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She stops mid-sentence and looks over at me. “Okay, Mr. Evans. What number were you thinking of offering?”

“Give them whatever they are asking for it.” I’m not rich but I know that selling my house will give me a pretty sizable chunk of what this one will cost.

She starts rambling again but I tune her out looking at the backyard and imagining all of the things that will happen here.


“What if they don’t like me?”

I look over at Jules in the passenger seat of my car. “They don’t have a fucking choice.”

“Brian, I’m serious!” She is so damn cute when she gets mad. I swear if we weren’t already late I might turn around and drag her into my bed.

“I am too.” She punches me in the arm and I fake the pain from the punch. “Babe, they will like you so stop stressing out.”

I pull into a parking spot at the restaurant and go over to Jules’ side of the car opening the door for her. “I want you in my bed again tonight.”

Something flashes in her eyes but I don’t catch it before it’s gone again. “I think I am going to stay at my place tonight.”

“Why? We had such a good night. You seemed happy.” I feel like she is pushing me away again and that is the last thing that I want.

She stands on her tiptoes and kisses me. “I did. I just need to get up early and don’t need you distracting me all night.” She begins to walk toward the restaurant but I grab her hand and pull her against my front.

“Distracting you all night long is my favorite thing.” My dick is already hard and we haven’t even gone inside yet.

“Exactly why I need to stay at my house.” She laughs before pulling me with her toward the building. I see the guys once we walk in and lead Jules over. After talking to her the night before, I grilled them all and warned them to be nice to her. Jake copped to being the one who went up to her in Cancun and I swear I almost clocked him for it.

“Guys, this is Jules. Jules, this is Ryan, Hunter, Mason, and I think you already know Jake.” She waves and smiles clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation. That is just another thing that makes me feel like something is up. Jules has never been shy or unsure of herself around people, it just isn’t her.

“So, I know you guys were all in the same unit, but what do you do now?” she looks around at the guys.

I’m about to answer when Ryan speaks up. “Hunter does private security, Jake and Mason work on the houses with Brian, and I just joined the police force.”

“You’re a cop?” she asks and the tone of her voice has me on edge.

“Yea, so if you have any overdue parking tickets, I’m your man.” She gives him an uncomfortable laugh before looking down at the menu as a welcome distraction. The rest of dinner went okay, everyone made small talk and it was actually fun. We say our goodbyes to the guys before we leave and I hate knowing that she wants to go to her house.

“They are all really great, Brian.” Her voice is so level that it makes me uneasy.

“Please talk to me, Jules. I know something is wrong. Whatever it is I can help you. I just can’t take not knowing what it is.”

“Nothing is wrong. I’m just really tired.”

I pull into my driveway and sit there staring out of the window. “Bullshit. I know you too well. There is something wrong and for some reason you won’t tell me what it is.”

“I don’t have the energy to do this with you, Brian.” She opens the door and quickly shuts it once she is out. I can see her walking home in my rearview mirror. I want to go after her and force her to be honest with me, but I don’t think it would make a difference. Whatever is upsetting her is not something she is willing to talk to me about.

I hate that she doesn’t feel like she can talk to me. I would never judge her or make her feel bad about whatever it is, I just want to help her. If she can’t trust me, what does that say about our relationship? This thing will never work if all she is going to do is rely on herself and shut me out. I decide to go over there in the morning and force her to talk to me.


I couldn’t sleep at all last night. All I could think of is what Jules is hiding. Thousands of scenarios played through my head and at this point it can’t be worse than what I’m already thinking.

When I look across the street, I don’t see Jules’ car, but I do see her parents. The car is in the driveway and both of them are standing on the steps knocking repeatedly. I walk over to Jules’ house to let them know she isn’t home. Here we go.

“She isn’t home.” I say a few steps away from them, hating that I need to have any interaction with them.

“You!” her father points his finger at me. “You’re behind all of this aren’t you?”

“Listen I don’t—“

“No I know that it’s you. She hasn’t touched it in her entire life and now by chance she does?”

What in the fuck is he talking about? “Touched what? I have no idea what you are talking about, Mr. Spencer.”

“Her trust fund! The bank called us and told us that she withdrew hundreds of thousands of dollars. Was that what you were after all along? I bet you just—” I run bacl toward my car and pull out my phone calling Ryan. “I need you and all of the guys now. I’ll text the address once I have it.” My stomach dropped when her father mentioned the money.

Did they find her? Did they hurt her? Is that why she was acting so off yesterday?

Fear runs rampant through my body as I think of everything that could happen to her.

I just got her back

No one is taking her from me.

Chapter Twenty Three


As I walk up to the old brick building, my heart starts to pound. The duffel bag I have weighing down my shoulder is full of money, and I don’t even know who I’m meeting. All the message had was an address and it said not to be late. I look down at my watch, exactly noon. I knock on the door feeling like I might pass out at any moment. My hands clench and unclench while I wait for whoever I am supposed to be meeting.

The door opens but no one is standing there. I hesitate, feeling like I should have just told Brian. I didn’t want to risk him or Lacey getting hurt though.

“Come in.”

It’s all I hear and the voice sends chills down my spine. I don’t move. It’s like I’m frozen in place, paralyzed by the unknown waiting for me behind the door. A hand reaches out grabbing my arm and yanking me into the darkness. I scream and am instantly hit across the face. I fall to the floor the duffel bag sliding away from my body. Pain shoots through my head and I bring my hand to my cheek. It’s so dark in here that I can’t even see my own hand in front of my face.

“You scream again bitch and I’ll knock you the fuck out.” The voice is so cold, distant, emotionless. I was stupid to think I could handle this on my own. That I could just walk in here, give them their money, and leave.

A pair of hands grab my arms wrapping something around my wrists and securing them together. What feels like tape is placed over my mouth. “What do we do now?” I hear a voice from behind me say. It’s different than the one I heard before.

“We wait for him.” For who? The guy in the suit?

“What if he doesn’t come?” The voice behind me sounds worried, unsure, I can tell he is not the one spearheading this whole operation.

“He will, because we have her.”

The voices stop and I hear footsteps retreating. I start to cry feeling like there is no way I’m making it out of here at this point. I thought I could handle this shit and I was so wrong. I don’t know how long I sit here before I hear it. Tires screeching. Doors slamming. Pounding on the door. a small spotlight is turned on near the door illuminating only about an eight foot circle of the room.

A laugh sounds from behind my ear making me jump. “Guess he does love you.”  Who is he talking about? I would think that it might be Brian, but he has no idea where I am or what I’m doing.