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Falk rose to a crouch. ‘How many?’

‘At least three with Walther. Rasche has another two.’

The older man pulled the magazine from his pistol to check how many bullets remained, grimaced, then slotted it back in place. ‘The odds could be more in our favour,’ he told Nina with an apologetic shrug, before looking back at his partner. ‘Do me proud, areyh tes’eyer.’

The normally stoical Zane’s face broke into a surprisingly boyish grin. ‘Have I ever done anything else, alter kocker?’

‘Far too often.’ Another smile, then Falk peered cautiously down the street. Rasche and his group were scurrying towards them between the empty cars. ‘You take Walther and the ones behind, I will…’

His voice trailed off — not in fear, but surprise. Nina followed his gaze, seeing a tram clanking down the road at speed. That it was not in the hands of a normal driver was made instantly clear as it rammed the bullet-pocked police car aside and thundered towards her.

A figure leaned out of the open door, right arm raised—

Eddie let rip with the MPX on full auto, spraying the startled Nazis with bullets as the tram — its controller handle held in place by a bag abandoned by a fleeing passenger — charged past them. One man fell dead under the onslaught, a second reeling as a round clipped his upper arm. Rasche flung himself behind a car as shots plunked into its bodywork.

The Englishman ducked back inside as the enraged survivors returned fire. The tram’s windows shattered, splintered wood flying through the cabin. But the intervening seats stopped any bullets from reaching him.

The smoke from the grenade explosion rolled past. He wasn’t far from Nina’s position. He pulled the bag off the controls and shoved the lever back. The whine of the tram’s motors died down, and the little train began to slow. He waited for the shooting to stop, then jumped out and rolled to land behind a pickup truck. The empty tram coasted on past him.

Where was Nina? A glance over the pickup’s bonnet revealed a damaged white SUV about twenty yards back the way he had come, Zane hunched beside it.

‘Bloody Mossad,’ he muttered as he moved around the truck, about to call to the Israeli—

Someone yanked him off his feet.

Eddie looked around in shock to find himself staring into Walther’s angry face. The huge German had hauled him off the ground with just one hand — using the other to tear the MPX from his grip.

‘Englander, hey?’ Walther growled, slamming Eddie violently against the pickup’s side. ‘I hate Englanders!’ He pulled him back, about to pound him into the truck again—

Eddie drove his fist into his opponent’s jaw. ‘Yeah, and I fucking hate Nazis!’

The blow would have taken down any normal man, but Walther was not a normal man. He bellowed like a bull, and Eddie found himself flying through the air as the giant hurled him down the street. He crashed down on top of a car, buckling the roof.

The Nazi shouted orders. His troops moved in, closing the circle around Nina and the two Mossad agents as Rasche and his remaining man advanced from the other direction…

More sirens screamed.

Walther whirled to stare down the road. Three police cars tore out from a side street, followed by a pair of military jeeps and an open-backed truck carrying a squad of soldiers. He hesitated; then, realising the Nazis were outnumbered, issued more commands. He and his group ran to rejoin Rasche and the other man, and they all disappeared into the maze to the south.

Eddie lifted his aching head to watch their retreat, then saw Nina running towards him. ‘Oh my God, Eddie!’ she cried. ‘Are you all right?’

‘Just lying around,’ he groaned.

‘What happened? I thought they’d caught you — you were up on a balcony!’ She started to help him off the car.

‘I took the quick way down after I chucked you that horse. It worked for Jackie Chan, so I thought I’d give it a shot — before I got shot.’ Wincing at the protest from his bruised muscles, he clambered down. ‘Speaking of the horse…’

‘It’s over there,’ Nina told him, gesturing towards the SUV. Zane was standing beside the statue, warily keeping watch.

‘Great. Let’s secure the fucking thing.’

Falk met them at the Toyota. ‘Mr Chase, hello again!’ he said cheerfully. ‘I’m sure you’re as glad to see me as I am to see you.’

‘Wouldn’t put money on it,’ Eddie told him. ‘But… you watched out for Nina, so I’ve got to give you that, at least.’ The Mossad agent smiled and extended his hand. Somewhat reluctantly, Eddie raised his own to complete the handshake.

Falk smiled. ‘You see? We are not as bad as you think. Jared, Mr Chase just saved us — you should show some gratitude.’

Zane had the expression of a child being forced to thank a relative for a horrible sweater. ‘I wouldn’t say he saved us,’ he objected. ‘He… helped.’

‘Glad to be of service,’ said Eddie sarcastically. But he held out his hand… then stiffened in alarm as Rasche reappeared at the end of the alley, aiming his MPX at Zane.

The young Israeli saw the Englishman’s reaction and spun to find the threat as Eddie pushed Nina to the ground—

A gunshot echoed across the street.

But Rasche’s round didn’t hit its intended target. Falk threw himself in front of the younger agent, taking the bullet in his back. He crumpled to the ground. Blood gushed from the entrance wound.

Ben!’ Zane screamed, eyes wide in horror. He fired at Rasche, but the war criminal had already run back into the alley. One last futile shot, then he crouched beside his fallen comrade.

Eddie was already trying to help the downed man, but bitter past experience told him there was nothing he could do. ‘The bullet’s still in there,’ he told Zane all the same. ‘Put pressure on the wound, we might be able to—’

No!’ said Falk breathlessly. ‘Jared, the phone, the wallet — you must take them and follow any leads. And…’ He coughed, producing specks of bloody spittle. ‘And take everything else. You have to leave me.’

Zane shook his head. ‘No, I can’t—’

‘You must! You know the rules.’ His eyes flicked beseechingly towards Nina and Eddie. ‘The Egyptians cannot know I am from the Mossad. We may be at peace, but they are not our friends. And they cannot take you, either,’ he went on, a warning note entering his voice even through the pain. One hand fumbled inside his clothing. ‘Here, here.’ He produced the wallet and phone and tried to pass them to the younger man, but they slipped from his grasp.

Zane caught them. Anguished, he leaned over his partner and spoke pleadingly in Hebrew. Falk shook his head, a tear running from the corner of one eye. ‘You know the rules,’ he repeated. ‘You must… accomplish the mission. Tzeth’a leshalom veshuvh’a leshalom, areyh tes’eyer…’

He began to smile, but it froze on his lips. The old man fell still.

Zane’s fists clenched, his whole body shuddering. He opened his mouth as if to cry out… but then forced it closed again. Quickly and coldly, he ran his hands through Falk’s pockets, taking out every form of identification, every personal possession. Grim task completed, he looked up at the couple. ‘Say nothing to the Egyptians.’ It was as much threat as request.

‘We won’t,’ Nina promised, feeling his loss. Eddie nodded.

Zane choked back his emotions, then hurried off through the stranded traffic. Within moments he had vanished, slipping away from the arriving cops and soldiers.