Cuban missile crisis and
daily schedule of
Dallas arrival of
Dallas motorcade route of
death of, announced
death of brother Joe and
death of son Patrick and
Diem assassination and
Dulles fired by
early assassination attempts on
Eisenhower and
elected to Congress
election of 1960 and
election of 1964 and
enemies of
father and
finances of
funeral of
Garbo and
health problems of
Hoover and
inauguration of
Jackie’s pregnancy and
Jackie’s relationship with
Jackie’s trip to Greece and
Jackie’s White House tour and
King and
last White House dinner of
LBJ and
Lincoln and
Mafia and
Mona Lisa and
Montana speech and
naval intelligence and
nuclear test ban and
Oswald targets
personality of
popularity of
Powers and
Profiles in Courage and
Profumo and
PT-109 and
religion and
Secret Service and
Sinatra and
State of the Union address by
swimming and
tax cuts and
Teddy’s Senate campaign and
Texas trip planned for
Time and
travels to France
travels to Ireland and Germany
UC-Berkeley speech by
Vietnam and
West Virginia primary and
White House staff of
World War II and
Kennedy, Joseph, Jr. (brother)
Kennedy, Joseph P. (father)
Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier (son)
Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby” (brother)
assassination of
as attorney general
Bay of Pigs and
bond with Jack
Cape Cod house of
CIA and
civil rights and
Cuban missile crisis and
Hoover and
inauguration and
Jackie and
Jack’s affairs and
Jack’s assassination and
LBJ and
Lincoln assassination and
Mafia and
Monroe and
presidential ambitions of
Kennedy, Rose (mother)
Khrushchev, Nikita
Bay of Pigs and
Berlin Wall and
Cuban missile crisis and
Stalin and
trip to U.S. and
Khrushchev, Yefrosinia
King, Coretta
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
assassination of
FBI and
Jack meets with
March on Washington and
Ku Klux Klan
LaLanne, Jack
Landers, Ann
Landis, Paul
Lansky, Meyer
Lawford, Patricia Kennedy (sister)
Lawford, Peter (brother-in-law)
Lawson, Winston G.
Leavelle, J. R.
Lee, Robert E.
LeMay, Curtis E.
Lincoln, Abraham
assassination of
funeral of
Lincoln, Evelyn
Lincoln, Willie
Lincoln Memorial
London Sunday Times
Luciano, Lucky
Macmillan, Harold
Bobby and
Jack and
Jack’s assassination and
Monroe and
Mahfouz, Naguib
Malcolm X
Malraux, André
Manchester, William
Mao Zedong
March on Washington
Marshall, Thurgood
Martin, Dean
Martin, Louis
primaries of 1946
Teddy as senator for
McIntyre, Bill
McKinley, William
McNair, Denise
McNamara, Robert
Mearns, David
Meredith, Lynn
Midnight Ride, Operation
Milam, J. W. “Big”
Militant (newspaper)
Miller, Arthur
Mona Lisa (da Vinci painting)
Mongoose, Operation
Monroe, James
Monroe, Marilyn
Napoléon Bonaparte
National Gallery of Art
National Indignation Convention
Nazi Germany
Nelson, Doris
Newman, Larry
New York Times
New Zealand
Nhu, Ngo Dinh
Nixon, Richard
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
nuclear weapons
Ocean’s Eleven (film)
O’Donnell, Kenneth
Onassis, Aristotle
Oneal, Vernon
Oswald, Audrey Marina
Oswald, June Lee
Oswald, Lee Harvey
arrest of
assassination executed by
assassination planned by
attempts to go to Cuba
burial of
childhood and youth of
children of
CIA and
conspiracy theories and
Cuban missile crisis and
defects to Soviet Union
escapes after assassination
family and
FBI and
jobs of
killed by Ruby
Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and
marries Marina
marines discharge of
marital problems of
moves to Dallas
moves to New Orleans
psychology of
returns to U.S.
Texas School Book Depository job and
Tippit shot by
Walker shot by
weapons bought by
Oswald, Marguerite
Oswald, Marina Prusakova
eve of assassination and
FBI and
later life of
Lee’s attack on Walker and
marital problems of
marries Lee
moves to U.S.
pregnancy of
Oswald, Robert
Otash, Fred
Paine, Ruth
Parker, John
Parker, William
Parkland Memorial Hospital
Peace Corps
Perry, Mac
Pillar of Fire (Branch)
Porter, Rachel
Portrait of a President (Manchester)
Postal, Julia
Powers, Dave
presidents, deaths of, in office
Presley, Elvis
Profiles in Courage (Kennedy)
Profumo, John
Protective Research Section (PRS)
Prusakov, Ilya
racial segregation and discrimination. See also civil rights movement; and specific events and individuals
Radziwill, Lee (Jackie’s sister)
Rather, Dan
Ray, James Earl
Ready, John
Reagan, Ronald
Republican Party
Resolute desk
Reston, James
Roberts, Emory
Roberts, Ralph
Robertson, Carole
Robertson, James, Jr.
Roman Catholic Church
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
assassination attempt on
Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy”
Rose, Earl
Ross, George “Barney”
Rowland, Aaron
Rowland, Barbara
Ruby, Jack
Rusk, Dean
Salinger, Pierre
Schirra, Wally
Schlesinger, Arthur
Schlossberg, Edwin
Secret Service
Jackie and
Jack’s assassination and
Sequoia (presidential yacht)
Seward, William H.
Shannon Rose Hill Cemetery (Fort Worth, Texas)
Shaw, Maud
Simon, Carly
Sinatra, Frank
Sirhan, Sirhan
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church (Birmingham) bombing
Skelton, Byron
Smathers, George
Socialist Workers Party
Solomon Islands
Sorensen, Ted
Sorrels, Forrest V.
South Vietnam
Buddhist protests in
Diem assassination and
Soviet Central Committee
Soviet Communist Party
Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs
Soviet Politburo
Soviet Union
Bay of Pigs and
Cuban missile crisis and
“Great Purge” of 1934
nuclear test ban treaty and
Oswald and
Profumo and
space race and
wheat sale to
space program
Stalin, Joseph
Stalingrad, Battle of
State Department
Stevenson, Adlai
Strategic Air Command
Suddenly (film)
Sullivan, William C.
Swindal, Jim
Tactical Air Command
Taft, William Howard
election of 1960 and
election of 1964 and
Jackie’s popularity in
Jack’s trip planned
LBJ and
Oswald and
Texas Criminal Court of Appeals
Texas Democratic National Committee
Texas Observer
Texas School Book Depository
Thich Quang Duc
Thomas, George