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Cunt squirmed in his restraints. "Wait Master, You can't let her leave me here like this. Please, Master."

Sir Brendan's hand shot up and slapped Cunt across the face. "I can and will do what I want, when I want, Cunt. Haven't you learned that in our ten years together?"

Cunt's chin dropped to his chest and he whispered, "Yes, Master."

"Good. Shall we go now?" We left the room and he closed the door firmly behind us.


Sir Brendan led us back up the spiral staircase and into a small sitting room. There were platters of antipasto, meats, cheeses and breads on a long table next to the wall. I walked over and picked up a plate and started selecting things I knew Master loved. He and Sir Brendan settled on two overstuff love seats. Kitten asked Sir Brendan what he would like and filled a plate for him.

After handing Master his plate I knelt to the left of him. I was hungry but not, at the same time.

Master picked up a piece of cheese saying "Open, Baby," and popped it into my mouth.

Kitten had made herself a plate and sat next to Sir Brendan.

Turning to Sir Brendan she asked, "Do you mind if I pick your brain, Sir Brendan?"

"Not at all my dear. What would you like to know?"

"It's Cunt. I've pretty much exhausted my torturing skills." She giggled. "He's hardheaded enough, that if I was able to get close to his limits, he would refuse to tell me. I know you're watching and will protect him if I go too far. After all, he has belonged to you for ten years. So I'm sure you know every nock and cranny of his psyche."

"Cunt will hold out as long as you do, Kitten. Not taking anything away from you, but he has been trained hard and long. The twins have tried for years to have him say his safe word. Sometimes I believe he has blocked it from his mind completely. So what would you like to know?"

"I want to know if there is something that sends Cunt over the edge, that would make him lose that grip on his will if done the right way?"

"What we are doing now is part of it. You left him with a rock hard penis. The straps will not allow him to deflate without pain, which will excite him more, so he's going to be very close to the edge as it is. If you don't mind, I will give you a few pointers to Cunt's buttons. Your caressing with one hand and swatting with the other has him in anticipating. I especially liked how you gently blew on it and stroked him tenderly as you got him ready to receive more pain."

Sir Brendan face brightened and he took Kitten's hand, "Come my dear. I know just what will do it. Cunt will hate you for it, but not to worry, nothing that won't come out in the end." He chuckled as they disappeared through the door.

Sir Brendan headed straight for the large stainless steel refrigerator and opened it. Reaching into the vegetable bin he pulled out a plastic zip lock baggy. He pulled out a root covered in mold and placed it on the cutting board.

Picking up a paring knife he said, "This is ginger root. They call it a hand. See the fingers? It looks like an old hag's hand. I am going to show you how to make a butt plug out of it."

"Cunt has a dildo in right now that's much bigger. What will that do?" Kitten asked as she moved a stool closer to the counter to watch Sir Brendan work on the root.

"Ginger is dynamite for CBT, it burns so good."

"It is? I've never heard that."

"Watch and learn, Kitten. First, you must remove one of the fingers from the hand, the longer the better, we need at least four inches," Sir Brendan said as he cut into the palm of the root to get the needed length. He pulled out a potato peeler and scraped off the mold and skin. "You have to make it smooth, but you want to leave as much meat as you can. Don't worry, the root is fibrous and the mold does not penetrate it." Every so often he rinsed it under cold water. Once he was satisfied that all the knots were removed he began to cut a shallow trench around the finger almost three inches from the end. He held it up and smiled, "Looks like a butt plug to me."

The aroma of ginger filled the air as he handed the finger to kitten.

"I am going to teach you how to figging cunt."


"Yes it's a Victorian term. This dates way back in BDSM history. It was used on bad little girls so they wouldn't clinch their asses when they were spanked. Now that we have the plug, we need to do one more thing." Slicing off a piece about a quarter inch thick and a bit over one-inch long he pared it down to a little round cylinder.

Holding it up to admire his handy work he said "You will need to dip the ginger in water and slowly insert it into his urethra."

"Oh my, I have never done anything like that before." Kitten stared wide eyed at the little piece of ginger.

"Make sure you leave enough sticking out so it can be removed easily. The effect on his cock will be immediate and you will quickly get a reaction out of him.

Reaching into the cabinet Sir Brendan pulled out a tumbler and handed it to Kitten. "Fill this with water, put the plug and wedge in it and lets go have some fun with Cunt."

Kitten took the glass in shaky hands and moved to the sink. Sir Brendan came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her saying, "Don't worry, my dear, this won't hurt him, only cause him discomfort while they're in place."

"I believe you, Sir Brendan, however I have never done anything like this before."

"That will be our secret." He led Kitten back the sitting room as Master and I stood. "Are you ready to see how my boy is doing?"

I smiled as Master slid his arm around me, "Yes, we were going to head down that way to see if you had forgotten us."

"No, I was showing Kitten how to prepare a little gift for Cunt. Let's go see how he likes it."


As we neared the door Sir Brendan squeezed Kitten's arm. "You are in control of the scene, Kitten. You are the Mistress here. Do not let his begging deter you. Put the plug in first, it takes longer for the ginger to react there. That will give you plenty of time to slide the wedge in."

I could see Kitten gulp before nodding and asking one more time, "Are you sure this will cause no permanent damage?"

Sir Brendan smiled, "Only to his ego, Kitten. Spread the head of his cock and slide it in slowly and let the ginger do the rest of the work for you."

He opened the door for Kitten and the we followed along. I didn't have a clue what was going on and looked to see if Master did. He was wearing his poker face and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. We moved over to sit back down.

Cunt was groaning as Kitten moved over to the highboy and placed the glass down. When she moved behind him, and removed the butt plug, a smile crossed his face. "Have you missed me, Cunt? Did you think about me while I was gone?"

"No ma'am," his replied.

"I'm crushed." She slapped his ass playfully. "And here I was thinking about you the whole time." Another louder slap followed and he jerked forward. "Sir Brendan even helped me make you a present."

She moved over, picked up the glass and returned to stand behind Cunt. I couldn't take my eyes from his face. There was a look of confusion on his face, which quickly changed to near panic as Kitten slid her ginger plug into his ass.

"You do know what is in there don't you cunt?"

He had arched forward as she moved away, as if he could escape what was there. She slapped his ass again and his eyes locked on Sir Brendan. I twisted my head quickly to catch Sir Brendan give a slight nod.

"Yes," was barely heard before another resounding slap struck his ass.

Kitten moved around and rubbed the tip of her finger over the head of his cock. "You do know what I am going to do next, don't you Cunt. I'm going to stick ginger up your urethra."