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"Does that feel good, honey?" she asked softly.

"Mmmmmmmmm," the brunette purred, and spread her legs a little farther apart. The movement somehow left her buttocks tilted a bit higher.

A fine bead of perspiration formed on Sue Robin's forehead as she continued to rub the fine flesh, barely pretending to really massage any longer.

"Roll over, Mary Beth, and I'll get those leg muscles on top," she said, her voice coming huskily through her dry throat.

Completely succumbed to the pleasure of the massage, the woman rolled over, and Sue Robin blinked her eyes at the wealth of loveliness exposed as Mary Beth lay on her back, her legs spread as far apart as the couch would allow. Her eyes were closed, but her lips were partly languorously. The light tan of her body emphasized the whiteness of her tits, swelling up like ripe melons and tipped with swollen purplish nipples.

Damn! Sue Robin thought, staring in fascination. Doesn't she know they're hard? She forced herself to begin kneading the taps of the supine woman's thighs.

"Ah, that's so good, Sue Robin," Mary Beth smiled without opening her eyes. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" Her tongue tip licked slowly across her lips as if she were tasting an ice-cream cone.

"Let's get those neck muscles from this side," Sue Robin muttered huskily. Leaning forward until her face was practically against those quivering tits, she pressed her fingers into the muscles of Mary Beth's neck and out along her shoulders. She noticed that her sister-in-law's breath was shallower now and more rapid, and a faint flush of pinkness seemed to follow her fingers as they manipulated and probed lower along her shoulders and neck.

Sue Robin moved her hands slowly downward across the padded breastbone. "I'll bet you haven't had your check-up for breast lumps lately, have you, honey?"

A murmur came from the other's throat, and Sue Robin interpreted it as assent. Her own breath came more rapidly as she slid her hands across the spongy mounds and began probing them delicately all over. In a few moments her expert probing was over, but she continued to slowly massage with her palms while she let her fingertips lightly caress the nipples, swollen now until they were as large as her thumb tips.

Mary Beth kept her eyes closed, but her slack lips widened in an appreciative smile. Sue Robin was sitting with her hip touching the other's, and she felt the slow squirming of Mary Beth's ass against the couch. Yeah, it was getting to her, all right. So the frigid woman wasn't so frigid after all; she just had some sort of hang-up.

Boldly now, she released the big globes she was squeezing and ran her hands down across the other's waist and belly to reach inside her thigh and begin kneading it. With one hand on the upper and outer part of the thigh, she squeezed and massaged the inner side with her other hand, reaching right up to the crotch as Mary Beth willingly moved her other leg farther away. As she squeezed the warm flesh, Sue Robin let her knuckles brush across the now vulnerable lips of Mary Beth's pussy. The gossamer material of the panties did little to reduce the sensation, and the brunette's purring became punctuated with soft gasps of pleasure.

Sue Robin had to close her own eyes for a moment, to keep control of herself. The sight of the thick curly bush of cunt hair made her want to plunge her hand into it and titillate the other until she drove her up the wall. Then, by God, she'd never be cold to her new husband again. But she restrained herself, only letting her knuckles rub expertly along the nylon-covered pussylips.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw a trickle of love-juice trailing down into the crack of Mary Beth's ass. She was sure she could go ahead now and peel off the panties, but some instinct made her wait. Leave her excited, she told herself. That way, she'll want you to come back and do it again. No fulfillment yet.

Gradually she stopped massaging. "Mary Beth," she said as soon as she could trust her voice, "you stay right here, nice and relaxed. I've got to go now, but I'll be back late this evening and give you another massage. I think we can stop those pains. Now just go to sleep, honey. I'll slip out quietly."

A faint whimper of protest came from the slack lips, but Mary Beth obediently kept her eyes closed and lay still.

"I'll drive her up the wall," Sue Robin vowed as she climbed into her MG. "She'll be begging Bobby Lee to screw her."

Mary Beth remained in a dreamy state of languor, still glowing from the stimulating caresses of Sue Robin. She had never caressed her own body like that. Her mother had drilled it into her that such things were sinful. Idly her thoughts went back to her childhood, before she and her widowed mother had moved to Maxwell. Crystal had been with them then, Crystal who was two years older than her, and even prettier. In the little town of Gammon she and Crystal were known as the two prettiest little girls for miles around. Old men bought them candy at the local grocery store, and fondled their hair and bounced them on their knees.

That was how Mary Beth had learned the flirty ways which became such a part of her that she had actually grown up unconscious of them. As a six-year-old she had reminded oldsters of little Shirley Temple, and she knew how to make her dimples appear, and how to dance and roll her eyes to please the old men and make them buy her candy. As she grew older, it made young boys her own age play with her at parties, especially games in which holding each other was part of the action.

But there was always her stern-faced mother, warning of sin and damnation, and the folly of "having anything to do with boys and men". Just exactly what she meant by having to do with them, Mary Beth didn't really know. She scarcely listened to the dirty talk of some of the boys and girls in her school, and sex was something her mother mentioned on rare occasions with a shudder of disgust. As she neared her teens, her mother warned her more and more – but vaguely still – about having males touch her, or even touching her own body. Luckily an intelligent physical education teacher taught the schoolgirls about keeping their entire bodies clean, but Mary Beth tried not to look at herself when she was scrubbing "down there" in the shower or the bathtub.

The last man to bounce her on his knees was the preacher who came to enjoy Sunday dinner occasionally with the Widow Dumont. Mary Beth was about eleven then, and already her nipple were beginning to grow and the little flesh mound that would later become such splendid boobs were pressing against her dress.

"She's a mighty nice little girl, Mrs. Dumont," the preacher said, running his hand down her back and patting her buttocks.

The mother smiled proudly as the preacher pulled the girl to sit on his knees. He looked earnestly into the mother's eyes while his hand moved, as if indifferently, over the girl's body.

"You'll have to keep a close eye on this one, Mrs. Dumont. A close eye! But with God's help, I know you'll do all right."


About two years later Crystal succumbed to the urges of her passionate body and the delightful pressures of a high school football player, and got herself pregnant. Feeling disgraced, Widow Dumont had packed her oldest daughter out of the state to live with a relative until everything was over, and she took Mary Beth and moved to Maxwell, where nobody had ever heard of them. There she continued to drill into the younger daughter the sinfulness of the human body.

Still, she was traditional enough to want her daughter to marry successfully. That was "the thing to do", although it involved certain distasteful sexual duties. So when her beautiful and popular daughter attracted Bobby Lee Forsythe, the tall, handsome son of the richest man in the county, she didn't discourage Mary Beth from seeing him.

Now Mary Beth dreamily caressed her breast and imagined that it was the skilled hand of Sue Robin. A nice girl, Sue Robin. She was lucky to have her for a sister-in-law. She sure learned a lot as a nurse's aide, all that massage stuff. The tension and nagging pain was completely gone. But her own hand didn't feel as good as Sue Robin's had. She slipped her hand on down between her thighs, to stroke the sensitive flesh, and her fingertips encountered the slippery love-juice. Startled, she wondered what it was, but when she lifted her hand and looked at her glistening fingertips, she saw nothing to cause alarm.