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"Of that I have no doubts, Mistress Kitten."


Still holding Kitten's hand Sir Brendan stood. "Would you like to meet your new slave, Mistress Kitten."

"Yes, Sir Brendan, I would like to meet her," she replied as she handed Cunt's leash to him. He shocked us all by bending down and kissing her foot before moving to Sir Brendan's side.

They walked arm and arm to the cage. I saw Stacy move a little as Kitten reached out to stroke her head through the bars. Sir Brendan unlocked the cage and helped Stacy out of it. He handed her leash to Kitten saying, "I gift to you your first slave, may she please you in every way. Train her well and she will."

Taking Stacy's chin in her hand Kitten looked directly into her eyes. "Hello, Stacy, I'm to be your new Mistress. I don't have very many rules to start with, but one. You will always tell me the truth."

Stacy replied with a bob of her head and Kitten smiled and patted her head with a "good girl" at the end.

Just then Cunt let out a snarl and continued a low audible growl as the girls came into the room. He got a smack on the top of his head. "We are home Sir Brendan."

"I see, welcome home."

They turned to see Master and me, and walked over. "Its so nice to see you again. This must be Baby. We have heard so much about you. It's nice to finally put a face to a name," said the brunette as she took my hand to shake it.

"Oh yes, we are very please to see you again, Sir," piped in the blonde as she too shook my hand.

"Kitten, is that you?"

Stacy was kneeling to her side and she extended her hand to shake both the girls'. "How you two been? You are both looking great. Did you have a good trip?"

"Wonderful" they chimed together.

Sir Brendan wrapped his arm around Kitten's waist as he announced to the twins, "Mistress Kitten has agreed to stay with us and help train Stacy. She and Cunt already have already come to an understanding.

"That's wonderful," they again spoke in unison and hugged her.

They both looked down at Cunt, kneeling to Sir Brendan's left. The welts and red marks showed vividly in the dim lighting of the room. Elaine ran her hand over his back and smiled up at Kitten. "Yes I can see you and Cunt had a long talk on the matter. I am glad you came out on top." She giggled hard on the last word, as did her sister.

Master cleared his throat and I knew it was to hide a laugh. "Sir Brendan, we would like to thank you for your generous hospitality, and since it is getting late we really must be going. Kitten, I'll leave Baby's car here so you may come to collect your things later."

"Yes, I would like Mistress Kitten to start immediately. She'll find clothing in her room. Girls, let's see our guest out." Tugging on Cunt's leash he headed up the spiral staircase. Kitten slipped Stacy back into her cage before following behind the rest of us.

As I buttoned up my blouse Master and Kitten sat talking quietly. She was nodding a lot, then they stood and hugged.

I scooted in next to Master in the car, getting as close to him as I could. I would be very lonely without Kitten, but my heart sang for her. As we pulled away from the house I saw Sir Brendan, Mistress Kitten, Cunt and the twins waving good bye. All had big smiles and I knew each was thinking how much richer their lives would be, now that a Mistress had joined their ranks. All but Cunt, perhaps.