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I was crying again by the time I was knocking on his door. When he opened it I hugged him and told him that Mom had beaten me real bad.

He had me come in and take off my dress so he could see the damage.

"Wow! She really did a job on you. Does she do this to you a lot?"

"She spanks me a lot but she always used a strap before that just made me red. This time she pulled out a coat hanger and twisted it to make like a rope. It was just terrible."

"I can see that. First of all we have to get you into a warm bath to soften the clots."

He filled the tub and had me lie on my belly so he could gently stoke my bottom. At first the water burned a little but eventually the clots washed off and the scabs softened enough for him to pull off the shreds and get my panties off. Then he had me get out of the tub and gently dried me again spending a lot of time drying my breasts and pussy. I was getting excited when he led me to the bed and had me lie on my stomach so he could put salve on my butt.

The salve burned when it hit a cut causing me to yip and flinch. He said he was sorry it hurt but we had to do it so I wouldn't get infected then told me to put my finger in my pussy to take my mind off it. That really helped! Now the stings on my butt just seemed to add to my excitement and I began having orgasms in a few minutes. Watching me get excited must have got him excited too because he jumped up and went to the bathroom slamming the door behind him.

My hand and pussy were all wet so I got up to go to the kitchen to wash them then came back to look at my butt in his full length mirror. It had big black and blue welts but all the blood and scabs were gone and it was just aching a little. I was still looking at it when he came out.

He went to a drawer and came over to me with some panties in his hand.

"These belonged to my ex-wife. She was a little bigger than you but they will work."

I had never seen panties like them before. There was just a triangle to cover my pussy and strings that went up the crack of my butt and up to my waist. My whole butt was still bare which he said was good since the panties would not rub on it.

He said, "It is time for you to go to school. To keep from getting hurt by your Mom you should stay away from her as much as possible. When you get home tell her that I offered you a job cleaning apartments where you can make ten dollars after school."

School seemed to last forever. I was constantly aware of my butt. When I walked there were cool breezes on it and when I sat in the hard chairs it would throb. After school I ran most of the way home to tell Mom about my job.

She was delighted and said I would give her six of it and I could keep four and that I should ask to be paid cash every day so the welfare wouldn't find out about it. I knew how she had decided to make the split of money. Her bottle of whiskey cost six dollars.

She told me to go over to Mr. Mills before he changed his mind and said I had better make him happy with me. If he fired me she would give me the worst spanking I could imagine.

I hurried over to Mr. Mills. When he opened the door he must have just got out of the shower because his hair was wet and he was wearing a robe. I told him excitedly that I was ready to go to work.

I was disappointed when he said he did not have anything lined up but brightened when he said I could stay with him until eight and he would still give me the ten dollars.

He told me to take off my dress and panties so he could see how my butt was healing. I knew with those panties all I would have to do is raise my skirt but I did not object because I expected him to tell me how pretty I was again.

I wasn't disappointed. He felt my breasts and flat stomach and said when I got bigger I could be a model for photographers.

Then he took me over to the mirror so I could see my butt. The welts had flattened out and now it was just bruised.

He had me lie on the bed again to put more salve on it. It felt wonderful and even though I did not have the excuse of fighting pain I put my finger in my pussy again. I was soon panting and my body was pulsating in orgasm.

He turned me over and put his finger on the little nubbin in my pussy that felt so good and said,

This thing you have that feels so good when you rub it is called a clitoris. Men have the same thing only bigger. We call it a dick. I'll show you."

He opened his robe to show me a hard thing about seven inches long and almost as big around as my wrist. He had me touch it. It was hard but the skin was real soft. The head must have been real sensitive because he flinched when I ran my finger over it. I wrapped my fingers around it and began to stroke it then touched a bag with two big lumps in it he said were his balls and that they were real sensitive and to be gentle. He laid back on the bed and smiled while I stroked it then told me it would feel better if it was wet and told me to lick it. I knew it was clean because he had just got out of the shower so I licked it till it was real wet and ended by putting the head in my mouth. Now that it was wet I began to stroke it again. He kind of shivered and told me to stroke it faster. Then he made a face and grunted and white stuff shot out of the hole in the end.

He told me that was sperm that made babies when it was in a womans pussy and that we couldn't put it in my pussy till he had bought some birth control pills for me.

I told him it would never go in me because my pussy was too little. He put in his finger and then another. I gasped at the stretching and he said, "You are right. It is too small. We will have to work on that."

He went over to another drawer and got a little dick made of rubber and put it in his mouth to wet it before he had me open my legs and gently put it inside me. Then he had me stand up so he could tighten my panties to hold it in. He had me vacuum the floor while it was in me. Every move I made caused it to move and it got me so excited I stopped to pull down my panties so I could slide it in and out. When I had an orgasm I shoved it in as far as I could to feel a sharp pain. I pulled it out and it had blood on it.I ran over to cry I had hurt myself but he just said that there was no problem. I had just popped my cherry and now I could use a bigger one.

He went back to the drawer and brought one almost as big as his. He let me put it in and if I had not been so wet I don't think I could have done it. He was right though, although it stretched me it didn't hurt and I began to push it in and out.

He told me to leave it alone and put on my panties and told me to put on my dress so we could go out and get something to eat. He put on pants and a shirt and led me out the door with the dick moving at each step. When I sat down in his car it sunk into me all the way making me gasp. He said he expected me to act like a perfect lady at the restaurant but I couldn't resist wriggling in the hard chair to make it move and ate without even tasting. The waiter looked at me funny and Mr. Mills told me I was not acting like a lady and to sit up straight and be still. I tried but I couldn't resist tilting my pelvis forward now and then to make it move.

When we got to the car I grabbed for it to move it but he told me to leave it alone and put my hands on the dashboard.

By the time we got back to his house I was at that terrible time of excitement just before an orgasm. He took off my dress and panties and then pulled out the dick. I whimpered at the loss but then he said, "You were not a lady at the restaurant. I will have to give you a spanking."

I began to cry saying my butt was too sore to be spanked but he said, "Your butt is not what got you in trouble. I am going to spank your pussy."

That really scared me because I was sure that would hurt even more than my butt and I whimpered, "No. I don't want to be hurt. I want to go home."