Kill Whitey

Kill Whitey
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
Издатель: Cemetery Dance Publications
Город: Baltimore
Добавил: Admin 7 Июн 19
Проверил: Admin 7 Июн 19
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In the Russian criminal underworld there is a man named Whitey. He is unstoppable and always gets what he wants. Some say he can’t be hurt. Some say he can’t be killed. Larry Gidson is about to find out.
He is a dock worker on the run with Sondra Belov, a beautiful stripper. Whitey wants Sondra and he will torture and kill to get her. Larry, his friends, and even his cat will never be safe unless they give him Sondra—or they kill Whitey.
From horror master, Brian Keene, comes a crime adventure filled with sex, gore, and guns.
From Publishers Weekly
Stoker-winner Keene (Ghoul) delivers a lot of gore but little else that’s memorable in this horror novel set in central Pennsylvania. Larry Gibson, a package-loader for Globe Package System, becomes fascinated with Sondra Belov, a dancer at the Odessa, a strip joint owned by Zakhar Putin, a mysterious Russian known as Whitey. After one visit to the club, Gibson is surprised to find Sondra hiding under his car. When he helps her escape from Whitey, he discovers he’s made an enemy of an apparent immortal, who bounces back after being shot, eviscerated and otherwise mortally injured. Sandra explains that Whitey, a descendant of Rasputin, has inherited remarkable regenerative powers.

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