"Are you okay, kitten?" I asked as she pushed me off her.
"Someone is coming. The gate just opened," she whispered.
My heart did one last hard beat before it stopped all together. I looked up at the gate and a rather imposing figure immerged from the mist that had formed as the sun set.
Kitten rolled down her window a little bit and he approached her side. "Hello, Cunt, how's it hanging?"
"Hello, Kitten, welcome back. Would you and your friend like to come in now, or are you planning on camping out at our front gate all night?" he said as he leaned down to get a better look at her.
Our doors were locked, but I still felt extremely vulnerable, and looked down the drive in hopes Master would pull up at this very moment. "Sir Brendan would like you both to come in."
"We're waiting for Master, Cunt. I'm telling Baby about the last time I was here."
I grabbed her wrist when Cunt casually stated, "Roll down the window more, Kitten. You're acting more like a scared child then the experience switch I know you to be."
She pried off my fingers and said, "It's a bit chilly, Cunt, and Baby has strict orders not to go in without Master. I shouldn't leave her in the car alone. We'll be in when Master arrives."
"Sir Brendan will be most disappointed, Kitten…"
She finished his sentence for him, "and most likely take it out on your ass for not being persuasive enough to get two little slaves into the mansion."
His face went a little ashen and he grunted, "Nothing I can't handle. Today is my ten-year anniversary with Sir Brendan. What time is your Master due to arrive? Sir Brendan will expect an answer to his question." I could see him shifting from one foot to the other, as if he could already feel the heat of his punishment traveling over his ass.
"Master will be here around 7:00. We'll be more then happy to join you and Sir Brendan at that time. Do tell Sir Brendan I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing him again." she said as she started to close the window. He slid his fingers inside and got them caught, and yelped. "Hey, wait, I'm not done yet."
"No, Cunt, but I want to finish my story for Baby before Master gets here, and you are interrupting. Please remember this when we're inside." There was a tinge of heat in her words, but she had the biggest smile on her face I had ever seen.
Cunt's adam's apple was bobbing up and down. "Er, yes, Kitten, I will remember." He straightened up and walked toward the gate, a slight spring accompanied his steps.
Kitten laughed as we watched the gates close. "Sir Brendan will hold off any punishment he deems needed till we're all in there."
"Won't Cunt try to get you in trouble too?" I asked.
"No, we won't be in trouble, Baby. Our Master's orders have been followed. That Cunt was unable to persuade us to come in, is irrelevant. You heard him acknowledge me as a switch, not a slave. It was his way of submitting to my will. Not going when I dismissed him is his only transgression. He'll relay our conversation verbatim to Sir Brendan, and he will catch Cunt's slip.
"So where was I? Oh yes, lets see…" She pulled me back to lie again on her chest as she continued. "Elaine was strapped over the block and she said, 'I looked up to see her still nude standing in front of me, smiling benignly. She was holding something behind her back. "Do you know what an Ashlar is my dear?" she asked. 'No, Mistress," I replied. "It's an English punishment cane not of bamboo, but a finely cut and milled piece from the branch of an ash tree, exceedingly flexible, yet almost unbreakable. It's designed to inflict a maximum amount of pain with a minimal chance of injury. If you don't cross any of the previous marks, the skin won't even be broken, and believe me my dear, I'm an expert with it, aren't I, Thomas?"
" ' "Yes Mistress", came his rapid reply. "Show her the results of a session with it, Thomas." He came over to her side and turned his back to me. His ass and thighs were lined with think black, purple and blue marks.
" ' "He got those five days ago my dear. What do you think of them?"
" 'Most impressive," I replied, "What did he do to deserve them?"
" ' "Nothing, he was caned simply because I enjoy caning him. He is mine to do with as I please. Just as you are mine to do with as I please for now." She produced the Ashlar from behind her and I shuddered when I saw it. It was a full four feet long, and as she bent it back and forth for effect, very flexible. She turned and touched it to her husband's bottom causing him to cringe involuntarily. "He took those without make a sound. If you can take the first fifty the same way, I won't give you the last fifty. Do you understand my dear?"
" 'Yes Mistress" was my answer and she gave me a broad grin.
" 'Sir Brendan had caned me numerous times lately and my tolerance had really gone up. I looked up at Thomas who was facing me again. He saw me looking at him and he gave me a knowing smirk and slowly shook his head. I wondered why he did that. I found out when she applied the first cut of the Ashlar across my lower buttocks.
" 'Nothing I experienced before had prepared me for this pain as it pulsed through my body. She applied the second stroke on the upper slopes of my buttocks and the pain of it joined with and amplified the still lingering sensations of the first one. The third and forth strokes were applied to my thighs.
" 'My entire body went into a spasm and I could hear someone screaming. Then came the realization it was me. She paused after the first ten and walked over to Thomas who had begun to masturbate as she caned me. The fire in my ass and thighs radiated over my entire body. She was visibly upset with him and told him to turn around and touch his toes. She then proceeded to give him thirty with the Ashlar, and to my amazement, he took them silently. She wielded the Ashlar with great skill and obvious enjoyment.
" ' "Up and turn" she told him. He stood and faced me, still sporting a pulsing erection to which she applied a series of sharp smacks with her hand until he was flaccid again. "You know the rules Thomas. Never, without permission. Never!"
" ' "Do I have permission now Mistress?"'
" ' "All you have to do is ask, Thomas," and she rapidly gave him five more cuts of the Ashlar on his thighs. His cock was totally erect again by the fifth stroke.
" 'She disappeared from my view, then came the slashes across my bottom. With great skill and dexterity she whipped me into a fog of pain that eventually turned to pleasure. I twisted my head around to look at her as she raised the Ashlar behind her shoulder and wound a telling cut onto my thighs. A look of contented triumph was on her face. Her eyes locedk onto mine as she applied the final twenty-five cuts onto my striated ass.
" ' "Release her hands, Thomas" He scurried to comply. My whole body was quivering from its most recent ordeal, and my newly freed hands flew to my bottom and thighs to vainly rub them. Pain still raged through my well-disciplined body as I felt the countless ridges and angry raised welts.'
"You know how rubbing increases the pain, but I love running my fingers over my well-earned stripes, and so did she. Elaine was rubbing her ass as she went on to say, " 'The gay males were eagerly awaiting me as I crawled to their position. They had donned black leather executioners hoods and chaps as their only apparel. They were sitting side by side and stroking each other's long slim cocks. They both rose as I reached their location and the taller of the pair took my head in his hands and pulled my mouth onto his cock. He swayed his hips, slowly and evenly worked his cock down my throat, then withdrew so I could run my tongue around the head before he reinserted himself till his balls were resting on my chin. He kept working me this way for quite a while. His movements became more animated. Just as suddenly as he started he pulled out of my mouth and stepped aside so his partner could start to fuck my face in exactly the same fashion. His long slim penis worked its way in and out of my throat and over my tongue while he held my head immobile between his hands.