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"Hey, Kath, clean up. You don't want to excite the dog, do you?" Bob said as he pulled on his pants. Kathy looked around and saw the sheep dog standing behind her, panting heavily. She'd been bending down, and the dog thought it was a cue for him to get ready to mount her.

"Oh, somebody take care of him," Kathy moaned as she turned around and covered her drooling snatch protectively with her skirt.

"A little shy ever since that Dane jumped you yesterday, huh, Kath?" Bob said, grinning and winking as he pulled the growling dog away from the blonde.

"You don't have such a good beginning with your co-star. Don't forget, you'll be playing with him on the stage," Pete said as he buttoned his shirt.

"Just let me get used to the idea for a while," Kathy said as she started to pull on her blouse. "Shit! It looks like a herd of elephants ran over my clothes," she said in disgust as she threw them back into the corner of the wings.

"Jesus! An actress two days and ready she throwing temper tantrums," Bob joked as he walked over to the wardrobe rack Helen had left there the evening before. "Here, wear your costume for a while, while I send these out to be cleaned. We'll just tell them you wanted to get into the part early."

Kathy slipped into her costume just in time. The rest of the cast began to filter into the auditorium. At first they stared curiously at Kathy, wondering why she was in costume already when they hadn't even had their first rehearsal. Pete went around explaining that she was just over anxious. Besides, Helen, the wardrobe mistress, wanted to make sure that the costume fit just right.

"Okay, everybody. Listen up," Pete said as he gathered of them at center stage. Kathy and the rest of the cast watched as Pete blocked out the first scene of the first act. Kathy listened so intently that she forgot about the fucking that she'd been doing in the theatre earlier. She was going to make good on the stage. She was determined.

"Okay, now let's everybody take their places and let's try it out for the first time," Pete said as he jumped off the stage and started up the aisle.

Just as Kathy was uttering her opening lines, she noticed Connie walking down the center of the auditorium.

"Sorry to disturb you," the brunette called out to the cast as she slid next to Pete. "But I just had to see how things were working out. Besides, since I provided one of the stars for you, I want to see how my investment is coming along."

Kathy turned around and looked at Saber. The sheep dog breathed unevenly, his tongue hanging out limply from one corner of his mouth as his sides heaved in and out. Kathy glanced at his cock and sighed in relief. Maybe he had asthma or something but at least he wasn't excited enough to unsheathe his prick.

"Okay, let's get going!" Pete ordered. Kathy smoothed down her costume with shaking hands and placed a straw sun hat on her head. "Run onto the stage Kathy. Remember, you've just been working in the fields and you're exhausted, coming in for a breather. The dog follows you."

"I've got it," she said confidently.

"Okay, action," Pete called out, settling back in his seat and folding his hands in his lap.

The scene went well and as it was drawing to a close, Kathy was to be left alone in the corner of the stage, supposedly cooking dinner with the dog at her feet while two men who played her sons were having a spirited argument. As she sighed in relief that all her lines for this scene had been delivered, Kathy was aware of Saber suddenly rubbing wildly against her legs.

"What the…" she started to whisper, then looked down at the animal. His cock was fully extended, and he started to make motion as if he were going to jump her!

Kathy gasped, then looked cautiously around over her shoulder. The big table behind her partially blocked the view of her and the dog. Everybody was concentrating the two sons.

"Easy, boy. Easy, Saber. Just wait until the end of the scene." Kathy whispered to the panting dog as she stroked his hot, heaving sides.

But the dog didn't take no for an answer. He started to whine, prancing desperately back and forth behind Kathy. She knew that it wouldn't take much to set the dog off. Kathy didn't particularly care if either Bob or Pete found out, but she'd have been shamed to tears if everyone else in the cast knew that she fucked animals.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you what I can do now," Kathy whispered as she saw an opaque droplet of pre-come ooze out of the pointed piss-slit of Saber's prick-head. She looked around one more time and saw that nobody had noticed her. Kathy dropped her sun hat on the floor and kicked it against the puzzled sheep dog.

"Oh!" Kathy cried out as if it were a line, bending down, as if to pick it up. She took one more quick look to make sure no one was watching. Then she reached carefully under the hat. Her kick had been accurate, sending the hat directly against the dog's stiffened cock. Kathy's found the animal's jumping prick and squeezed it. Saber jerked and growled loudly.

"Easy, boy. Don't make such a racket," Kathy whispered, sliding her fingers back and forth on his knobby, pointed cock shaft. The dog began to pant heavily, whining softly in between his heavy gasps as Kathy felt drop after hot drop of come ooze out of his prick-head and trickle between her sliding, pumping fingers.

"Come, damn you, come!" Kathy said in a soft voice. She couldn't do this forever. The argument was coming to an end. If Saber didn't pop off now, there'd be no way she could continue to jack him off and get away with it. Everyone would either see her milking the dog's cock, or they'd see his stiffened prick and wonder how it got that way.

"Come, damn you!" Kathy urged as she swirled her fingers around his hot cock. In spite of her situation, Kathy felt her cunt fire up at the touch of the animal's prick. She wished that they were back stage where she could really take care of Saber's cock.

"That's it boy, that's it," Kathy said soothingly as she felt the sheep dog's prick twitch violently between her fingers. Then it began to swell and quiver. As the argument between the two sons ended, Kathy heard the soft spattering sounds of come slamming against her straw sun hat. He whimpered and whined, but the argument was loud enough to muffle the dog's noises.

"Good! Great!" Pete exclaimed as the scene ended.

"Marvelous," Connie cooed. "But one thing, Peter. Why was Kathy on the floor at the end of the scene? I mean, she's not dying or anything is she?"

"Kathy? I didn't see that. Is something wrong?" Pete asked as Kathy walked up to the spotlight. She could have kicked Connie in the teeth for bringing that up. Kathy could tell from the brunette's smirk that she knew what had happened back there.

"Uh, no. I thought I lost something up there and was looking for it," Kathy stammered out.

"Well, thank goodness. The way she was down there with the dog, well, you never know," Connie said, winking at Kathy as she edged out of the row of seats and headed up the aisle. "Good show, people. Keep it up," Connie called out as she left.

Bitch! Kathy thought as she clamped her sun hat down hard on her head.

"UGH!" she cried, feeling wads of dog come sliding into her hair.


"I don't understand why you want to wash your hair now," Helen said as she came in with a set of bath towels.

"Never mind," Kathy said as she grabbed the towels and ushered the wardrobe mistress out of her dressing room. "I'm just a little tired and dirty," Kathy said without explaining, she gently pushed the woman out into the hall.

"Actresses! I'll never understand them," Helen said disgustedly and then walked away.

"Thank God!" Kathy said, throwing off her hat and stepping to the sink. She felt the warm water run through her hair, rinsing out the sticky jizz.