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"Our natural instinct was to move down and away. But in this case, our cunts hit the board between our legs.

"She told us to 'spread our legs' to see if we were pliant or willful? Our legs tired and zapped our strength, they gave out and we lowered ourselves to rest on our cunts as gently as possible against the hard, narrow surface of the Pony. Our tender throbbing pussies were pressed between the Pony and our weight, bruising our swollen nether lips. In a short time our muscles could lift us and we'd rise again, but that was in a perfect world.

"With our breasts clipped together, if one failed the other suffered by being pulled down hard.

"After a time, it takes longer to find the strength to rise again, but after long seconds riding the wooden pony you point your toes and push against gravity, sweating from the exertion. You can no longer find a comfortable spot to rest on your swollen throbbing cunt. You whither and moan, moving up and down against the wooden pony.

"She started caning our asses as we were "riding the Pony".

"At first, the strokes of the cane were light taps, but as she struck they got harder and harder. Your ass feels as if it's on fire and your cunt is throbbing from the contact with the Pony. You and the one you are riding the Pony with are being pulled along the board as you are being caned. You start to float from the shallow breaths, then intense sensation runs through you ass and cunt."

Kitten was shaking hard, her head had fallen back against the seat. I looked down to see her hand rubbing her nether lips hard. They were bright pink and swollen. One more word escaped her lips, "Please."

There was a dirt road just ahead and I took it, pulling in about fifteen yards. She had the passenger door open and was outside looking around the dense foliage before I could toss the car into park. She vanished into the trees. Turning off the car, I got out and followed her. When I caught up to her she had straddle a branch she had wedged between two trees, shirt off skirt up. She handed me a thin branch she had de-leafed, then slipped her hands behind her neck.

Her breathing was erratic as she told me what I was to do. "Baby, you have to cane me." What? my mind screamed. I had never been on this end of the cane. I remember well the times I had been caned. "You will do it baby, on my third time down. Put your weight into it Baby, don't hold back." She lowered herself to the branch. She reached for my hand and placed it over her breast. I squeezed it and moved my fingers down to pinch, then pull her nipple. I received a moan in response, so I rolled it firmly between my fingers, and remembering what she had told me of her time on the wooden pony, I lightly tapped her ass with the cane.

I was wet. I could feel my juices dripping down my thigh as I watched her rise again to tiptoes. The wood was covered with her cum. I applied the cane a little harder on her ass and she dropped to the branch with a groan, but she didn't move her hands from behind her neck, so I continued to cane her rear. After a few moments she was back on her toes. Each stroke I brought down faster on her ass and a bit harder. Her moans enveloped me as I continued to swat her.

She lowered for the last time and I was panting hard from the exertion, as I let the cane land time and again on her ass. "Yesssss," hung from the trees as she started to orgasm. I stopped caning, dropped it to the ground to reach for her right breast, while my left hand pushed on her mound, holding it tight against the branch. She was withering along it. I lowered to suck in her nipple, pulling it hard into my mouth.

She trembled all over as she lowered her arm to rest on my back, caressing it as I sucked. She rose again, and this time brought her leg over the branch to stand. She held me to her so that I still had her breast in my mouth.

Patting my head she whispered, "Good, Baby," and I released her nipple, licking my lips. She had her hand around my braid and pulled me down to kneel between her legs. "Lick, Baby." My tongue shot out to make contact with her sweet pussy. "Make it clean, Baby." I licked from clit to cunt. With each stroke I savored Kitten. When she stopped shaking, she again patted my head, "Good, Baby, you may stop now."

I rose to stand next to her and she took me in her arms and kissed me, saying "Thank you, Baby."

She let me go and picked up her shirt. "We better get going. We're losing daylight and Master will be waiting for us."

We walked back to the car arm in arm. The doors were both open and we slipped back into our seats. As I started the car the air conditioning kicked on, blowing up under my skirt and my still wet cunt and I shook. "Baby, you okay?"

"Oh, yes, just a little damp down there and the A/C is, of course, blowing right on it." Her hand was up my skirt and fingering me before I could finish my sentence.

"You are very wet, Baby. We're going to save that for Master to take care of." She slide her middle finger all the way in. She laid the seat back and closed her eyes. I knew she was still awake because each time I started to relax around her finger she would wiggle it, and I would tighten up.


Traveling down the road, I turned off the a/c and opened the window. The breeze filtered through my blouse and teased my nipples. Kitten's finger was still toying with my cunt when the cell phone went off. The 1812 Overture announced an incoming call from Master. I pushed the button on the dash and answered, "Hello, Master, how may I help you?"

"Hi, Baby, how's the trip back going? Have you and Kitten been able to get all your girl talk out yet?"

I giggled, "We're working on it, Master. Kitten is stretched out in the passenger seat with her finger in my cunt."

"Ah, it's one of those discussions."

"Yes, Master. She's been telling me of her life before she came to live with us." I loved talking to Master while I was driving. The earpiece made it so I felt he was in the seat next to me. That I could talk to him about anything without fear, was slowly sinking in. I never felt I had to lie or hide anything, I never wanted to.

"She told me of the Kennel Master, and her Lace Mistress."

"Good. Now, about why I was calling. There has been a change of plans; I would like you to meet me at Sir Brendan's home in the hills. Punch his name in the GPS and it will direct you to his house. You and Kitten are to wait outside the gate till I get there."

"Yes, Master" I knew Master had been working on a new toy for Sir Brendan, but I had never met him before. I pulled over to the side of the road. Kitten's finger had stilled as she listened to my one sided conversation. I pressed in Brendan and a map popped on the screen, showing where I was now and gave me a route to follow. Smiling, I thought how considerate Master had been to put this in for me, since I couldn't find my way out of a paper bag without directions.

I guess he did want me to always know how to get back to him.

"I'm about two hours away, Baby, so I will see you there at approximately 7pm. Even if someone comes out to the car and invites you in, you are not to go in without me. Is that understood, Baby?"

I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck and I whispered, "Yes, Master." He made it sound ominous. I looked over at Kitten as she wiggled her finger inside and mouthed "what?"

"Got to run now, Baby. Drive safe and see you in about two hours."

My body started to shake when the line went dead. I sat there, staring out the front window for a moment.

"Well spit it out, Baby. What has you freaked?" I shifted in the seat as I looked over at her. Her finger was sliding in and out of me. "Tell me, Baby."

"Master is meeting us at one of his clients, a Sir Brendan."

Her finger stopped and she sat up right. "Oh, really? Why are you shaking, Baby? What else did Master say?"

"It's not so much what he said but how he said it. We are not to go in without him. He made it sound like something bad would happen to us if we did."