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"Drop your chin and straighten your back, child, as we've taught you," said the prioress, arranging the folds of her own habit, which had become tangled in the stirrups.

Katherine obeyed as well as she could on Bayard's jiggling rump, then leaned forward eagerly. "Oh, look, Reverend Mother - a spire over there and a castle and houses. Oh, is it London?"

Long Will heard this and let out a roar of laughter. "No more London than a rush dip is the sun. Yon's only Rochester."

Katherine blushed and said nothing more, but Rochester seemed to her a very great city. Besides the high spire there were at least a hundred chimneys pricking the sky above the massive encircling wall.

"They've a passable ordinary here, madam," said Long Will riding back to the prioress. "My gullet's dry, my belly empty as a tabor, and your's too, very like. We'll dine at the Three Crowns?"

The prioress shook her head. "Not seemly," she said, pursing her lips. "We will go to the abbey guest house. One of my nuns, Dame Alicia, is cousin-german to the abbot."

Long Will and Katherine were much disappointed; Long Will because he liked the ale and the serving maid at the The Crowns, Katherine because she had had quite enough of religious houses and longed to see what a tavern was like; but the little prioress was accustomed to rule. Will grumpily led the way through the city gates towards the abbey.

They aroused interest in the streets, not because of the nuns, for on this way-stop to Canterbury one saw plenty of pilgrims, ecclesiastic and secular, but because of the royal badge on Will's tunic, and the lovely face that gazed down from behind the prioress. Katherine's hood had slipped back, her ruddy hair sparkled in the sun and her cheeks were like apple blossoms.

The citizens of Rochester shrank against the overhanging houses to let the three horses by on the narrow street, and they were free with their comments. "God's bones," cried a leather-monger, spitting amiably towards Will, "have ye been raping a nunnery, Longshanks?" "Worse'n that," answered a passing pedlar sepulchrally. "He's taking the women to be hanged on London Bridge for treason, what else?" Guffaws greeted this sally, and a baker thrust his head through his shop window. "Their bones'll be picked clean in a trice then, for 'tis well known vultures like virgin meat."

"Virgins they may be," cried the leathermonger, "but the girl's too fair for that. Pray don't close her in a nunnery, madam." He swept Godeleva a mock, beseeching bow. "Find yourself another novice, ill-favoured and snag-toothed. This fair maid must warm some lucky man's bed."

"A murrain on the lot of you," cried Long Will, grinning. "The Queen herself'll find this maid a husband. Make way, make way," he shouted to a tangle of dogs and children playing at Hoodman Blind in the street ahead.

The prioress rode imperturbably through the chaffing. She had heard plenty of rough talk in her girlhood at Sandwich and, in fact, scarcely noticed it, being occupied with plans for their accommodations that night. If the abbey could not receive them, they must push on to the priory at Lilliechurch. But Dame Cicily was frightened; her long ferret nose quivered, her eyes grew pink, and she again regretted that she had come.

Katherine was not frightened, but she was embarrassed and pulled her hood close around her face. Can I be really fair? she thought. No one had ever said so before and there was no looking-glass, of course, at Sheppey. She had heard mention of fair women by some of the older nuns and a few of the travellers who knocked at the priory wicket. They had spoken of great beauties like Joan of Kent, wife to the Prince of Wales, and warmly admired in this her native shire; and some said that Blanche of Lancaster, John of Gaunt's Duchess, was nearly as beautiful. But those two were blondes, with hair like gold silk and eyes as blue as the Virgin's robe. Dame Sybilla said so. She had seen both great ladies at a tournament in Smithfield ten years ago, before she came to Sheppey as a novice. Dame Sybilla had read many romances too, before she put away worldly things, and she said the lovely heroines were always fair-haired and blue-eyed, with pursed rosebud mouths.

Katherine could see that her own hair was only of a reddish hue like a horse-chestnut, but she wasn't sure about her eyes, so she had consulted the de Northwode novice. Little Adela de Northwode had examined Katherine's eyes conscientiously. "A sort of speckled grey, like - like a rabbit's fur," she had said at last. "Or perhaps more like thin fog, just before the sun breaks through. But they are very large," she added kindly as Katherine looked dashed, "near as large as a sheep's" - which was not reassuring. Further questioning elicited that neither did Katherine have a tiny, pouting mouth, and she had dejectedly given up all claims to vanity.

All the same, today she had felt a strange sense of power, and she had felt this thing last year when she had met the young squire.

Katherine had plenty of time that night to think about the squire, for she and the nuns stayed in the abbey's female hostel, and after attending Compline that night they went at once to bed on pallets in the dorter, and soon the fetid air was filled with feminine snores and coughs, just like Sheppey. Moreover, the bugs and fleas which lived in the stale rushes on the floor, scenting new flesh, fastened themselves with avidity on Katherine's tender naked body, so that between scratching and excitement she could not sleep.

It was in May, nearly a year ago, that the squire had come riding up to the priory gatehouse asking for the Damoiselle de Roet, and he brought Katherine a message from her sister at court. This was the first message from Philippa since Katherine had come to Sheppey, but the young squire explained that Philippa was sorry about that; she had not had the advantage of a convent education and could not write, so there had been no opportunity before.

Katherine had received her visitor in the prioress's dim parlour, and she had been in such a state of confused pleasure that she had not been able to say much.

The squire's name was Roger de Cheyne and he was one of the Duke of Lancaster's retinue. The great Duke himself was at Queenborough that night, making a visit of inspection to the castle under construction, and Roger had obtained leave to ride to the priory and see Katherine. "Your sister, Philippa la Picarde," said the young man, twirling his jewelled felt hat and peering at Katherine with startled interest, "sends you God's greetings and hopes you are in health, as she is. She bids me ask you" - here he bowed and smiled charmingly towards the prioress - "if it is the Reverend Mother's and your intent that you be now entered here as a novice."

"Oh no! no!" cried Katherine violently, forgetting propriety in her horror.

The prioress frowned. "Mademoiselle de Roet will of course do as the Queen wishes-" She paused, wondering if she was to be asked to receive Katherine without dowry.

The squire smiled at Katherine, and her heart jumped. He was so fresh and young, his skin fine like a girl's and barely shadowed with a golden down. His short chestnut curls clustered about his ears, his surcote of blue wool was embroidered in, gold around the Lancaster red rose badge, he had a jewelled dagger and elegant pointed red shoes, but despite his elegance, his neck was thick-muscled and his shoulders broad. Totally innocent though she was, Katherine felt in him a virility lying beneath the courtly manner, as a tough branch supports the blossoms on a cherry tree.

"I cannot speak for the Queen," he said in his soft, wooing voice. "I've not seen her for months. She suffers much with the dropsy and keeps at Woodstock, but I understood your sister to mean that whether you choose marriage or the cloister, she would endeavour, in time" - he paused, knowing well how long such matters often took - "to suggest your wishes to our sovereign lady, God give her health."

"Oh," said Katherine faintly. So after all she must continue at the convent and await the Queen's pleasure, as before. She turned, biting her lips, to stare through the tiny unglazed window towards the sea.