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The hedges and trees they are so green.

As green as any leek.

Our heavenly father, he watered them

With his heavenly dew so sweet

The sun shines bright, and the stars will give their light

A little before it is day.

So God bless you all, both great and small,

And send you a joyful May.

The gleemen laughed'and waved approval, crying that the maid had a voice as fair as her face. Philippa primmed her lips to say, "Katherine, I cannot understand where you learned to be so forward," though then she smiled a little and beat time with her feet in the stirrups. Ellis de Thoresby paid no attention except to clear a way through the gleemen for his charges.

When they passed Westminster Palace, the great Abbey bell was tolling for Nones, so it was yet mid-afternoon, and. they had made good time. Katherine, excited at the prospect of seeing London at last, gaped at the royal buildings like any country girl, but thought them small and unimpressive after Windsor. And when a mile farther downstream they came at the bend of the river to the gleaming white walls of the Savoy, Katherine saw that the Lancastrian palace was more magnificent than the King's. The Savoy was crenallated but not fortified, having been built less than a hundred years ago, and its windows were of good size, and most of them glazed. It was built in a series of quadrangles, turreted at the corners and covering three acres between the Strand and the river. Pennants, imprinted with the red rose, fluttered from the turrets, but from the tall gilt spire of the private chapel there hung a flag with Lancaster's own arms - France ancient and England quarterly under a label of three points ermine - to show that the Duke himself was in residence.

"Sir Hugh was to meet us here," muttered Ellis, drawing his horse up by the Savoy's Strand gate, "but we're early."

Katherine, in no hurry to see her betrothed, drew back into the shadow of the great white wall and watched the traffic clatter by on the newly paved Strand.

There were country folk in leather jerkins returning to their villages and pulling empty carts, having sold their produce at markets in the Chepes. There were richly dressed city merchants, sometimes accompanied by their wives, ambling back to town for supper. There was a splendid painted chariot drawn by two horses and containing an enormously fat and bejewelled Benedictine abbot. There were crippled beggars and noisy young prentices, and there was a street vendor tinkling a bell and urging his wares. "Hot pies! Hot pies! Good sirs and dames, buy me hot pies!"

Katherine looked longingly at the little meat pasties on the pieman's tray and said to Philippa, "Couldn't we get some? I'm so hungry. I have pennies."

But Philippa shook her head. "Save what few pennies you've left from the Duchess' bounty - and if you'd listened to me you might have had more than pennies from the Queen. We'll sup soon, when Sir Hugh comes."

Katherine sighed. Her healthy young stomach growled with hunger.

When Hugh finally came galloping up the Strand towards them he was in a black temper from a brawl with a horse-dealer in Smithfield from whom he had just bought a palfrey for Katherine. He was also in some pain from his wounded hand and he did not greet them courteously, though his eyes lightened when they saw Katherine. He merely said, "So you're here! Well, come along, all of you. You're to lodge at Chaucer's. We'll sup there now and I'm in sore need of it." He whacked Katherine's mare on the rump. The horse jumped forward, nearly unseating the girl. He's a churl, she thought furiously. I detest him. God help me.

Hugh leaned over from his saddle and clasped his good hand tight on her thigh. She could feel the heat of it through the green Silk of her skirt. "Katherine," he said roughly, "d'you see that church?"

She moved her leg and pulled the horse away from Hugh's. She said nothing, though she looked at the small wooden parish church ahead.

"That's Saint Clement Danes," he said. "That's where we'll be married Saturday."

"Saturday!" she cried, whitening. "Not this Saturday! It's too soon. What of the banns?"

Saturday was the day after tomorrow. A shiver ran down her back, she stared at the church again and her throat closed.

"I had the banns all cried at once on Saint Mark's Day," said Hugh, frowning. "The priest's a Lincoln man and beholden to Swynfords for his living. It's all arranged for Saturday morning - Katherine- - -" He put his hand out towards her again, but on seeing her stony profile, he let it drop. He knew not how to woo her, he knew only that with her he became even more harsh and clumsy than usual He had not even wit enough to explain his tardiness, which had been caused for her sake. He suffered bitterly from her repugnance to him, though it increased his desire for her, but he had persuaded himself that once he possessed her she would turn yielding and warm. Young virgins always did, they said. He himself had had nothing to do with decent women, let alone virgins.

They rode along in silence, with Philippa and Ellis behind them. Katherine was turning wild, impossible plans over in her mind. Tonight, from the Chaucer house, she might escape, after everyone was asleep; she would hide somewhere until the city gates opened in the morning, take cover in the greenwood, in Epping Forest; she saw it now, a dark sea of emerald to the north. There must be berries there to eat and maybe kindly outlaws who would help her. She would first find a knife and cut her gown off at the knees so as to run better. She looked down at the Duchess's gift and thought how shocked that gracious lady would be if she knew these wicked plans.

"You've seen my Lady Blanche - and the Duke?" said Katherine coldly at last as they squeezed through Ludgate into the narrow streets of London town.

"No," said Hugh and clapped his lips together. Though he slept in a loft with other knights in a corner of the vast Savoy he had seen nothing of his lord and lady because the Duke was punishing him for his behaviour at the tournament. He had sent Hugh word by a page that Hugh was forbidden to eat in the Great Hall, nor might he wait upon the Duke until after returning from his manor of Kettlethorpe in August. That Hugh must then report at Plymouth, ready to embark for Bordeaux. This punishment was not severe, but Hugh found it galling to his pride and had no intention of telling it to Katherine.

They rode past St. Paul's, and Katherine had no heart to admire the great cathedral of which she had heard so much. The London she had longed to see now seemed to her very cramped and dark and noisy with an earsplitting din from the rattling of carts, street criers and bells clanging for vespers from the hundred and fifty parish churches. She was conscious chiefly of foul smells and increasing weariness. They turned down Thames Street and into the Vintry where Geoffrey's father, Master John Chaucer, lived in a large half-timbered house near St. Martin's church. A cargo of Gascon wine had that day been delivered from off a galley at Dowgate slip, and piled barrels still cumbered the street outside the Chaucer door.

Hugh dismounted and helped Katherine down, though he left Philippa to his squire. He knocked loudly. They waited long for an answer while Philippa looked worried and Hugh remarked under his breath that it was a pity Geoffrey was so little eager to see his own betrothed. Hugh banged again on the door, this time with the hilt of his dagger. A window was thrown open above, and a woman's voice cried, "Hush, for the love of Jesu, hush - there's grave sickness here."

Philippa gave a little cry and crossed herself and they all stood silent for a moment, until at last the door opened softly and Geoffrey himself stepped out. "No, it's not I who is ill, sweetheart," he said to Philippa in answer to her expression. He took her hand and held it in his, then turned to the others. "God's greetings to you, Katherine, Sir Hugh and Ellis de Thoresby. I'm sorry to give you such a poor welcome, but my father has this day suffered a strange kind of fit, he gasps for breath and moans with pain. I fear-" Geoffrey shook his head. His bright little hazel eyes were sad. "We've sent for the parson." He gestured towards the church, and at that moment the priest emerged, treading solemnly, his silver-gilt crucifix held at arm's length before him.