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Just to satisfy my curiosity I got out a paper and pencil and figured out how long it would take to retire a fifteen-thousand-dollar mortgage at four percent interest if the principal was paid off at the rate of twenty-five hundred a year. It worked out to six years, with the first year’s payment being thirty-one hundred and reducing at the rate of one hundred dollars a year, so that the final payment would be only twenty-six hundred.

Mavis had been watching me as I figured. I looked up at her and said, “If a couple with ten thousand dollars to put down could squeeze by on forty-four hundred the first year, and an increase of a hundred dollars a year for the next five years, they’d end up with a clear business bringing in about seventy-five hundred a year.”

Her eyes turned bright. “Why don’t we take it, Sam? I mean really.”

I scowled at her and the brightness in her eyes faded. “In the first place we haven’t got ten thousand dollars. In the second place, I’m not sweating away six years of my life for the privilege of spending the rest of it in a one-horse town. Not while this racket continues to pay what it does.”

“What good does it do us?” she asked quietly. “After five and a half years we’ve got two thousand dollars less than we had after pulling our first job together in Los Angeles.”

I crumpled up the paper I had been figuring on and dropped it in an ashtray. “The good it does us is that we work less than six months a year, and not very hard even then. And live in luxury the rest of the time.”

Mavis didn’t say any more about it.

The reply from Helen Larson came the day after we heard from Herman Gwynn. She said she’d be delighted to meet me in Kansas City to talk things over, and wanted to know just when I planned to be there.

Three days afterward a letter came from the West-field Chamber of Commerce which read:

Dear Mr. Howard:

I have your inquiry re: the Farmer’s Appliance Store of Westfield, and glad to be able to report the following:

The present owner, Mr. Herman Gwynn, has been a resident of this village for forty years and we consider his character and business integrity beyond question. He has owned and operated the Farmer’s Appliance Store for approximately twenty-five years and has been a member of this chamber for the same length of time.

As you probably know, the nature of the business is the retailing of all types of farm appliances except motorized equipment; i.e. it does not include heavy machinery such as tractors, harvesters and so on. But it offers for sale a variety of smaller farm equipment ranging from milking machines, pumps and cream separators all the way down to simple items such as buckets.

As Chautauqua County is one of the richest dairy and fruit sections in New York State, there is a steady market for this type of equipment. Nearly every city and town in the county contains at least one similar store, but there is no competition in Westfield itself, and the nearest competitor is in a town approximately eighteen miles away.

We do not have a locally-owned bank in West-field. The only banking service is offered by a branch of the Chautauqua National Bank and Trust Company of Jamestown, New York. There is, however, a Westfield Savings and Loan Association.

I am sure that with ten thousand dollars in cash to invest, you would have no trouble raising an additional fifteen thousand from either institution, providing you can supply adequate character references and satisfy them as to your ability to run the business profitably.

I hope this information will be of service to you, and I will be looking forward to meeting you if you decide to become a member of this community.


James Hope, Secretary.

I put in a long-distance call to Herman Gwynn. When I got him on the phone, I said, “This is Sam Howard, Mr. Gwynn. The man who wrote you about your store, you know. I’m phoning from Florida.”

“Sure, sure,” he said. “How are you, sir?” He had a rather pleasant voice, just beginning to turn high with age.

“Fine, Mr. Gwynn. I’m very interested in your proposition, and would like to come to Westfield to discuss it further. But I don’t want to make that long a trip and have it turn out to be a wild goose chase. Is there any chance of your closing a deal with someone else within the next couple of weeks?”

“Well, a couple of other fellows have inquired about it,” he said cautiously. “I couldn’t rightly guarantee not to sell out if I got the right offer.”

“Naturally not,” I said. “That’s why I called. To make you an offer which will protect us both. I’m willing to send you a check for two hundred dollars as a guarantee of good faith providing you’ll guarantee me first crack at the store. The agreement won’t bind either of us to any particular price, but will merely give me the privilege of meeting any offer you get from any other source before you close the deal.”

He thought this over a minute before he said slowly, “How soon you planning to come up here, Mr. Howard?”

“I can’t make it in less than about two weeks.”

“That’s hardly no time at all,” he said. “You don’t need to send any check, Mr. Howard. You sound like an honest man to me. And in these parts a man’s word is as good as his signature. I won’t guarantee not to bargain with no one else, but I’m willing to guarantee not to close any deal within the next two weeks, so you can get up here, look the business over and make an offer.”

“Fine,” I said. “You sound to me like an honest man too.”

He asked me to let him know when I expected to arrive, and he’d meet me at the railroad station.

I said, “I may arrive by car. And I’m not sure, but I may be on my honeymoon. I’ll phone you when I get there.”

He sounded pleased that I was getting married. “I’ll look forward to meeting you and your bride then,” he said.

All that was left then was to check train schedules and wire Helen Larson the date I expected to arrive in Kansas City. It was then Friday, the thirteenth of November, and I actually planned to arrive in K.C. on the seventeenth. But I gave myself a day’s leeway and asked her to meet me at the Croissant Hotel on Wednesday, the eighteenth.

When Mavis and I took the train from Miami we were still the rich and well-dressed Howards. We didn’t change clothes and character until we got to Memphis, which was at the end of our train ride.

In Memphis we put into storage all of my tailored clothes and Mavis’s evening gowns, expensive dresses and furs. I switched to the good grade but slightly ill-fitting suit which made me look like an honest but not-too-well-off clerk of some kind. Mavis returned to her staid ready-made suits, her prim hairdo and the sedate manner of an inhibited spinster.

I bought a secondhand Ford in Memphis and drove the last four hundred and seventy miles.

Mavis and I checked into adjoining rooms at the Croissant at six P.M. on November seventeenth. The Croissant was a good second-class hotel, fully respectable enough to match our supposed middle-class respectability, yet with rates within the means of the frugal characters we were supposed to be.

That night when Mavis slipped into my room through the connecting bath and crept into my arms, she said, “Oh, Sam. I can’t bear to think of the next two months, watching you with another woman again. Couldn’t we at least talk to this Gwynn man with the eight thousand we have?”

“No,” I said. “And I don’t want to hear you mention it again.”

Chapter XIII

The desk phoned at eleven-thirty the next morning to tell me I had visitors in the lobby. Mavis and I had been up and dressed since eight, but had stuck to our room awaiting the call, even having breakfast sent up so that we’d be sure not to miss the Larson woman when she arrived.