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" 'Jean stared at her sister as James flogged her with heavy strokes painting her back a bright deep pink. When he finished he sat in front of her. She was sobbing and on the verge of losing control. James wrapped the strands of the whip around her neck and pulled her closer to him and told her if she didn't get it together right then and there he was going to give her a hundred and sixty more.

" 'Her sobs subsided as she fought to regain control of her body. Finally she had herself in the proper mindset.

" 'Now let's get to the business at hand,' I said. 'You answered an ad that said you are interested in oral servitude. This is going to be your first taste of what's in store for you. No pun intended, start sucking.

" 'We were both impressed at the energy level, they could deep throat without much effort, and they truly enjoyed what they were doing, but at about fifteen minutes they began to tire noticeably and at eighteen minutes they could only go through the motions.

" 'It's really amazing how far they have progressed, right Elaine?' 'Uh huh,' came her muffled reply. 'Tell them about your graduation Elaine.'

" 'Graduation?' I inquired.

" 'Yes, after which we could come and go as we pleased, we have cars and credit cards available to us, we can even date."

" 'You can just get in the car and leave, go anywhere you want?' I asked.

" 'Who would want to?' said Elaine. 'We're living our fantasy dream world. How many people can say that? We go on vacations, sometimes together, or separately. But we would never want to leave Sir Brendan.'

"I could feel this wasn't said for effect, the twins existing as sexual/submissive beings were as truly contented as they could possibly be living there."


"Yes, Sir" replied Elaine. "After more then two and half years of forced and voluntary oral sex on males and females, of being whipped at least twice a day, of being held in bondage for hours on end, we had progressed to the point where Sir Brendan felt we could try to 'Graduate'.

" 'Sir Brendan invited five couples for a Friday evening; they were to be my 'Final' exam. There was a lesbian couple, a gay male couple and three hetero couples. Sir Brendan had Cunt place five love seats in a circle around the whipping block in the center of the floor.'

"She sat holding Sir Brendan's dick in her hand, stroking it lovingly with her fingers as she continued.

" 'After being served a gourmet dinner they came down here and each couple occupied a love seat. I was led into the circle in a royal blue satin cape and introduced to each couple. I was then led to the foot of the whipping block. Sir Brendan removed my cape to reveal my nude body. I hadn't been disciplined for a week so there were no marks on my body, a blank canvass so to speak. Sir Brendan told Cunt to strap my knees to the corners at the base of the block, he then bent me over the block and strapped my wrists to the far end and I was totally immobilized, completely vulnerable. Sir Brendan picked out a stiff leather oval paddle with a six-inch handle and stood behind and just to the left of my quivering body. As I looked about the room I could see various expressions of anticipation.' She said with a kiss to Sir Brendan's cock.

" 'He rubbed his hand over her head. "Yes all were very eager to have Elaine's mouth on them. Continue."'"

Cunt just grunted as she went on to say, "Sir Brendan didn't let them down. The stiff leather exploded against my ass on the right cheek. He hesitated several seconds, just as the pain had reached its apex before he applied the next one on my left cheek. Several seconds later he cracked a stinging swat across both cheeks. He continued this pattern, left, right, both with a clock like precision. Just when I began to anticipate where the next one would fall he gave me eleven in a row across both cheeks, then five on my left side, eight more across the center, three on my left side and the final twenty six on my left cheek. One hundred strokes in all.

" 'I was freed from my bonds and instructed to crawl over to the couple that was directly in front of the block. They had obviously enjoyed watching Sir Brendan lay it on me because the husband's thick cock was protruding from his open fly, but before I got to him his wife grabbed me and pulled me over to kneel between her legs."

Kitten reached over and rubbed my arm. "I remember as she told her story, I could feel the bite of the paddle on my ass and I reached over and gabbed Cunt's cock. Even though he did not care for her, he was being turned on by her story too.

"Elaine went on to say, 'She had on a wrap around skirt and drew it open to expose the most hirsute pussy I'd ever seen. She spread herself with forefinger and middle finger of her right hand and pulled my face against her crotch with her left. After a while she used both hands to give me greater access to her clit and pussy. She sat there watching me roll my tongue on her clit with detached satisfaction.

" 'Suddenly her husband's left hand was on the back of my head and she was grinding herself against my obliging mouth. She climaxed with a series of short little jabs of her pussy against my face.

" 'The husband then pulled me over to his exposed cock ramming the entire length of it down my waiting throat. He had the same detached look on his face. I worked him vigorously with my mouth and tongue and suddenly, he was shooting his load in my mouth. It caught me by surprise, but I manage to swallow it all."

I felt the heat on my rear as my heart pumped along at a very fast rate. My nether lips were swollen and throbbing to each beat of my heart. I leaned over and rested my head on Kitten's very ample breasts, nuzzling them as she continued her story. A nice feeling of impending ecstasy flowed through my body.


Kitten kissed the back of my head, and went on. "I looked up at Sir Brendan to see him watching me finger Cunt's shaft. He smiled and nodded his approval. Cunt was squirming as I squeezed and stroked his dick. I wanted to make him cum. I wanted to push his limits. I knew he had been with Sir Brendan a long time and considered himself the ultimate male slave, strong and sure in his submission to Sir Brendan's will. I wanted to control him. I had gotten a taste of it when I was fucking his ass and found I liked it a lot. It had been my first time at feeling the heady flavor of dominance. I squeezed his dick harder and he wrapped his fingers around my wrist.

"Sir Brendan barked, 'No!' and Cunt released it. 'You may not cum, Cunt. Kitten, you may do whatever you wish as Elaine relates her story.' He fluffed her hair, 'Go on my dear.'"

Kitten giggled, "I do believe Sir Brendan liked to egg Cunt on. I let go of his cock and reached down to doughnut his balls, pulling down. He moaned and shifted to give me more access to his genitals.

"Elaine smiled as she continued, 'Thirty seconds later I was strapped over the block again and Sir Brendan was flogging me with the three-foot long quirt. The leather thong cracked across my already reddened ass, painting lines of fire behind my eyes and raising welts wherever it struck. When he had finished with my second group of one hundred, it was on to the lesbian couple. The dark hair dominant partner told me to make her femine come first. 'Because I'm going to make you work for mine.' The short slim blond femine stripped naked and stood in front of me and spread herself, already on my knees I simply leaned forward several inches and sucked her tiny clit into my mouth. She was small and thin, I opened my mouth and sucked almost her entire cunt into it. I felt her body shake after only several minutes. She worked her crotch against my face and experienced a really moist climax.

" 'As I turned toward the dark hair partner and she told me 'Get ready to work sweetie,' she placed both her hands on her shaved pussy lips and spread them wide. Her pussy flesh was very light pink except her clit, which was a dark red protrusion throbbing in the light. She gave me instructions. 'Now sweetie, your tongue round and round the clit real slow.'