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"I said take it off or I'll beat the shit outta you," he said menacingly, holding a clenched fist near her face.

Candy whimpered and reluctantly opened the blanket, laying it to one side.

"Better," he muttered, backing away. "Now get on your fuckin' knees and hold that head up."

Candy did as she was told, wondering if the men were going to fuck her in the mouth again. Ben and Jack were swaying drunkenly back and forth, aiming their pricks at her mouth. But their cocks were soft. What…

"Let 'er have it," Kevin said, pulling his soft dick from his trousers and moving to one side of Ben.

Candy saw a few droplets of piss ooze from Jack's cockshaft. Then a steady yellow stream began, splattering on the dirt in front of her, then finally wetting down her knees.


The girl started to back away, shuddering with revulsion from the hot wetness of Jack's piss. But Kevin ordered her to remain kneeling in front of them. Reluctantly, the girl did as she was told.

"Yeah, that's what you're good for, honey. You're nothing better 'n a Goddamn piss pot."


Candy shut her eyes tightly, feeling the three hot streams splash over her body. The droplets moved up and down her legs, up to her tits, the foul liquid washing down into her navel, then trickling into her cuntal lip. She sucked in her breath as the hot yellowish streams moved up and cascaded over her upper chest. In seconds Candy was covered with piss. Her hips wiggled instinctively trying to shake free of the three streams.

Candy bit her lips to keep from crying out with disgust and rage. The thin hot sprays stung her nipples, slicked the white flesh she'd once been so proud of.

"That's it, baby, don't move that pretty little body of yours."

"Ohhhhhh," she shuddered, clawing the floor with her fingertips. One of the streams stopped. Candy opened her eyes and saw Ben shaking his loose dick, disappointed he'd run out of fuel so early in the game.

"Take some more beer. Got some outside," Kevin suggested.

The young man stepped out of the shed while the others cinched their cock muscles and stopped pissing on Candy. The blonde teen shook all over, shaking the drops of urine from her flesh. The cold drafts against her wet flesh made her skin pucker up into goosepimples. How filthy, how foul she felt! The dirt under her knees was wet with piss, turning slowly into mud.

"Man, okay," Ben said, shuffling drunkenly back into the shed and resuming his position.

They spread their legs apart, aiming their dick heads directly at her face.

"NOW, open that pretty little mouth of yours, the one that loves to suck cock," Kevin said nastily.

Candy closed her eyes and swallowed hard, taking deep breaths. With each inhalation her tits lifted and rolled together. Oh, how sore they were! And more surprising than her discomfort was the growing heat in her cunt. She'd just been through hell with these animals.

She'd come violently. And yet she wanted more! "Yeah, that's right," Kevin sighed.

The three streams of piss started all over again. Jack directed his stream along her lips, tongue and cheeks, then up to her eyes. Ben concentrated on her tits while Kevin worked his piss back and forth across her cunt. The girl was being droned in urine. And yet it was something that was becoming less and less repulsive to her. Even as the piss bathed her she could feel the juices in her cunt spilling over. Her clit was swollen to the point of bursting again. The more degradation she suffered, it seemed, the more she wanted!

"Slide up more!"

Candy did as she was ordered. She raised herself, mouth and eyes opened now. The girl drank, choked, and drank more. Her clit seemed to curl from the rising sexual heat between her legs. Just as Kevin went dry the young woman felt a mini orgasm spread through her cunt. She whipped her hips, throwing her head back, her hair splashing over her shoulders. The men knew what was happening to her and laughed as they finished bathing her in their urine.

"Wash her down. She smells," Kevin said, wrinkling up his nose while stuffing his fat cock back into his Levi's.

Ben and Jack zipped up, sliding their arms under the girl's shoulders and hauling her outside.


The chilly night air made her cry out with discomfort. And when they splashed the bucket of cold rainwater on her, Candy thought she was going to have a heart attack. She stiffened, jerking forward, her cries piercing the night air. Her arms flailed out as she ran, trying to avoid the next bucketful of water thrown by Ben. The freezing liquid splashed against her tits and belly again and again until the men were sure they'd cleaned her up, Jack ordered the girl back into the shed. Shivering, her flesh turning whitish blue, Candy was more than willing to obey.

"Down back in the dirt, you, filthy, fucking bitch," Kevin ordered. He was smoking a cigarette, taking long drags and blowing the bluish smoke put in her face. Candy turned her head, grabbing her throat and coughing violently.

"Shuddup," Kevin ordered, raising his boot, then letting it drop near her, splashing the piss-soaked mud on her thighs.

"No, no," Candy groaned, shaking her head back and forth. How could she admit to something like that even if she really wanted it?

"Please, I want to go home!"

"Home's right here, baby till we get through with you."

With that Kevin crouched beside her, taking the lit cigarette from his mouth and passing the glowing tip over her belly.

"Maybe a little heat'll make you talk," he said, his eyes glittering while he watched the young girl tremble. The two of them watched the cigarette redden her flesh.


Candy wrinkled her forehead, shoving her arms back and inching her buttocks away from the flame, keeping the cigarette an inch away from her flesh. Candy's breath became short, uneven, while sweat broke out all over her body. He was going to burn her, permanently scar her! Was her pride worth having a permanent injury?

Candy shut her eyes, whimpering as the heat singed the nearly invisible blonde fuzz covering her flesh. The heat seemed to creep down her belly, moving down to her cunt, making her nipples swell with lust. Once more she was feeling pleasure at an act of unspeakable pain.

Oh, it felt so good! It was so terrifyingly good it made Candy move her hips back and forth in fucking motions. She wanted to fuck that cigarette, actually take it between her bloated cuntlips and fuck it!

"Mmmmmm," Kevin said, moving the glowing tip over to the girl's cunt. Candy opened her eyes and clenched her fists, feeling every muscle in her body tense. Her thigh and belly muscles tightened.


Candy shook all over. She screamed, her legs fighting to close on that burning needle. She could feel her clit filling once more with lust. Kevin smiled, dropping the burning cigarette into her juicing slit.

Candy thought she was going to faint. The burning pain made her scream as the cigarette hissed and went out. Kevin rose to his feet, her screams and whimpers becoming a bore. The young man looked down and thought for a moment. Candy studied his expression. The pain in her cunt had grown weaker, quickly replaced by sexual lust. If he had left the cigarette in there a second longer she would have come!

"No, no, leave me alone," she whimpered, feeling her heart pounding faster. She knew going against his will would only bring him down harder on her. And yet that was just what the girl wanted. She craved torture now, begged for humiliation. Still ashamed to ask the young blond for it, Candy did everything she could to get it.

"Yeah, sure, you wanna be left alone," he muttered, smiling knowingly.

"Hey, let's work her over again… you know, all three of us at the same time. That was great!" Jack suggested, his eyes glowing with excitement.