’re takin’ ’em home?” Murphy repeated, barely hearing the rest. “My God, Commander! And you told them this?”
“We had to. Regulations require—”
“Damn your regulations! Any way I can be moved off to one of your destroyers? Or at least close to a disaster escape pod?”
“You’re being overly dramatic, aren’t you?”
“Just you wait,” Murphy responded, wagging a finger at the officer. “Just you wait and see. At least you oughta break that up. Break all three up and put ’em in different areas of the ship so far apart they can’t even find each other. I think they need to be together to exercise this power.”
“I’ve indulged you this far, Murphy, but no farther. There is no reason to split them up. The very thought that such as they could be any danger to this ship or anyone on it is ludicrous! Now, go back to your quarters and pray to your primitive god if that makes you feel any better, but let’s have no more of this nonsense!”
“You wouldn’t happen to have some whiskey on this tub, would you?” Murphy asked her.
“Of course not!”
“Well, could you send one of them big marines in to my old ship and have him fetch a bottle from me secret compartment in the galley? Surely you can’t deny an old man that.”
“We found that stash of cleaning fluid you call whiskey earlier today,” the exec told him. “It is marked for disposal, but I don’t see why, if you want to kill yourself slowly, you shouldn’t have at least one bottle of it if it keeps you calm.”
“Oh, I don’t want it to keep me calm,” the old captain replied. “I want it to keep me nicely blotto for a while…”
Lieutenant Commander Mohr, the head of ship security, was an even meaner and bigger figure of a man than most of the marines on board, yet right now he looked like a small child caught with his hand in the candy jar.
“What do you mean, ‘They’re missing’?” Commander Sittithong thundered. “How in hell could anyone be missing on this ship?”
Behind them on the viewing screen was a full view of the “guest” cabin where the young women or whatever they were had been sitting and chanting for hours. Now it still showed the strange pentagram in which they’d been sitting, but there was no sign of them or of any life whatsoever in the place.
“I—I have no explanation, Commander. None. One moment they were there, the next they weren’t. You can play back the recording yourself. The alarm went off as soon as the subjects vanished from the surveillance. We immediately did a visual of the entire cabin area and found no signs of life, and the guards were still in place outside the door. We immediately ordered the lead guard in with the other blocking the door with weapon drawn. The marine went through every centimeter of the cabin. They weren’t there. We immediately initiated a shipwide comparator search. No unknowns or unauthorized persons came back. None of the three showed up in a general search, either. It’s as if they vanished into some other dimension or something.”