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Cassini, Countess Marguerite, Never a Dull Moment; (1956), Harper, New York.

Crankshaw, Edward, Shadow of the Winter Palace; (1976), Macmillan, London.

Deutscher, Isac, The Prophet Armed; (1954), Oxford University Press.

Dolgorouky, Princess Stephanie, Russia Before the Crash; (1926), Herbert Clark, Paris.

de Grunvald, Constantin, Les Nuits Blanche de St Petersburg; (1968), Berger-Levrult, Paris.

Herzen, Alexander, My Past Thoughts.

Herzen, Alexander, From Another Shore.

Karsavina, Tamara, Theatre Street; (1947), Constable, London.

Knox, Major General Sir Alfred, With the Russian Army, 1914–1917; (1921), Hutchinson, London.

Kochan, Lionel, The Making of Modern Russia; (1962), Jonathan Cape, London.

Massie, Robert K, Nicholas & Alexandra; (1968), Gollancz, London.

Obolensky, Serge, One Man in His Time; MacDowell Obolensky, New York.

Paleologue, George Maurice An Ambassador’s Memoirs, 1914-1917; 3 Volumes 1923-1924 & 1925. (Trans. A Holt) Huchinson, London.

Romanov, Princesse Pavalovic, Éducation d’une Princesse; (1931); Grevin, Paris.

de Stoecle, Agnes, Not All Vanity; (1950), John Murray, London.

Summers, Anthony and Mangold, Tom, The File on the Tsar; (1976). Gollancz, London.

Youssoupoff, Prince Felix, Lost Splendour; (1953), Jonathan Cape, London.

Journal de Nicholas II, 1914–1918; (1934), Payat, Paris.

Journal Secret de Anna Viroubova, 1909–1917; (1928), Payat, Paris.