Выбрать главу

Стихотворения. М., 1990.

Рассказы. Стихи. Сказки. М., 1990.

Ким. М., 1990.

Восток есть Восток. Рассказы. Путевые заметки. Стихи. М., 1991.

Собрание сочинений: В 5 т. М., 1991.

Сочинения: В 3 т. М., 2000.

Стихотворения. Книга джунглей. Рассказы. Свет погас. Ким. М., 2004.

Brazilian Sketches. New York, 1927.

A Choice of Kipling’s Verse. London, 1941.

The Collected Works of Rudyard Kipling. V. 1—28. New York, 1941.

The Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling. V. 1—35. London, 1937–1939.

«О Beloved Kids»: R. Kipling’s Letters to His Children. Lon-don, 1983.

Poems. Short Stories. Moscow, 1983.

Souvenirs of France. London, 1933.

Kipling’s India: Uncollected Sketches 1884–1888. London, 1986.

Kipling’s Japan. London, 1988.

Kipling’s Mind and Art. Essays. Edinburgh — London, 1964.

2) Литература о P. Киплинге

Amis К. Rudyard Kipling and His World. London, 1975.

Annan N. Kipling’s Mind and Art: Essays. London, 1965.

Baldwin A. W. The McDonald Sisters. London, 1961.

Birkenhead F. W. Rudyard Kipling. London, 1978.

Bradley N. Son of Empire. London and Glasgow, 1945.

Brown H. Rudyard Kipling. A New Appreciation. London, 1946.

Carrington C. Rudyard Kipling. His Life and Work. London, 1955. Cornell L. L. Kipling in India. London — New York, 1967.

Dobree B. Rudyard Kipling. Realist and Fabulist. Oxford, 1967.

Fido M. Rudyard Kipling. London, 1974.

Henn Т.R. Kipling. Edinburgh — London, 1974.

Kemp S. Kipling’s Hidden Narratives. Oxford — New York, 1988.

Kipling and the Critics. New York, 1965.

Kipling: Interviews and Recollections. London, 1983.

Kipling. The Critical Heritage. London, 1971.

Manley S. Rudyard Kipling. New York, 1965.

Mason P. Kipling: The Glass, the Shadow, and the Fire. Lon-don, 1975.

Page N. A Kipling Companion. London, 1984.

Seymour-Smith M. Rudyard Kipling. London, 1989.

Stewart J., Tunes M. Rudyard Kipling. London, 1966.

Theroux P. The White Man’s Burden. London, 1987.

Tompkins, J.M.S. The Art of Rudyard Kipling. London, 1959.

Wilson A. The Strange Ride of Rudyard Kipling. His Life and Works. New York, 1978.

Wilson E. The Wound and the Bow. London, 1961.