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Then she took me into the water to give me swimming lessons. When I was able to swim overhand and learned to beathe out with my face in the water and in when my face came out she said I was ready to test my endurance. She began to swim with no apparent effort on her back and told me to follow her while she watched me. After about fifty feet I got real tired and kind of panicked when I looked over to see the shore a long way off. I was just behind her kicking feet when I said frightened, "I can't swim any further! Help me! I'll drown!"

She laughed and said, "Put down your feet, silly. It is only waist deep."

To my relief my feet touched bottom and I stood up to look around. I had seen the opposite beach. We were only about twenty feet from the beach we had started from and had been swimming along side it. I really felt silly when I looked back and saw I had only swam a little way.

She had me get out and said I had not done very well and that I must really be out of shape. I explained that while in detention there had been no activity to keep me in shape and promised to work hard. We had another glass of champagne then she said she had marked how far I had swum and that I had to swim further this time or I would be punished. I swam till my arms ached then stopped. I was happy to hear her say I had swum twenty feet further and I had done well. She stuck a stick in the sand and said I could get past it tomorrow.

She said we had to go to the house so she could get me started on my schoolwork. She brought out textbooks and told me to read a chapter in the english book, The math book, and the history book and be prepared to answer the questions at the end of the chapter. If I missed a question or more I would be punished, then she left to shop for a party they were having the next weekend.

I read and answered the questions in the math and english book but the champagne and the sun made me real sleepy. I rested my head on my arms and went to sleep before I had finished the chapter on history.

I woke up with her shaking my shoulder. "Wake up sleepyhead. Let's get your test out of the way so we can play."

She handed me some test papers. When I finished the math one I gave it to her then started the english while she graded the math. I did pretty good till the history test. Naturally since I hadn't finished reading it I was unable to answer any of the questions past the first two. She had graded the first two tests and looked impatient so I gave up and handed her the last test.

She said I had only missed one on the math test and two on english but had missed nine on history. She seemed mad, "There is no excuse for this. I was gone almost three hours. You had plenty of time to review to make sure you knew all the answers. Come with me."

I wasn't really worried since I was sure I would just be spanked or whipped and I knew that would eventually excite me.

She took me downstairs and had me lay face down on the table with the winch on the end. Then she put cuffs on my ankles and wrists and started turning the winch sliding me forward scraping my nipples on the rough boards of the table. When I was stretched tight she said,"I know you get off on whipping but I don't think you will enjoy this because I am not going to whip you long enough in one session for you to come. You have fifty five lashes coming for missing the eleven questions. You also don't like being stretched so I will give you five lashes wait five minutes then stretch you one more notch for five more. She got a willow switch about five feet long and hit my back just below my shoulders. It hurt awful and was not even close to a sexy part. She gave me five fast and hard then went over to a couch to sip a drink and look at a magazine. After five minutes she turned the handle again till it clicked into the next notch and hit me again. By the time she was done I was almost hysterical. My back was on fire and I felt like all my joints had dislocated.

When she let me go she put salve on me and apologized, "I am sorry I had to punish you but I can't abide lazy disobedient children. Now you know we can hurt you with no chance of excitement over-riding the pain if we need to."

I thought that was unfair and blubbered through my sobs,

"You didn't have to do that to me. I would not disobey you."

"But you did! I told you to study. We might ask you to do something you hate. I had to do this so no matter what we ask, you will obey without protest."

I promised to obey afraid of what they may do to me if I did something really bad.

She put me in a cool bath and brought me a drink of whisky. The pain finally subsided and I went to sleep to wake up spluttering when my face slipped under the water. She heard me spashing around and came in and helped me out of the tub. Then she led me over to a three way mirror so I could see my back and said, "See what you did to yourself! If you had just done what I told you there would not be a mark."

It looked awful! It was all black and blue and there was some blood oozing out of some of the welts. I promised I would do better and believe me I did. She always gave me three hours to do my studies so I rechecked my answers two or three times to make sure I always got a perfect score from then on.

The next morning I got to ride a horse! When she went shopping she bought a pair of jeans for me, a western blouse and cowboy boots. I looked just like the cow girls in the movie!I was afraid at first since I was so far above the ground and had nothing to hold onto since I rode bareback but Ann told me to squeeze the horse with my legs and until I got my confidence up I could hold on to the long hair of the horses mane.

We just walked at first while she told me how to steer it by pressing the rein against it's neck and to stop by pulling back. In a little while I got enough confidence to trot and finally to gallop. It was fun and it gave me a feeling of power to control all that muscle. Ann grinned at me and asked if I was having fun. Of course that was obvious but I told her it was wonderful. By then the horses were sweating in the hot sun so we got off to walk around a little. I didn't realize how hard I had been gripping with my legs, the muscles were a little stiff and it felt good to walk.

Ann began to take off her clothes. I thought maybe she wanted me to lick her pussy but she said, "Take off your clothes. It is twice as much fun to ride naked."

I took off my shirt and jeans and followed her lead to tie them around the horses neck. She helped me get on and I admired the way she could easily jump up to put her belly on the horse and then turn to get into a sitting position. I wasn't sure this would be much fun. The sweaty horses hair was making my thighs and butt itch. When we started moving I saw what she meant. The horse's hair began to tickle and prick my pussy to make me excited. I moved forward till it's neck bone dug into my pussy. When we began to gallop my pussy went forward and back and increased my excitement to the point I was in orgasm when we got back to the lake. I slid back and laid down on it holding onto his neck to push my tits in its mane and feel the horses smallest tremor against my sensitive pussy.

Ann helped me off and said, "God you are lucky! I wish I could cum as easily as you. That just felt good to me but you really got off on it. Lay down on the beach and rest. I'll ride up to the house and get us something to drink."

That sounded good. I was really thirsty. She jumped on her horse and led mine behind her to the house while I kind of dozed and played with my pussy that seemed super sensitive from rubbing on the hair.

I was totally relaxed and feeling dreamy hardly believing I could be so lucky when she came back with a small bottle of champagne. It only held enough for two glasses apiece so I did not get giddy as I had the day before.

She said it was time for my swimming lesson and said she would stand at the place I should get to. This time I didn't fight the water so much and got to where she was standing pretty easily. I really felt good when she complimented me. I rested a minute. Then she told me to go as far as I could. I swam past her about fifty feet till my arms got sore. I realized it was a mistake to try that hard when she said I had to beat that mark the next day. From then on I just swam a little bit past her before quitting. Eventually I was able to swim clear around the lake. She had me run back to the house. I really felt good and realized my tummy was flatter and my butt and legs were firmer already. Eventually my figure got to a thirty five inch bust, nineteen waist and thirty four butt thanks to swimming and running everyday.