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"Well don't even think about fucking Bill. That looks like a real tight pussy and he might like it. If I catch you fucking him I'll whip you with barbed wire till you bleed to death. I am jealous and also afraid to death of AIDS."

"But what if he tells me to do it. I can't say "No," to him?"

"I'll make sure you are never alone with him. Now let's go swimming."

She was surprised I didn't know how to swim and helped me till I could dog paddle around. She told me to watch Bill and said with practise I could swim like him.

Evidentally naked girls didn't excite Bill. Even when he was sitting on the beach watching us it did not get hard. When we walked up to him he said, "Look Ann. She has great skin. All the red is gone already. I guess I'll redden it back to where it was."

He took my hand and began leading me toward the house. Ann picked up the towels and my clothes to follow.

When we got to the house he said, "I have a special room for this."

We went downstairs then he pushed some buttons by the door. There was a buzz and he pushed open the door. It was a big room with a high ceiling. There were hooks for ropes like Mr. Mills place but a lot more stuff I hadn't seen before. There was a big "X" shaped frame, tables with winches on the ends, and a bunch of leather harnesses. The end wall had all kinds of whips and paddles. The room was brightly lit and there were mirrors on all the walls and ceiling so no matter where you were you could see yourself in a mirror.

He had me stand in the center of the room and put padded cuffs on my wrists then rolled over a long metal bar with wheel like weights on the ends. There were chains welded to the ends of the bar with padded cuffs he put on my ankles. He attached one cuff to the chain then pulled my other leg over to the other weight. I gasped at the stretch to my inner thighs and he noticed. He said, "I like girls nice and stretched for whipping."

He went over to the side wall and pushed a button I heard a whirring sound and then the ropes to my wrists began tightening. I don't know what that bar weighed but I was really stretched out when it left the floor. I watched him in the mirror while he walked to the whip wall to pick out the thing he wanted to whip me with. Ann came over and said, "Look at yourself. Being stretched really makes you look good."

She was right. My waist had gotten smaller, my tummy was real flat, and my boobs were lifted high. I saw Bill pick out a leather strap. I was really relieved because there were some really nasty whips on the wall. Even one made of barbed wire that Ann had threatened me with.

I found that it hurt more with my skin stretched but since he concentrated on my sexy parts My excitement grew along with his dick. He got very hard and I saw his dick was longer than Mr. Mills but not as big around. Just as I went into orgasm he went to where Ann was sitting on the couch and pulled her to the floor to fuck her dog fashion as they watched my sweating body pulsating from my orgasms.

Ann saw me looking hungrily at them and grinned at me but soon she began to gasp and moan as he pumped into her faster and faster twisting and jerking on her breasts to make them look grotesque. When he came he rolled off her and went right to sleep.

After a few minutes my joints began to ache and I began to whimper. Ann came over and said, "How did you like the strap? I know it made you cum."

"Yes but this isn't fair. When I was whipped before I was given sex to continue the orgasms and make me forget the pain. I know you don't want him to fuck me but Mr. Mills had rubber dicks that were almost as good or he would lick my pussy which felt wonderful. I would beg to be whipped if I knew I could be licked later."

She said she would think about it then noticed my whimpers from the terrible pull to my joints that seemed to get worse every second.

"It gets to be a bitch after awhile doesn't it? Once he got mad at me and left me hanging for an hour. I was sore for days."

"Please let me down. I'll lick your pussy if you will."

She laughed and said, "Maybe later," then went over to push the button to let me down and unbuckle the cuffs. It felt wonderful to be able to put my legs together and rub my shoulders.

By then Bill was awake and watching us. Ann said Kim is used to being fucked after a whipping. I'll help her out."

She went over to a cabinet and brought back a strange thing. It looked like two dicks joined at the base with straps attached to the middle. She put one dick in her pussy and then backed up to him so he could buckle the straps at her back. Then she sat on the floor and spread her legs so I could scoot toward her while she fed the dick into my pussy. When it was in I found there was a rubber nob just right to press on my clitoris. We grabbed each others arms and began rocking back and forth. It was glorious. I hadn't been fucked for a long time and I was sure it would get me off but it evidentally wasn't enough for her. She yelled at Bill.

"We need more. Whip our tits."

He went over to the wall and brought back a whip that had about a dozen leather bootstrings coming out of it. She put her hands behind her to push the dick in deeper so I did too. He pushed us together till our nipples touched so the wide whip could hit the tops of both our tits at the same time. It just burned and Ann and I began to gasp and tremor while we squirmed on the dick and rubbed our nipples together till we exploded in orgasm and hugged and kissed mashing our whipped boobs together.

We were tired by then and went to bed. I luxuriated in the satin sheets but I was awake for some time because it looked like I would not have real sex again. If Bill couldn't fuck me who would? I could get orgasms with pain and the rubber dicks but it would not be the same.

In the morning Ann told me that although she had not taught school since marrying Bill she still had her teaching certificate and would teach me at home to save me the hassle of riding the bus to shool for forty-five minutes. I ralized this also would not let me have contact with kids my age and would make me a prisoner of the farm.

I told her I would miss school since it was my only chance to be with kids my age and wouldn't mind the bus ride.

She told me I was being ridiculous. She had a lot of things planned for me and I would never get bored and that I had nothing in common with other kids my age.

I resigned myself to that but then said that I would miss being fucked by a man with a real dick.

She laughed and said, "Is that what is worrying you? Don't worry about it. We do a lot of entertaining and there will be plenty of men other than Bill that will be happy to fuck you."

That made me happy because as naive as I was I knew that just having sex with her and dildoes was not normal.

Then I said "Ann... I don't mind being whipped but if you do it every day I will get very sore."

She laughed again. "You little liar. You love being whipped. I know a lot of girls who don't mind it, including me but we wouldn't beg for it and I am sure you would. Of course you won't be whipped every day. Bill works very hard and often gets home late and too tired to be interested in sex or whipping. He also likes to save himself for our parties. You will only be whipped if he wants to get excited or if you need punishment. Now it is already hot. Let's take a bottle of champagne down to the lake and I will give you some more swimming lessons. That will also give you a chance to get a tan. You are awfully white. It makes you look unhealthy.

We walked hand in hand naked to the lake with me swinging a silver bucket of ice with the champagne in it while she carried the glasses and towels.

At the lake she opened the champagne and filled our glasses. It was fizzy like pop and I liked it. She began to look at my belly then said, "You are very pretty but your body could use a little help. You have a tendency to slouch while sitting that makes your tummy pooch out and you still have some baby-fat. A few weeks of diet and exercise will fix that.