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"The protest is insult," Allazar's voice called out from behind Gawain's right side. "And shall be withdrawn. There is no faranthroth elfin here. Or does Zarren of Elvendere shame himself and his Crown, and all his land, by referring to her Majesty, Queen of Raheen, in so vile a manner?"

A deathly hush fell across the chamber, and Mahlek turned an inquiring eye towards the elven wizard.

"Since there is no Raheen," the wizard replied, coldly, "and since this Council has yet to formally recognise the provenance and the right of the longsword warrior to sit in that name, the question is moot. If this Council recognises Raheen, I shall withdraw my protest."

Gawain's fingers twitched, and again he felt the slight pressure of Elayeen's hand.

"Threlland recognises Raheen!" A loud and familiar voice snarled, as Eryk glowered at the wizard.

"And Callodon." Brock boomed.

"Juria also." Willam said, his voice curiously hard.

"I speak for Mornland," A quiet and dignified voice announced from Gawain's left. "Honour to Raheen."

"And I for Arrun." a nasal accent asserted, "We honour Raheen."

"Elvendere honours Raheen," Thal-Hak said softly, "And his queen."

At once, the wizard standing behind Thal-Hak bent and whispered urgently in the king's ear, but a wave of the king's slender hand silenced the anguished whitebeard.

Zarren stood for a moment, stunned, gazing at the wizard behind Thal-Hak.

"The protest shall be withdrawn," Allazar announced grimly. "Now."

Again Mahlek turned to the elven wizard, "Zarren?"

"I…withdraw my protest."

"And honour Raheen." Allazar prompted as Zarren began to take his seat.

Zarren flushed. "And honour Raheen." he mumbled, and sat.

"Very well," Mahlek began, but another voice called from the low seats.

"I make protest."

"Who makes protest?" Mahlek inquired, his tone almost bored, clearly expecting the interruption again.

Another robed figure stood. "I am Nahthen, of the Second Order, of Callodon."

"What is your protest, Nahthen of Callodon."

"Indeed," Brock growled. "What is your protest?"

Nahthen blanched in Brock's gaze, and the king's wizard bent to whisper in Brock's ear.

"I…protest the presence of Her Majesty in Council."

"On what grounds?" Allazar demanded.

"On the grounds of precedent. In no other chambers have I sat where consorts are present."

"There is no precedent." Mahlek agreed, and turned to Allazar.

"Nor would there be," Allazar smiled disarmingly, "Since this is the first time a full Council has ever met. There is also no prohibition in the Articles of Council in respect of consorts. The protest is specious and asinine."

Mahlek's eyebrows arched in surprise, and he turned back to Nahthen. "Can you provide an Article to substantiate your protest?"

The Callodonian wizard looked nonplussed for a moment. "No, at least I am not aware of a specific Article of Prohibition at this time…"

"Then withdraw the protest." Allazar said firmly, folding his arms into his robes.

"Regulator," Zarren announced, standing, "Perhaps a recess would be in order, that the Articles may be consulted for such a prohibition?"

Mahlek was about to speak, when again Allazar called: "There is no need. I have checked the Articles. There are no prohibitions."

"You?" Zarren sneered, "You are D'ith pat! I marvel that you could read the runes of Articles."

"You are D'ith Met. I marvel that you clearly have not."

Zarren looked stunned, frozen between sitting and standing.

Allazar shrugged. "Regulator, it is regrettable that the wizards of Callodon and Elvendere's Second Order could not take the trouble to acquaint themselves with the Articles of Council prior to attending this chamber. I assert, there is no prohibition. If these brethren wish to gainsay me, they may of course withdraw from the chamber and go back to their studies. I see no reason for Council to be delayed through what is, after all, their own ignorance of Articles."

Another silence fell, and Mahlek conceded. "The First of Raheen is correct. I am unaware of prohibition. At this time, the protest cannot be upheld. Zarren of Elvendere and Nahthen of Callodon may, of course, reiterate the protest at such time as they have proof of prohibition."

Cowed, the two wizards sat down. Neither seemed prepared to leave the chamber to refer to the great book of Articles.

"Now, by the Council's leave…" Mahlek began again, but was once more interrupted.

Gawain felt his ire rising as another wizard took to his feet from the low seats.

"I speak on order." the wizard announced, smiling thinly.

"Who speaks on matters of order?" Mahlek sighed.

"I am Tozenn, of the Second Order, of Juria."

"Speak then."

"I concede to Allazar of Raheen, there is no prohibition against consort in Articles, of which I am aware. Yet, a consort may not address Council, unless the principal Crown is disabled, or absent, or otherwise prevented from speaking. Since it is clear that Raheen is present, and is neither disabled nor prevented from speaking, the consort may not."

"I so regulate."

Smiling again, Tozenn sat down.

"There is no need for such regulation." Allazar announced. "Raheen is well aware of that prohibition."

Intuition began to darken Gawain's eyes, and he fought against it, and won. All eyes seemed directed at Elayeen. All protests were at her presence in the chamber. During the battle, it was her the black riders had targeted, not Gawain…Elvendere was key to the defence of the southlands, and Elayeen was key to Elvendere. Gawain himself was now throth-bound to her, and would surely die if she did…There was no need for enemies to confront Gawain directly. To strike at Elayeen would be enough…

As Mahlek continued to address the Council and formally open the session, Gawain waved Allazar forward. The wizard bent, his ear close to Gawain's lips as the latter whispered urgently:

"Whatever transpires, Allazar, whatever happens from this moment forth, you guard my Lady with your life, even at the expense of mine!"

Allazar looked stunned, but nodded, and withdrew back behind the throne, though Gawain could see from the corner of his eye that the wizard sidled a little closer to Elayeen.

Nor was the gesture lost on Sarek or Jerryn, standing guard behind the semi-circle of thrones, and slowly, the officers moved closer to Elayeen's throne.

"….And therefore, this Council has been summoned to consider the question of mutual defence against this common threat, which, it is alleged, prepares even now to strike against all our lands and peoples.” Mahlek paused, and eyed the lower seats expectantly.

Sure enough, Nahthen was on his feet in an instant. "Crowns, and Council. We have learned of this alleged threat but recently. Indeed, some days past, a minor skirmish with an unidentified force of warriors took place not far from this chamber. Yet, the enemy, if such indeed they were, were effectively and promptly dispatched by a small band of elven warriors. I do not see how such banditry necessitates the calling of Council, nor do I believe that such local brigandry requires military intervention from distant neighbours. I feel sure that both Juria and Elvendere, and indeed Threlland, are more than capable of coping with any minor disturbance local to their borders."

"Easy for you to say, safe in Callodon." Allazar asserted. "You would not feel so secure were your quarters closer to the farak gorin."

"Nor were they brigands, or bandits, as you so casually dismiss them." Juria announced. "That they were Morloch's monsters is beyond question."

"The remnants of Ramoth, surely?" Nahthen smiled, "Small pockets of such brigands yet exist in all our lands, but our local militia is well able to deal with such matters."

"There is an army of six hundred of these creatures in Threlland." Eryk announced. "And Ramoth mercenaries they are not."