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“I don’t know, Lace. I can’t explain it. Even before I lost Dan, the connection with Brian was still there no matter how much I tried to deny it. As much as I hated it, I couldn’t escape it. I feel like we are right together, like we make sense. The part of me that was missing isn’t anymore.”

She looks over at me and takes a deep breath. “Okay, I just want you to be happy. You tell that damn caveman that if he hurts you again, I will hunt him down and chop his dick off myself.”

I wince. “I’ll be sure to tell him that.”

“Okay, well, I have a house to show.” She stands up and wraps me in a hug. “I’ll call you later.” The door shuts behind her and I grab my phone to text Brian and see what he is up to. I hear the door open and I laugh, “What did you forget to yell at me some more?”

When a response doesn’t come, I turn around to see a man I don’t recognize with a gun. His hand comes down over my mouth trapping my scream in my throat. Another man walks in behind him in a well put together suit. His foot kicks the door closed as the first guy backs me against the wall, his hand moving to wrap around my throat. “Don’t scream or you will regret it,” he whispers in my ear.

“Miss Fisher, how nice we finally meet, although I wish it were under better circumstances.” His voice sounds sophisticated but there is an air of danger behind it that sends chills through my body. “So sorry to hear about your husband’s sudden passing, especially since it happened before he could make good on our deal.”

What the hell is he talking about? Dan knew them? I cough as the man holding me tightens his grip.

“Let her throat go, as long as she promises to be good.” He looks back toward me as if asking for a response and I nod.

When he removes his hand I gasp for air and look up at the intruders. “Who are you? What do you want?”

“Well, those are very complicated questions that I’m not willing to give you the full answers to. Let’s just say we were in business with your late husband and now I need to collect from you what is mine.”

“I have no idea what you’re talk about.” Each word is a struggle to get out.

“Money, my dear. Your husband owed us a lot of it. Eight hundred thousand to be exact, that’s including interest of course. Now I am giving you twenty four hours to get it for me. Do not think of going to the police, or to your new boyfriend. I won’t hesitate to send my associate to pay your pretty little friend that just left a visit. I will contact you tomorrow and I can guarantee you, Miss Fisher, you do not want to disappoint me.”

Before I can reply they turn and walk out of the door shutting it behind them. My head is spinning from the lack of air and what just happened. Eight hundred thousand dollars? What the hell was Dan doing with people like that and with all of that money? If he needed money, why didn’t he just tell me? I have a trust fund my parents set up for me when I was a baby. I’ve never touched it because I don’t want their money. Not only that but they always held it over my head. My dad once offered to double it if I left Brian. I considered it dirty money and never wanted anything to do with it. I’m sure it’s enough to pay these guys off.

The thing that is scaring me is who they are and what they do. I want to call Brian to crawl into his arms and hide, but I can’t. They know about him, they’ve been watching me. I can’t let them hurt Lacey or anyone else I care about. I’ll have to go to my parent’s bank tomorrow once they open to get the money. I hope they don’t call the police. I’m sure it’s not everyday someone walks in to withdraw that amount of money. It will definitely set off some red flags.

I don’t know how I can act normal the rest of the day. I hear a beeping and see my phone lighting up. Brian texted me saying he is parking and will be here in a minute. I rub my face trying to get a hold of myself and put on the mask I have perfected over the years. The door opens and the sense of déjà vu makes my stomach drop.

“Hey, babe.” He smiles as he walks in the door, still wearing his sunglasses, a black t-shirt, and a pair of jeans. I stand up and wrap my arms around him, needing to have him close to me right now. I need to feel the comfort that he gives me even if he doesn’t know what he is doing. “What’s wrong?” His arms tighten around me.

“I just missed you.” I lie, hoping that it distracts his hunt for the truth.

“Okay, you sure?” I nod my head not ready to let go of him. “The guys and I are having dinner tonight and I want you to come.”


“Yea, I want them to meet you officially. I promise that they will be cool. I already talked to them.” I knew he would. Maybe tonight will be easier if we are out and not alone where he can figure out that something is weighing me down.

“Okay, sounds good,” I finally pull away from him, but when I do his face drops. He lifts his glasses onto the top of his head.

“What happened to your neck?” Shit.

“I…um I’ve been scratching it. I forgot to take my allergy pill this morning and I’ve been super itchy.” Lamest excuse ever.

“Allergies? Since when?” he hold me at arm’s length inspecting the rest of me for anything else out of place.

“The last few years I developed them.” I bite my lip in nervousness hoping that he drops his questioning.

“Okay…” I can tell he doesn’t completely believe me. “So will you come tonight?”

“Sure. I would love to meet all your friends.”

A smile crosses his face as he bends down to kiss me. “Pick you up at eight?”

“Sounds perfect.” Except some crazy men just got done breaking in here and threatening me.

“I have to look at a few houses. Have a good day, babe.” He kisses me once more before leaving.

I sink down to the floor once the door closes and start to cry.

What am I going to do?

Chapter Twenty Two


As I walk through the third house I’ve looked at today, I still can’t shake the feeling that something is up with Jules. She seemed off when I went to see her, like she was scared of something. I hope she isn’t having doubts about us. Being with her last night was what I have wanted since I thought she left me eight years ago.

Hearing her say she loved me again was amazing. Little does she know that I’m not looking at houses to flip today. I’m looking at homes for us. Both of our houses are really uncomfortable right now. Her house has all of her memories of Dan. On the other hand every time we are in my bedroom I feel like she is staring at the window I was having sex in front of with that random chick from the bar. Not to mention my house faces hers, so it’s still a constant reminder of her old life.

We need a fresh start. A new place where we can make new memories instead of being haunted by old ones. I felt her freeze last night when I hinted at marriage. I don’t want to push her into something she isn’t ready for but I would marry her at the drop of a hat. She has always been the only girl for me, even when she wasn’t mine. Did I hate her for leaving me? Yea, but the amount of love I have for her was triple any of that.

Now that I know she didn’t choose him over me, that I was the one she wanted, all I can think about is the amount of time that we have wasted being apart. As I walk through this last house, I realize it’s perfect. All of the walls are white and the rooms are bare and open. It’s a perfect house for her to decorate, for her to make our home like I had always hoped.

The realtor is still talking and I swear to God she is lucky I like this house in spite of her. I thought about asking Lacey, but I didn’t want Jules knowing what I was up to yet. “I’ll take it.”