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"And that didn't bother you either having your private parts exposed."

He looked like he was getting excited thinking about it. I knew I was. I said, "No. I would much rather be spanked or whipped than feel guilty about it. If I live with you I would expect you to whip me if I get a bad grade or something."

Ann spoke up, "Good. We believe in spankings too and would use a whip like you describe. If we asked you to take off your clothes to be whipped would you object?"

"Oh no Mam. If you get me out of here I will ask you to give me lashes anywhere you want to prove it to you."

She smiled at me and said I think you will be fine. The other girls seemed to be terrified at the thought of a whip. We will arrange to take you with us and give you good care. I know you will like our place. We have horses and a small lake for swimming or fishing. You understand that we can bring you back if you make us unhappy."

"I won't make you unhappy. I promise! I will do anything you want even if it hurts bad."

She smiled and told me to tell the woman to get my things and bring in the papers for their signature. In about twenty minutes I was given a cloth bag and told to call them if I was unhappy in my new home. I followed them out to their beautiful car.

When I was seated in the back seat Ann turned to say, "The first thing we have to do is get you some decent clothes so we can go to a restaurant.

They took me to a nice store with a big dressing room. They sat on chairs watching me while I undressed so the salesgirl could take my measurements and bring in panties and clothes. I was a little embarressed at first because my tits had really grown and I had found that at the detention center the other girls would tease me about my big tits if they saw them and I had showered late at night after they went to sleep. I felt better when they said I was beautiful and relaxed while trying on clothes. They finally bought three outfits. My favorite was a white soft sweater she said was cashmere and a matching white skirt. She said that felt great on the bare skin. I asked them if it would be alright not to wear bra and panties so I could feel it better. They were pleased and said I never had to wear underclothes except at school. They took me to the beauty salon and Ann said to wash and give my hair a soft curl and put on some light make-up. Just before she left she said, "Oh yes. Give her a bikini wax. Take all of it."

She said they would go get a drink while they worked on me. I hoped they weren't drunks like mom.

I didn't know what a bikini wax was but I found out. They put wax on my crotch and when it hardened they ripped it off to make my pussy bald again. I was glad about it because I knew men thought my pussy was cute without hair and assumed Bill would like it.

I only had to wait a few minutes. When they came back they said I was beautiful. Even the girl who had worked on me agreed. I walked out proudly.

They took me to a beautiful restaurant with waiters in tuxedos and white linen tablecloths. I was awestruck and then more so when the food came. I had never tasted food that was that delicious before.

On the way to their place I decided they could whip me all they wanted to as long as I got to wear beautiful clothes to a restaurant like that.

Their place was beautiful too. It had white board fences around a pasture with horses just like in the western movie I had seen and a pretty blue lake in a valley below.

The house was white too and big. She took me to my bedroom which was bigger than my apartment and told me to hang up my clothes then come to the rec room.

It didn't take me long. When I went to them Ann said, "As we told you we believe in stricy discipline. If you ever disobey you will be punished. Open the top drawer of that cabinet. There is something in there for you."

I opened it and saw a whip! I took it out and was relieved to see it was just like the principal's and knew it would not scar me or bruise me badly.

I took it over to her and said, "Would you whip me with it? I want to prove I will do anything for you."

"But you haven't done anything wrong."

"I know but this will prove I won't object if you want to punish me."

Bill said, "I like her attitude. Kim take off your clothes and put your hands behind your back."

I did it and felt myself getting excited. I said, "If I put my hands behind my head it will make my boobies push out more."

He looked surprised and said,"Do you expect to have your breasts whipped?"

"Yes. It hurts a lot more there especially on my nipples but I should prove I am willing to accept great pain. You can hit me anywhere except my face. I am afraid I may hurt my eyes."

Bill said, "Don't worry. You will never get hurt where it will show with your clothes on."

"Thank you."

Ann got up and touched my inner thighs close to my pussy. I gasped and she said, "That must be sensitive. Should we whip you there?"

"Yes if you want to."

THen she stroked my pussy. I couldn't resist pushing against her hand as she said, "Here too?"

"Oh yes! It kind of excites me there but only after I have become used to the pain by hitting me on other places."

She looked at Bill and said, "We have found an absolute jewel! Would you like to be first."

"No I think I would rather watch but why don't you get naked too."

She smiled at him and said, "Pervert." then took off her clothes. I was amazed. She must have been almost as old as mom but mom had a pot belly and saggy boobs. Ann had a beautiful body with a flat stomach and firm breasts just a little bigger than mine. Her pussy was bald like mine.

She began whipping my butt without causing a lot of pain. I watched Bill and knew he was getting hard because he put his hand down his pants to move his dick to make it more comfortable. Then she stepped behind me so she could bring the whip around my sides to hit my front without blocking Bill's view. She started at my stomach and worked slowly up to my breasts. Bill's eyes stared at me as my breasts jumped under the lash and began stroking his dick now bulging under his pants as my excitement built to near orgasm. Then she pulled my legs further apart and brought the whip up between my legs to let the ends hit my pussy. I began to cum!

Bill yelled, "She is getting off on this!" Then he ran over and picked up Ann and took her into their bedroom. I was disappointed. I hoped he might want to fuck me. I dropped to the floor caressing my tingling boobs and pussy to continue my orgasms until I became exhasted and went to sleep.

They were in there for some time so I put on my clothes to go down to look at the lake.

I was tossing pebbles in it to watch the ripples when I heard Ann say, "There she is."

They were just wearing towels. When they got to me Bill said, "You are not to leave the house without telling us!"

"I am sorry. I didn't want to bother you."

"That part is right but next time just wait till we come out before leaving. You have earned another whipping and I hit harder than Ann."

"I understand. I shouldn't have left but I was anxious to see the lake. I have never seen a lake before. Just a little pond."

"Alright. You can take your clothes off to swim. No-one can see us down here. The property is posted."

He took off his towel to get into the water. He had a beautiful dick. I was anxious to see it hard."

Ann saw me looking at it and said, "Have you had sex with a man?"

I told her Mr. Mills and the principal had fucked me and had me suck their dicks."

She giggled and said, "Those dirty old men. Do you know you could have had them arrested?"

"No, but why would I want to. I really liked it."