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Chukwuma, С. Sr. and Tuomilehto, J. The «thrifty» hypotheses: clinical and epidemiological significance for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Jоиrпаl of Cardiovascular Risk 5: 11 — 23; 1998.

Groop, L. С. Insulin resistance: the fundamental trigger of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 1 (suppl. 1): S1 — S7; 1999.

Глава 13. Скорость жизни, метаболизм и свободные радикалы

Pearl, R. The Rate of Living. Knopf,New York, 1928.

Harman, D. Aging: а theory based on free radical and radiation chemistry. Journal of Gerontology 11: 298 — 300; 1956.

Птицы, скорость метаболизма и образование свободных радикалов

Austad, S. N. Birds as models of aging in biomedical research. ILAR Jоиrnаl 38: 137 — 141; 1998.

Barja, G. Mitochondrial free radical production and aging in mammals and birds. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 854: 224 — 238; 1998.

Свободные радикалы, устойчивость к стрессу и старение

Honda, Y. and Honda, S. The daf-2 gene network for longevity regulates oxidative stress resistance and Mn-superoxide dismutase gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans. FASEB Jоиrпаl 13: 1385 — 1393; 1999.

Barsyte, D., Lovejoy, D. А. and Lithgow, G. J. Longevity and heavy-metal resistance in daf-2 and age-1 long-lived mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans. FASEB Journal 15: 627 — 634; 2001.

Orr, W. С. and Sohal, R. S. Extension of lifеspan by overexpression of superoxide dismutase and catalase in Drosophila melanogaster. Science 263: 1128 — 1130; 1994.

Gray, М. D., Shen, J. С., Kamath-Loeb, А. S., Blank, A., Sopher, В. L., Martin, G. М., Oshima, J. and Loeb, L. А. The Werner syndrome protein is а DNA helicase. Nature Genetics 17: 100 — 103; 1997.

Kapahi, Р., Boulton, М. Е. and Kirkwood, Т. В. Positive correlation between mammalian lifespan and сеllulаr resistance to stress. Freе Rаdiсаl Biology and Medicine 26: 495 — 500; 1999.

Ограничение потребление калорий

Sohal, R. S. and Weindruch, R. Oxidative stress, caloric restriction and aging. Science 273: 59 — 63; 1996.

Кауо, Т., Allison, D., Weindruch, R. and Рrоllа, Т. А. Influences of aging and caloric restriction on the transcriptional profile of skeletal muscle from rhesus monkeys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98: 5093 — 5098; 2001.

Митохондриальная история старения

Наrman, D. The biological clock: the mitochondria? Journal of the Атеriсап Geriatric Society 20: 145 — 147; 1972.

Miquel, J. An update on the oxygen stress-mitochondria! Mutation theory of aging: genetic and evolutionary applications. Experimental Gerontology 33: 113 — 126; 1998.

Richter, С., Park, J. W. and Аmes, В. N. Normal oxidativedamage to mitochondrial and nuclear DNA is extensive. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 85: 6465 — 6467;1988.

Beckman, К. В. and Аmes, В. N. Endogenous oxidative damage of mitochondrial DNA. Mutation Research 424: 51 — 58; 1999.

Kirkwood, Т. В. and Kowald, А. А network theory of ageing: the interactions of defective mitochondria, aberrant proteins, free radicals and scavengers in the ageing process. 316: 209 — 236; 1996.

Предел Хейфлика и теломераза

Hayflick, L. The limited in vitro lifetime of human diploid cell strains. Experimental Cell Research 37: 614 — 636; 1965.

Harley, С. В., Futcher, А. В. and Greider, С. W. Telomeres shorten during ageing of human fibroblasts. Nature 345: 458 — 460; 1990.

Bodnar, А. G., Ouellette, М., Frolkis, М., Holt, S. Н., Chiu, С. Р., Morin, G. В., Harley, С. В., Shay, J. W., Lichtsteiner, S. and Wright, W. Е. Extension of lifespan by introduction telomerasе into normal human cells. Science 279: 349 — 352; 1998.

Goyns, М. Н. and Lavery, W. L. Telomerase and mammalian ageing: а critical appraisal. Mechanisms of Аgeing and Development 114: 69 — 77; 2000.

Митохондрии и дифференцировка клеток

von Wangenheim, К. Н. and Peterson, Н. P. Control of cell proliferation by progress in differentiation: clues to mechanisms of aging, cancer causation and therapy. Journal of Тhеоretical Biology 193: 663 — 678; 1998.

Kowald, А. and Kirkwood, Т. В. L. Accumulation of defective mitochondria through delayed degradation of damaged organelles and its possible role in the ageing of postmitotic and dividing cells. Journal of Theoretical Biology 202: 145 — 160; 2000.

Митохондрии и пол

Allen, J. F. Separate sexes and the mitochondrial theory of ageing. Journal of Тhеоretiсаl Biology 180: 135 — 140; 1996.

Birky, С. W. Jr. Uniparental inheritance of mitochondrial and chloroplast genes: mechanisms and evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 92: 11331 — 11338; 1995.

Cummins, J. Mitochondrial DNA in mammalian reproduction. Rеvieus of Reproduction 3: 172 — 182; 1998.

Sutovsky, Р., Моrеnо, R. D., Ramalho-Santos, J., Dominko, Т., Simerly, С. and Schatten, G. Ubiquitin tag for sperm mitochondria. Nature 402: 371 — 372; 1999.

Глава 14. Инфекции и окислительный стресс

Pahl, Н. and Ваeuerlе, Р. Expression of influenza vims hemagglutinin activates transcription factor NF-kappa В. Journal of Virology 69: 1480 — 1484;1995.

Pahl, Н. and Ваeuerlе, Р. Activation of NF-kappa В by endoplasmic reticulum stress requires both Ca2+ and reactive oxygen intermediates as messengers. FEBS Letters 392: 129 — 136; 1996.

Воспалительные процессы у стареющих макак резус

Кауо, Т., Allison, D., Weindruch, R. and Prolla, Т. А. Influences of aging and caloric restriction on the transcriptional profile of skeletal muscle from rhesus monkeys. Рrосееdings of the National Academy of Sciеnces USA 98: 5093 — 5098; 2001.

Болезнь Альцгеймера

Selkoe, D. J. The origins of Alzheimer disease: А is for amyloid. Jоиrпаl of the Атеriсап Medical Association 283: 1615 — 1617; 2000.

Geula, С., Wu, С. К., Saroff, D., Lorenzo, А., Yuan, М. and Yankner, B. A. Aging renders the brain vulnerable to amyloid beta-рrоtein neurotoxicity. Nature Medicine 4: 827 — 831; 1998.