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"He was giving me a chance for recognition, so I opened my mouth slightly and sucked and licked the underside of his cock up and down the length numerous times, pausing to softly lick over his balls and firmly tongue bathe the head where it joined the shaft. Master gently laid his left hand on the side of my head and ground his cock back into my mouth and down my waiting throat. I sucked him with all the skill and energy I possessed.

"I was staring at his face and noticed a slight smile as he started to meet my skilled mouth and tongue, which I worked over under and around his thick cock. Master's enjoyment was growing; he was holding my head gently between his large hands guiding my mouth on its erotic journey. I sucked, working to make him ejaculate into my willing mouth. His hips were moving faster now and I lost all track of time. My jaw ached, my tongue was sore and my lips were being rubbed raw. None of that mattered. All that was important was Master coming in my mouth. Suddenly he had two hands full of my hair and he was slamming his thick cock in and out of my face.

"Then the glorious moment I had been working for arrived. Master withdrew until my lips where locked around the rim of the thick cock head and he came in furious spurts into my grateful mouth. He watched me intently as he voided his balls. He could feel the movements of my mouth as I struggled to swallow all of it, which I did. As it started to slowly deflate he told me, "Milk it down. Don't miss a drop." I stroked his softening cock with my left hand and cradled his balls with my right as the remnants of his orgasm flowed onto my waiting tongue. As I reluctantly removed my mouth from his now flaccid member I felt total fulfillment.

"It truly had been as Master had promised – my night of 'Firsts.'"


My face was still buried in her pussy when there was a sharp wrap on the car window. I jumped up off her lap and looked to see Master's smiling face through the driver's side window.

I leaped to unlock the door and Master opened it wide, "Come here, Baby," he said. As I rose from the car he enveloped me in his arms and kissed me passionately. Breaking the kiss, he said, "A taste of my two favorite girls." Looking at his watch, "Ah, right on time. It's seven o'clock. Slip back into the car, Baby, and we'll ring ourselves into Sir Brendan's."

I crawled back in and was pressed tightly between Master and Kitten, who leaned over as Master closed his door and gave him a kiss. "Hello, Master. Cunt was out about a half-hour ago and invited us in. He understood that we were waiting for you."

"Good girl." He ran his hand over my knee. "I saw that you both were keeping busy."

"Yes, Master, Kitten was telling me of her first time here'" I said as I melted into his side.

"One of my favorite memories of Master Fred. Sir Brendan will be waiting for us, Master. Did he know that I would be here, Master?" Kitten asked without hesitation.

"Yes, Kitten, Sir Brendan knows you belong to me now. He tells me I have a very valuable piece of property in you. He said your training was worthy of his."

"Oh, how magnanimous of him…" Kitten stated before cutting herself off short when Master cleared his throat.

"Kitten, keep the sarcasm to yourself this evening. Sir Brendan is a client and long time associate." he said as he reached over and squeezed her knee. "You want to top him don't you, Kitten."

"Gawd, yes, Master. I didn't think it would be as strong as it is."

"I knew that, Kitten. That's why Sir Brendan was informed you would be accompanying Baby and me this evening. You will get to top Cunt for his anniversary present from Sir Brendan."

"Oh, You've got to be kidding," laughed Kitten. "I am the last one Cunt would want to top him."

"Relax, and go with the flow." Master turned on the car and pulled it forward to buzz us into the gate. He pulled up to the steps Kitten had described earlier. I felt as if I was retracing her steps. Would my trip here be as memorable as hers? I shook to my very core, darting a look up into Master's eyes as he guided me out of the car. "Come, Baby," he whispered into my ear and slid his arm around my waist.

Kitten took the lead and walked up the steps. She straightened noticeably when Cunt opened the door. Breezing past him, she entered the house. Master and I followed, his arm still firmly around my waist.

We waited for Cunt to show us the way. Kitten was nowhere in sight, but I could hear her voice coming from another room. We found Kitten in Sir Brendan's embrace chatting away. "…you sure that's what you want."

"Yes, Kitten it is." Sir Brendan sounded almost benevolently as he continued, "Cunt will hate every moment. It will gnaw at him that I am not giving him what he thinks he wants for our anniversary."

I looked back over my shoulder to see what Cunt had thought of this exchange but he had disappeared.

Sir Brendan released Kitten with a gentle kiss on the forehead, then reached out his hand to shake Master's, "Good to see you again, Sir Brendan."

"I am glad you could come and you brought your lovely Baby." He brushed his fingers over my cheek and it was all I could do not to flinch.

"Very nice to meet you, Sir Brendan." I was feeling out of my element. I had been shaking hard since Master tapped on the window. Master held me close to his side. Cunt came in and announced that the brandy had "breathed" enough and we should each take a glass. He had changed to a pair of dark red leather crotchless pants that hugged his thighs and pushed his manhood out on display. No shirt covered his chest. He raised the tray of drinks between Sir Brendan and me saying, "Take one please." Master and I both picked up a glass at the same time and Sir Brendan picked up two, handing one to Kitten.

"Here you go, my dear. I would like to make a toast to Cunt." Sir Brendan raised his glass to salute Cunt. "To the best bitch a Master could ask for."

"Thank You, Sir Brendan," Cunt said with a tear in his eye. "That's the sweetest thing you have ever said to me."

We all sipped the brandy and I looked up at Master as he said, "Sir Brendan, is this what I think it is?"

"Yes, it's Napoleon brandy, Cunt got it from an admirer and has been saving it for tonight."

"Thank you, Cunt, for sharing this with us," Kitten piped up, moving to stand between him and Sir Brendan. She raked her nails down his chest and I saw the muscles twitch under the thin red lines that now crossed it. Kitten hissed "You are to be my slut this evening, Cunt. Your little glory hole is mine." She reached up and took the glass out of his hands. "On your knees."

He looked over at Sir Brendan who just raised his eyebrow, and Cunt dropped to the floor with a groan.

Kitten reached out and grabbed a handful of hair on the top of his head and pulled his head back to make him look up at her. "You don't like to submit to women do you, Cunt. You think you're too strong for us – that one little female is incapable of making you beg. But I'm stronger then you think, Cunt, because I can give as good as I get – and I plan on taking your ass hard."

Master and I stood there and watched as sweet, lovable Kitten – okay, not always so sweet and lovable – barked out orders to Cunt. "You will rise and lead us down to the red room." Cunt let out a gasp and tried to shoot a look at Sir Brendan, and yelped as kitten fingers pulled hard on his hair. "I'm your Mistress tonight, Cunt, don't look for a ruling from Sir Brendan. He has given you to me for tonight. Red room now, and crawl. She let go of his hair and he dropped to all fours, turned and headed out of the room. Kitten was at his shoulder when they disappeared around the corner.

Sir Brendan lifted his glass again. "To the miserable couple. May she flog him well." He was chuckling hard. "I think they both have their hands full there. Let's give them a little time before we join them."