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The sound of footsteps came from the veranda, and Kaze moved to the futon and messed up his side, so it would look like he slept there. There was a discreet call from the door, “Sumimasen! Ohayo gozaimasu! Good morning! Can we enter?”

“Come,” Kaze said.

Jitotenno and a maid were at the door. The maid was holding a tray with a hearty breakfast on it; miso soup, rice, and a small grilled fish.

“I hope you had a marvelous night,” Jitotenno said.

“It was very satisfactory,” Kaze replied.

“Excellent,” Jitotenno said. “The maid will serve you breakfast. I will take Kiku-chan now, then return when your breakfast is over.”

Kaze looked at the Lady’s daughter, loath to let her disappear from his sight now that he had finally found her. Jitotenno interpreted this look as one a lover might give to a paramour, and took Kiku-chan by the hand and led her out of the room. Kaze sat down and ate the breakfast, thoughtfully considering what would happen next.

After he was done, Jitotenno returned to the room and announced, “Now, if the esteemed guest would like to settle the bill…”

“Of course,” Kaze said, handing Jitotenno a cloth pouch of coins.

Jitotenno took the money with a bow and left the room. Kaze did not get up to go. In minutes, Jitotenno returned to the room, a dark cloud across her painted face.

“There must be some mistake,” she said. “Most of the coins in this pouch are copper. There are only three gold coins. You said you would pay double for Kiku-chan’s services, and the money in this pouch doesn’t even cover her regular fee.”

“I’m very sorry,” Kaze said. “That is all the money I have.”

“Come in here,” Jitotenno said. Two thugs entered the room. They were muscular and evil looking.

“Beat this dog,” Jitotenno said sharply. “And when you’re done beating him, throw him out into the street. If he ever returns here, kill him.”

She left as the two thugs commenced to kick and hit Kaze. Kaze protected his face, but made no effort to defend himself. The thugs were strong but not very skilled, and Kaze knew he would come out of this with no more than bad bruises, so he simply sat on the mat and endured a beating he knew he could stop, even without his sword.

When the thugs finally tired of punching and kicking him, they yanked Kaze to his feet and dragged him from the room to the front of the house. They continued dragging him right out into the street, administering another round of kicks and punches while shopkeepers and people walking on the street stopped to watch the show. When they were done, the thugs looked at the gathered crowd and announced, “This man didn’t have enough to pay his bill!” They walked back into the Little Flower, one thug pausing to pick up Kaze’s sandals and throw them out the door. They hit Kaze as he picked himself off the dusty street.

Kaze put on his sandals and a large crowd milled about, waiting to see if there was going to be more entertainment. When he was ready to go, Kaze stood and said in a loud voice, “Despite this rude parting, I thank Jitotenno for her hospitality! It was useful to a man in my circumstances, even if she threw me out when my money ran dry!”

Then he pushed his way through the crowd and started walking away. Near the edge of the crowd, he stopped to adjust his sandals. As he did so, he spoke to the large man standing in the doorway of a shop. It was Nobu.

“The child is there. Her name is Kiku-chan.”

Then Kaze continued walking, trying to work out the soreness he felt from the beating.

I should be put in charge!” Honda was never one to mince words. Ieyasu, Okubo, Toyama, Honda, and Yoshida were in council again, to hear a progress report on the search for the man who had tried to assassinate Ieyasu.

“Yoshida-san has tried to find one man for days, with no success. He even searched the entire Ningyo-cho district, using hundreds of men, with no success. That very next morning, five ninja were found dead in Ningyo-cho, proving the assassin must have a large gang there, but Yoshida-san couldn’t discover them. No one man could kill five ninja. It’s time to let someone else try. As long as that man is free, Ieyasu is in danger. Yoshida-san tried. He failed. Now let me do it, Ieyasu-sama.”

Before Ieyasu could make a decision, Niiya appeared in the doorway of the room, bowing on one knee, in proper military fashion. Ieyasu looked surprised.

“This man is Niiya,” Yoshida said. “He is my chief captain. What is it, Niiya?”

“I beg forgiveness for interrupting such an important conference,” Niiya said, “but I have a report that I know you will want to hear immediately. The ronin, Matsuyama Kaze, has been spotted. We know where he’s been hiding!”

“Where?” Yoshida asked, excited.

“In Ningyo-cho, as you suspected, Yoshida-sama,” Niiya said. Yoshida gave Honda a look of triumph.

“The dog was in hiding in a whorehouse that specializes in providing children.”

“A pervert as well as an assassin,” Honda grumped.

“Evidently he ran out of money, so they threw him out this morning,” Niiya continued. “We have already closed down the whorehouse and arrested everyone in it.”

“Good, good! Ieyasu-sama, please excuse me. I would like to go see abut this development, and personally supervise as we question the inhabitants of the whorehouse.”

Ieyasu waved his hand, dismissing Yoshida. He and Niiya left the room. As they walked down the halls of the Shogun’s villa, Niiya said, “I’m sorry for interrupting you, Yoshida-sama.”

“It couldn’t be better timed. Honda was about to take over the investigation. After all our careful planning, it would be a shame if that old dog snatched the victory from us at the last moment. Okubo is remaining strangely silent on this, especially since he has a personal grudge against this Matsuyama, and Toyama is a fool. Only Honda is a threat to make me look bad in this, especially since we’re so close to capturing this Matsuyama. When did he leave the whorehouse?”

“This morning. The fools in the whorehouse made a spectacle of throwing him out. Countless people saw it, and all confirm that the man matched the description of Matsuyama.”

“How did you find out about it?”

“One of our informers told me. A gambler. He used to work for the gambler that told us that Matsuyama was staying at that vegetable merchant’s house. His boss had an accident, so he’s taken over the gang. He wants to get back into good standing so we’ll leave his gambling house alone.”

“What do the people at the whorehouse say?”

“They claim that Matsuyama was only a guest for one night, and that he didn’t pay his bill, which is why they beat him up and threw him out.”

“Do you believe them?”

“No. Matsuyama has been hiding for days. He needs a place to hide in the city, and that whorehouse would be perfect.”

“Have you started torturing them yet, to see if they change their story?”

“No, Yoshida-sama. I thought I’d wait for you.”

“Good. I’ll make those dogs tell me the truth, or kill them in the process. I must find that Matsuyama, or Honda will end up as the most important daimyo in Ieyasu’s new government!”

I thought I’d save you a walk.”

Nobu started, then spun around to see a komuso walking just behind him, the basketlike headgear just inches from his face. The komuso lifted the basket to reveal his face. It was Kaze.

“You! You’re always sneaking around to surprise me. Why do you do that?” Nobu demanded.

Kaze grinned. “Gomen nasai. I’m sorry. I was born in the year of the Monkey, and liking mischief is a fault of mine. I even enjoy sitting in trees. I can’t help it. I also enjoy seeing you jump. It’s amazing to see a man as big as you who is also light on his feet.” He dropped the basket back into place to mask his face.