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‘So they’re both booby traps?’ said Lydia. She sounded numbed, having passed beyond horror to resigned surrender. ‘How are you supposed to get through?’

‘Solomon must have left a way,’ said Nina. ‘Something to do with “the lesson of the mother”. It’s about a mother giving up her child in order to protect it. There are two traps there, the cage and the column, so maybe it’s about… sacrifice.’ A grim possibility dawned. ‘For somebody to get through the cage, someone else has to stand under that pillar as it falls.’

‘There’s nothing stopping them from just stepping out of the way, though,’ said Eddie.

‘I know — and that’s the worst part. Whoever does it has to voluntarily sacrifice themself to save the other.’

A nasty smile spread across Mukobo’s face. ‘If this is the last test before we reach the treasure… then I know who will take that test.’

Eddie jerked a thumb at Brice and Luaba. ‘Cockface and Tooler here, maybe?’

‘No.’ The warlord pointed at the cage. ‘Put Chase in there!’

Guns came up at the Yorkshireman. ‘All right, I’m fucking moving,’ he said as Luaba shoved him towards the cage.

‘You come with me,’ Mukobo said to Nina, forcing her to the dais. ‘If one of you dies, or both of you, I do not care… but you will open that door.’

Luaba pushed Eddie into the enclosure. His weight tripped something — and with a shrill screech the cage made a quarter-turn, its open section grinding around to face the antechamber’s blank inner wall. He tried to push it back to its original position, and then towards the opening opposite, but it wouldn’t move. He was trapped.

There were no bars around Nina, but she felt trapped too as Mukobo brought her to the circular dais. It was not flat; a raised lip a few inches deep surrounded a recessed slab. She looked up at the stone cylinder. It was the same width as the recess rather than the whole rostrum, but whether that was significant she had no idea.

She had no time to think about it either. ‘Get on,’ ordered the Congolese.

‘Please, don’t,’ she begged. ‘I might be wrong about what we’re supposed to do.’

‘Then you will both die. Get on!’ He aimed his gun at her, driving her on to the dais with his other arm.

As with Eddie, her weight triggered a mechanism. Dust showered her as the suspended column jolted. Mukobo hastily stepped back. The deep grumble of a giant cog reluctantly waking from its three-thousand-year slumber filled the room — and the pillar started to descend.

As did the ceiling above her husband.

Eddie pressed back against the bars, but the gap between the cage and the steadily lowering block was barely an inch. ‘Nina!’ he yelled. ‘Get off that thing, save yourself!’

She held her ground despite her fear. ‘If I do, you’ll be killed! That’s the whole point of Solomon’s story — it’s about sacrificing yourself to protect someone else!’

He angrily shook the cage. ‘No, that’s bollocks! She offered to make the sacrifice, but in the end she and her little boy stayed alive — and stayed together! There’s got to be another option.’

‘Maybe, but I don’t know what!’ The column above her was still rumbling downwards — slightly faster than Eddie’s. It would reach her first. Solomon would have designed the test to work that way on purpose — but why?

‘Then get off it! There’s no point both of us dying!’

Nina’s heart raced, but her mind was working even faster, desperately trying to find an answer — the right answer. She was convinced that Solomon had not set an impossible challenge. The map room in the First Temple, the eagle puzzle on the palace’s roof, both the previous traps — all had a solution.

So what was this solution?

Heed the lesson of the mother. Solomon’s own words, his instruction to those accepting his final test. What was the lesson?

The column’s base was less than a foot above her head. In a moment it would reach her, and she would either have to duck — or step off the dais. Doing the latter, she was sure, would doom Eddie.

The lesson of the mother. The phrase rolled around in her head. She had given up the most precious thing in her life to keep it safe—

No. Eddie was right. She had been willing to give it up. Intent, not action. They were not the same thing…

The answer came to her — she hoped.

If she was wrong, she would be dead in seconds. ‘I love you, Eddie!’ she cried… then closed her eyes.

‘Nina!’ he shouted, but she didn’t respond, instead using every scrap of willpower not to jump clear as the pillar finally touched her head. She flinched, but stayed in place. It ground relentlessly downwards, forcing her to bend, then crouch.

Eddie was still pleading for her to move and save herself, his voice becoming more strained as he too was forced down by the descending ceiling. But she could barely hear his words over her panicked breathing as she was pushed lower and lower, pain rising as she was squeezed between the unyielding stones—

Fear finally overcame her. The terrified animal part of her brain tried to break free — but too late. She couldn’t escape, the falling column squeezing the air from her lungs, crushing her bones…

Something moved.

For a moment she thought the pillar had stopped. But the agonising pressure didn’t lessen—

Realisation hit her. The dais was moving, the recessed disc being driven into the floor. Her own body was acting as a shock absorber, painfully taking the weight of the stone piston above — and transmitting it to the platform beneath her.

A waft of cool air blew around her. She was being pushed into another chamber below!

The column shuddered, then stopped with a crunch — and rose slightly. Nina slithered sideways, falling off the platform to flop on to a solid floor. Panting, she brought up her flashlight.

A tunnel led out of the new room. Off to one side, a flight of steps led upwards — to the antechamber in which her husband was trapped. ‘Eddie?’ she gasped.

‘Nina?’ His relieved and bewildered voice came from the top of the stairs. ‘Where are you? I thought you’d been fucking squashed!’

‘There’s another room underneath the chamber.’ She staggered up the stairs to emerge behind the circular antechamber. The pillar above Eddie was rising back to its original position, the Yorkshireman straightening beneath it. ‘The platform I was standing on got pushed down into it. You were right.’

‘About what?’ He took hold of the bars, which to his surprise moved. The lock had been released, allowing the metal cage to rotate freely.

‘About the mother. It was her offer of a sacrifice that mattered, not the sacrifice itself,’ she said as he hauled the open section of the cage around. ‘Her willingness to give up her son to save him ended up bringing them back together.’

‘Just like this.’ He stepped out and embraced her.

‘Ow, ow,’ she protested. ‘Don’t squeeze so hard! I just had a couple of tons of stone pressing down on my back!’

‘It wasn’t pressing down on your mouth, was it?’

‘No, why?’

He kissed her. ‘That’s why.’

Relief flooded through her, though tempered by the knowledge that they were still in danger. ‘There’s an exit down there,’ she told him. ‘It must lead to the Mother of the Shamir.’

‘Whatever that is.’ Raised voices from the other side of the cage warned that their survival had been noticed. ‘If they didn’t still have Fortune and the others, I’d say we run on ahead and make sure Mukobo and those other bastards never get their hands on it. But…’