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"How long before Master will be there?" I finished telling her the rest of my short conversation with Master and she nodded when I was done. "Okay, well let's head up there now, it's about a half hour drive. I'll tell you of another Master I had while we wait."

I flipped the car into drive and pulled back on to the road. The steady rhythm of her finger was calming and exciting me at the same time. She laid her head on my lap and was intent on watching her finger move in and out of my cunt. I could not concentrate on the road anymore so I pulled off again. Coming to a stop I spread my legs as wide as I could. She lowered her mouth and laid her tongue against my clit. Slowly rubbing it up and down.

"There is nothing to worry about at Sir Brendan's, Baby." She kissed the top of my mound, "I've been there before, and I lived to talk about it."

I half giggled, "Then why did Master say it that way?"

"Only he knows that, Baby," she said before taking my clit all the way into her mouth to suck on it. Her finger had picked up the pace and I felt myself edging toward a good release when she pulled out her finger and let go of my clit. Sitting up she patted my mound "We need to save your orgasms for later, Baby."

I let out a long groan. It was just like her to get me going, only to stop. One of these days I would hold her back, but I just didn't have it in me to deprive another of pleasure. Kitten was definitely a PT (pussy teaser). Shaking my head as I pulled back out onto the road to continue on our way. Nope, Kitten was a teaser all together – DT or PT – she liked to heat all up.

As I turned on a narrow road that wound up the hillside I noticed that even the wild life on either side of the car seemed to be well manicured. When we came around the fourth switchback a gate came into view, and I pulled over to the side of the road. I couldn't see much past the gate. The sky had been filling with clouds since we left the Academy. The pending stormed seem closer. A crack of lightening illuminated a building in the distance and I jumped when the thunder quickly followed. Rolling up the window I turned to kitten, "That's the house?"

"Yep, that's the one. I saw it a few years ago for the first time…"


Kitten pulled me into her arms and asked me, "Do you want to hear of my first visit to Sir Brendan's, baby?"

I nodded and she began.

"I inquired as we stopped here in front of this wrought iron gate. 'Is this our destination Master?'

"'Yes, Kitten, and it will be an evening we will both enjoy.' He replied punching in the code to gain entrance. I could make out a large stone mansion at the end of the oak tree lined drive. He went on to add, 'I know this is something you've fantasized about and I want the full impact of the evening to be a treat, with no preconceived notions about what's in store for you.'

"The car came to a halt at the mansion's front entrance. Three circular stone steps led up to a set of large double doors. Master moved to my door, opened it and extended his hand to help me out into the cool fall evening. I was dressed in a red silk wrap around blouse, black leather mini skirt black garters and hose, set off by red leather over the calf fold top boots.

"As I stood awaiting his next command, he ran his hand under my skirt and passed his fingers lightly over my shaved pussy, then back to my plump heart shaped ass."

She giggled then, "I was so excited, I started to roll my hips as his fingers returned to the front of my body and started to massage my clit. He watched my face become a mask of sensuous longing as his fingers worked their magic. I had belonged to him for quite a while. He had become very familiar with my body and took great delight in the movements and responses he could elicit.

" 'Just a little appetizer,' he told me. 'Go to the door and ring the bell.' I complied.

"The double doors swung open and a large, very athletic man in a formal butler's cut-away uniform greeted us. I was really impressed by his size. He was about six foot five and around two hundred thirty-five pounds. I remember musing; this was a man that could make me feel petit.

" 'Host Sir Brendan will greet you in the Great Room. Please walk this way.' We entered a well-lit room with sumptuous furnishings, and a welcome fire in the handsome marble fireplace.

"Sir Brendan rose from a large over stuffed sofa to greet us. 'A pleasure to see you again,' he said to Master and they shook hands. Sir Brendan looked at me with an expression I could not quiet define. He appeared to be appraising me, but there was more behind it.

" 'I would like to present my slave, Kitten," Master said, as he indicated the gold "K" on the two inch wide black collar around my neck. Master motioned with his right hand and I placed my hands on my head and turned around for them, making four ninety-degree pivots to my right. He would often use hand signals as well as commands, saying "A slave should be totally aware of her Master's every demand'.

"I stole a glance at Sir Brendan. He is of average height and build, about five foot ten and one hundred seventy-five pounds. He was dressed in a blue silk shirt, gray wool slacks, and black leather boots. He offered us some hundred-year-old brandy and joined us, by offering a toast 'To a night of firsts,' he said. This puzzled me, but I raised my glass and tasted the drink. The brandy traced a warm pleasant trail down my throat as I sipped it.

" 'Let's go to the workout room.' Sir Brendan suggested and we descended a spiral staircase down to the next level, the workout room came into view. The lighting was indirect and it took several seconds for my eyes to focus on the various pieces of equipment throughout the slate-floored room with its stone walls. There was a padded whipping block in the center of the room with two sets of stirrups at the top and bottom of each corner. Chains hung from the beams at numerous locations, recessed rings in the floor, a pillory, three whipping poles, a large gymnastic vaulting horse, a bondage/whipping cross on either side of the fireplace, and a large one armed sofa exactly like the one upstairs. There were large upholstered benches against two of the walls."

Kitten slid one hand up my skirt to roll my clit and the other cupped and squeezed my breast.

" 'What do you think of my little gymnasium my dear?' Sir Brendan asked.

"I'm not the least bit disappointed," I replied.

"I have talked to your Master on several occasions and we decided to help you satisfy a longing you've had for some time."

"I looked at Master. He smiled and motioned for me to sit beside him. My skirt rose to expose the tops of my black garter hose. I moved to pull my skirt down but Master stopped me. Sir Brendan reached over and pushed a button on the wall as he remarked, 'You are quite exquisite, my dear."

Several seconds later the butler descended the steps. He was naked. I watch his muscular body ripple as he knelt in front of Sir Brendan and licked his boots. 'This is Cunt,' Sir Brendan said. "I use him like a cunt and treat him like one. Did you lay out the proper outfit?"

" 'Yes, Sir," he said, his face still pressed against the black boots.

" 'Good. Now entertain our guests while I go and change."

"What form, Sir?" he asked, and was told to perform the 'infinity circle', and Sir Brendan was gone.

"Cunt moved to the couch and sat beside me. He was only partially erect. After several moments of stroking himself, he had an erection I knew to be over ten inches long and quite thick. I know I licked my lips as he circled the base with his right hand and cradled his balls with his left. The long thick cock pointed directly toward the ceiling. He drew in his stomach and bent at the waist and neck.

"Then to Master's amazement and my delight he took four to five inches of his penis into his mouth and began to auto fellate himself. I was transfixed by his feat. All I could do was stare at the spectacle before me. My breathing became quite rapid, and I tried to slip my hand under my skirt, but Master patted it away. I couldn't take my eyes off the man beside me.