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“Mom, Dad, what are you guys doing here?” Her hair is all messed up from running my hands through it and it looks sexy as all hell. I stand and place myself behind her hoping to provide whatever comfort I can for her. Once upon a time, I tried to get her parents to like me, to no avail. Now I just don’t give a shit.

“The real question, young lady, is what is he doing here?” Young lady? She is fucking twenty-five years old.

“I was going to tell you guys in person, but Brian and I are back together.” I brace myself for the disapproval and disdain about to pour from their mouths.

The room fills with silence. It lasts for so long that I start to rock back and forth on my heels just to have sort of a distraction.

“Have you lost your mind? Is this some sort of grieving process for you? Do you need to talk to someone?” Her mother doesn’t look at me even though I am standing right behind to her. “You can’t be thinking logically, Julia. I mean you just lost Dan, you can’t go back to him.”

I feel her flinch at the mention of Dan. “Mother, it isn’t your life to live. I don’t need a psychiatrist. I have thought my decision through fully. My grieving process is just fine. Lastly, I am an adult that is fully capable of making my own choices.”

Tell em’, babe. Her mother turns to her father obviously demanding him to step in. He steps forward to stand next to his wife. “Julia, we came here to bring you home. You don’t need to be in this house. You should be at home, with your family. That man is taking advantage of you in your vulnerable state.” He sneers at me as he says the latter.

Julia straightens. Here it comes. I know my girl well enough to know when the storm is coming. “I appreciate your concern, but I am fully able to take care of myself. I don’t need to, nor do I want to, come back to your house. I don’t need you running my life, and refuse to let you think you can. You may have never supported my choice to be with Brian, and you don’t need to now, but you may as well accept it.”

“You can’t be serious!” her mother blurts out.

“I am.” It’s all she says, but her tone has such an air of finality that she doesn’t need to say anything else. “If you want to get together at a later time, we can. As long as that doesn’t entail you outlining the many wrong decisions you think I’m making. Now if you’ll excuse us we were…busy.”

Fuck yea, we were.

Her mother’s eyes widen before she gracefully, yet angrily turns and leaves. Her father stares me down for a few beats before doing the same thing. Jules jumps when the door slams and I place my hands on her shoulders letting her know that I’m here for her.

She turns to me and collapses against my chest tears starting to come down her cheeks. I scoop her up and carry her over to the couch. “Talk to me, babe.”

She pulls away from me to look into my eyes. “I’m sorry.”

What the hell? “What are you sorry for?”

“I hate the way they look at you and treat you. It’s horrible and I can’t stand seeing it.”

My hand strokes her cheek wiping away the tears. “As long as you love me, I don’t give a shit what your parents think.” That’s really only half true. A part of me wishes that they weren’t such assholes. I know it would make things so much easier on Jules if I came from a rich family. That’s really all it is that they don’t like about me. Her father once told me he could never support someone who he didn’t think could support his daughter, meaning me.

Jules’ parents are the quintessential rich assholes that you hate. They judge everyone they meet based on material possessions. You could be a fucking serial killer, but if you had money you were good people. That shit makes me sick to my stomach and it used to cause fights between us all the time. Jules would bend to what they wanted a lot, whether it was them trying to fill her schedule with mindless bullshit or setting up casual dinners where Dan and his family would be there. The fact that she just stood up to them is fucking huge.

“Just know that I’m not scared of them anymore. I meant what I said. I chose you, and I won’t let them act the way that they used to. If they don’t like me being with you, then they don’t need to be around to see it.”

I don’t even know how to respond to her. I mean, I have never had anyone but Jules love me the way I loved them back. To hear her say that she is willing to distance herself from her parents to make us work makes me love her so much more.

“I need to apologize for something else too.” I look over at her, not having any idea what she is talking about. “Since the very second I slapped you that night, I regretted it. I was so emotional and what you said just cut me to the core. I reacted and instantly wished I could take it back. I know how much that is a trigger for you with your history. I just feel horrible that I even—“

I place my finger over her lips. “Stop. I was a fucking asshole. I know I was. Not only that, but I can’t believe that I pushed you the way I did. The moment and the look of fear in your eyes has haunted me every night since. It was like I didn’t have control. I need you to know that I would never hurt you, and I would fucking kill anyone that ever tried to.” I try not to show any emotion at the last sentence. I can’t let her see the truth that really lies behind that statement. The lengths I went to just to protect her.

Chapter Twenty


I lay in Brian’s arms not wanting to move. I was so not ready to have that confrontation with my parents. I really didn’t want them seeing me half naked with Brian right before we discussed it either. I had kind of hoped that if I could break the news to them in the way I wanted to, that they wouldn’t be against us being together. Yea, right. I decided as I was standing there listening to them belittle him that I wasn’t going to take it.

When Brian and I were first together, I didn’t have the balls to stand up to them the way that I should have. They were constantly doing things to come between the two of us, and I just ignored it. I mean they were my parents and I wanted their approval, I feel like everyone does. I just wanted them to see that we loved each other and to be happy for me.

Looking back, now I see that my desires never really mattered. I took dance up until high school not because I liked it, but because my mom wanted me to. I went golfing with my dad not because we had fun together, but because he wanted me to carry his clubs for him. I didn’t pursue anything I wanted if they didn’t approve, until Brian. While I would love for them to accept him—accept us—I have to accept reality. My parents are and always will be stuck in their ways thinking that class and status defines a person.

I can hear his heart beat as my head lies on his bare chest and it’s so soothing. As I look around the house, I feel guilty for having Brian here. This was my house with Dan, the house that we made a home. Guilt washes over me as I realize that I was about to have sex with him here. Even though I know how badly Dan betrayed me, it doesn’t make this situation any easier. My head is a damn mess and I have no idea which way is up most days.

“What’s on your mind, beautiful?”

I look up at him. Is everyone going to look at me the way my parents did when they saw me with Brian? Will they think I never loved Dan if I could move on from him so fast? I hate that I even care what people think but that stems from growing up with my family. “Can we go over to your place instead?” He nods and I climb off of his lap. I start for the door but turn around as he stands up. “I know that we were about to…you know. I just don’t know if right now. Are you okay with just hanging out?”

“I would be lying to you if I said that my dick wasn’t aching for you, Jules, but I understand. I’m not that much of an asshole that I would force you into something before you’re ready.” My eyes go wide at his admission and he laughs as he walks toward me. “Come on, I promise I won’t bite. Unless you ask me to.” He winks at me with the last statement and all I can do is shake my head. What the hell have I gotten myself into? Brian in high school was cocky, confident, and forward. Brian as an adult is double that.