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36 sound i.e. sound a summons

38 champion one who fights in single combat

39 avouchèd declared, affirmed

39 miscarry lose the battle and die

41 machination plotting

44 cry make the proclamation

46 o’erlook read over

47 powers troops

49 discovery intelligence-gathering, reconnaissance

51 greet the time be ready when the time comes

53 jealous suspicious, mistrustful

58 hardly with difficulty

58 carry … side fulfill my side of the agreement (with Goneril)/achieve my own (power-seeking) ends

60 countenance authority

62 taking off murder

65 shall i.e. they shall

65 my … debate my position relies on action not discussion

Act 5 Scene 2

5.2 Location: not far from the battlefield, near Dover

5.2 Alarum trumpet call to arms

1 father form of address for an old man

2 host i.e. shelter

5.2 retreat trumpet call signaling retreat

7 ta’en (are) captured

12 Ripeness readiness/the right time

Act 5 Scene 3

5.3 Location: the British camp, near Dover

1 good guard guard them carefully

2 greater pleasures the wishes of more important people (i.e. Goneril, Regan, Albany)

3 censure judge, sentence

5 meaning intentions

6 cast down humbled by fortune/defeated in battle/dejected

14 gilded butterflies actual butterflies/lavishly dressed courtiers

14 poor rogues wretched fellows

17 take … things understand the secret inner workings of the world

18 God’s spies spying on the world on God’s behalf/looking at the world from a lofty vantage point, like God

18 wear out outlive

19 packs and sects cliques and factions

20 That … th’moon i.e. whose fortunes ebb and flow like the tides

22 sacrifices refers to either Cordelia’s sacrifice for Lear or their joint loss of freedom

23 throw incense i.e. like priests performing the sacrifice

24 brand … foxes alludes to the practice of smoking foxes out of their holes

26 flesh and fell flesh and skin (i.e. entirely)

27 starved dead

33 tender-minded sensitive, soft-hearted

34 become befit, suit

35 bear question permit discussion

38 write happy count yourself fortunate

39 carry manage

41 strain lineage

43 opposites opponents

44 use treat

48 retention detention, confinement

49 Whose refers to the king

49 charms bewitching spells

49 title name of king/legal entitlement (to land and power)

50 pluck … bosom draw the sympathies of the common people

51 turn … them i.e. turn our conscripted soldiers’ weapons against ourselves

52 queen i.e. Cordelia

55 session hearing in a court of justice

56 by your patience if you’ll excuse me

57 subject of subordinate in

59 list please

60 pleasure … demanded wishes might have been asked

62 commission authority

63 immediacy closeness, connection

66 grace merit

67 your addition the honors or titles you bestow on him

69 compeers equals

70 That … most i.e. he would be most fully invested with your rights

72 Holla whoa, stop

73 asquint crookedly, distortedly

75 full-flowing stomach a stomach full of anger (where stomach is used like “heart” for the seat of the passions)

76 patrimony inheritance

77 Dispose of use, deal with

77 walls Regan images herself as a fortress surrendering

78 Witness the world let the world witness

80 enjoy i.e. have sex with him as your husband

81 let-alone permission or refusal to give it

83 Half-blooded illegitimate (fellow is contemptuous)

86 in i.e. along with

87 gilded serpent i.e. Goneril

87 For as for

88 bar it prevent its advancement (legal term)

89 subcontracted engaged for a second time, entered into a contract that is subsidiary to her marriage contract with Albany

90 banns proclamation of marriage (spelled “banes” in Folio, perhaps playing on “evil-doings”)

91 make … to woo, make advances to

92 bespoke spoken for

93 interlude brief comic play (i.e. “What a farce!”)

97 pledge challenge/pledge to fight

97 make it i.e. make it good

98 nothing no way

101 medicine drugs (i.e. poison)

102 what whoever

108 single virtue unaided courage or strength

115 quality or degree noble birth or high rank

116 lists catalog of soldiers

127 canker-bit eaten away by canker-worms (grubs that feed on plants)

129 cope encounter, fight with

137 honours … profession i.e. as a knight

138 protest declare

139 Maugre despite

139 place position, rank

140 fire-new i.e. brand new, freshly minted

143 Conspirant a conspirator

144 upward top, crown

145 descent lowest part, sole

146 toad-spotted toads’ spots were believed to contain venom