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15 How Doctors Think: Groopman, 2007.

The March of Folly: Tuchman, 1984.

16 Underestimating Mother Nature: Dennett, 1995.


18 Teenagers and World War I: Kelly, 2001.

19 Time spent looking for lost items: Tyre, 2004. Skydivers who forgot to pull the ripcord: http://temagami.carleton.ca/jmc/cnews/i8ii2005/n6.shtml.

22 Remembering the frequent, the recent, and the relevant: Anderson, 1990.

24 Study underwater, test underwater: Godden & Baddeley, 1975.

25 Walking more slowly to the elevator: Bargh et al., 1996.

Soccer hooligans: Dijksterhuis & van Knippenberg, 1998.

Minority groups, priming, and testing: Steele & Aronson, 1995.

The automatic nature of stereotype priming: Greenwald et al., 1998.

26 Random dot patterns: Posner & Keefe, 1968.

27 9/11 memories: Talarico & Rubin, 2003.

28 Faulty eyewitness testimony: Schacter, 2001.

30 Memory and lability: Debiec et al., 2006.

33 Reconstructive memory for events: Loftus, 2003.

Mere exposure and confusions about fame: Jacoby et al, 1989. 34 How an actor’s memory works: Noice & Noice, 2006. 35 Photographic memory: http://www.slate.com/id/2140685/.

36 Pinker, quoted on book jacket of Schacter, 2001. 37 Fractured memory and preparing for the future: Schacter & Addis, 2007.


40 Gullibility: Forer, 1949.

42 Snowball study: Dion, 1972.

Beauty studies: Etcoff, 1999.

Candidates that look more competent: Todorov et al., 2005.

43 Would you like carrots with that? (food in McDonald’s wrap): Robinson et al., 2007.

44 Impressions of Donald: Higgins et al, 1977. The focusing illusion and dating: Strack, Martin, & Schwarz, 1988.

46 Dishes and perceived contribution: Leary 8c Forsyth, 1987; Ross 8c Sicoly, 1979. Wheel of fortune: Tversky 8c Kahneman, 1974. Attila the Hun: Russo 8c Schoemaker, 1989.

47 Limit 12 per customer: Wansink et al., 1998.

48 Lips: Strack, Martin, 8c Stepper, 1988. Arm flexion: Fפrster 8c Strack, 1998. Chinese characters: Zajonc, 1968. Name letter effect: Nuttin, 1987. Mere exposure and paintings: lames Cutting, personal communication, based on informal classroom research.

50 Thinking about death: Solomon et al., 2004. Minority groups during crisis: Jost 8c Hunyadi, 2003.

53 The difficulty in repressing automatic thoughts: Wegner, 1994; Macrae et al., 1994. Sequences: Wason, i960.

54 Another study: Darley 8c Gross, 1983.

55 Trivia game: Dijksterhuis 8c van Knippenberg, 1998.

56 Love the one you’ll be with: Berscheid et al., 1976.

Motivated reasoning: Kunda, 1990. 57 Cigarettes and rationalization: Kassarjian 8c Cohen, 1965. Critiques of studies that challenge our prior beliefs: Lord et al, 1979.

58 Bush: “I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn’t do my job.” luly 9,2004, Lancaster, PA: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/1172948/posts. Voting preferences and belief in God: Pew Research Center, 2007. Belief in a just world: Lerner, 1980.

61 Trouble telling sound arguments from fallacies: Stanovich, 2003. 62 Confusing logic with prior beliefs: Klauer et al., 2000; Oakhill et al., 1989. 63 Neural basis of syllogism: Goel, 2003; Goel 8c Dolan, 2003.

Understanding of syllogisms in other cultures: Luria, 1971. 64 Author’s study on belief: Marcus, 1989. 66 Interruption and gullibility: Gilbert et al., 1990.

Time pressure and cognitive strain increase the chance of believing falsehoods: Gilbert et al., 1993. This American Life: April 13, 2007: http://www.thislife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?sched=n83).

Notes to Pages 66-97

Two-month investigation: http://www.nhpr.org/node/12381.

67 Ask and ye shall believe: Pandelaere 8c Dewitte, 2006.


69 Kids and marshmallows test: Mischel et al, 1989. 70 $100 now or $300 in three years: Ainslie, 2001.

Day 89 of 90: Butler et al, 1995. 73 Almost everyone takes the sure thing: Allais, 1953. 74 Drive across town: Tversky & Kahneman, 1981. 77 Retirement: http://archives2.sifma.org/research/pdfyRsrchRprtV0l7-7.pdf.

79 Satisfaction and cost: Thaler, 1999. 80 Shopkeeper’s tale: Cialdini, 1993.

Anchoring in insurance for the intangible: Jones-Lee & Loomes, 2001. 81 Framing: Tversky 8c Kahneman, 1981.

96.3 percent crime-free: Quattrone 8c Tversky, 1988. 82 Prevention and promotion: Higgins, 2000. 83 The choices made by hungry people: Read 8c van Leeuwen, 1998. 85 Credit card debt: Aizcorbe et al., 2003.

Future discounting and the uncertainty of the ancestral world: Kagel et al, 1986. 88 Farm workers versus dolphins: Kahneman 8c Ritov, 1994. Lemon-lime study: Winkielman 8c Berridge, 2004. Prisoner’s dilemma, contaminated by news broadcasts: Hornstein et al., 1975. 89 Seeing and smelling the cookies: Ditto et al, 2006.

Caution to the wind: Ditto et al, 2006.

Attractiveness and the perception of risk: Blanton 8c Gerrard, 1997. 90 Trolley problem: Greene et al., 2001; Thomson, 1985.

Christmas truce: Brown 8c Seaton, 1984. 91 Moral intuitions: Haidt, 2001. 92 fMRI studies of moral dilemmas: Greene et al., 2004; Greene et al, 2001.


96 Plane crash: Cushing, 1994. 97 Russell quotation: Russell, 1918.

104 Loglan, short for “logical language”: Brown 8c Loglan Institute, 1975.

105 Evolution of speech: Lieberman, 1984.

108 Tongue-twisters and timing mechanisms: Goldstein et al., 2007.

112 Generics: Gelman 8c Bloom, 2007; Prasada, 2000.

113 Generics and our split reasoning systems: Leslie, 2007.

114 “What some super-engineer would construct”: Chomsky, 2000. Chomsky’s effort to capture language with a small set of laws: Chomsky, 1995.

115 Book on physics: Smolin, 2006.

116 Chomsky and colleagues: Hauser et al., 2002. Pinker and Jackendoff: Pinker 8c Jackendoff, 2005. Chimpanzee language is missing more than just recursion: Premack, 2004. The trouble with trees: Marcus 8c Wagers, under review.

117 Troubles with center embedding: Miller 8c Chomsky, 1963.

Types of recursion: Parker, 2006.

118 Problem with trees: Parker, 2006.

120 Study of ambiguity: Keysar, 2002.

121 “Good enough” language: Ferreira et al, 2002.

Animals on the ark: Reder 8c Kusbit, 1991. More people have been to Russia than I have: Montalbetti, 1984.


124 237 reasons to have sex: Meston 8c Buss, 2007.

Automatic classification into good and bad: Fazio, 1986.

125 The more we need ’em, the more we like ’em: Fishbach et al., 2004.

Leisure time: U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, 2007.

126 Television watching: Kahneman et al, 2004; Nielsen, 2006.

127 Reaching for the whiskey bottle: Cheever, 1990.

Primrose path: Herrnstein 8c Prelac, 1992.

132 Video game design: Thompson, 2007.

133 Lullaby hypothesis: Trehub, 2003.

Music and sexual selection: Miller, 2000.

Problems with theories of music evolution: Fitch, 2005.

134 Apes that beat their chests rhythmically: Fitch, 2005. Goldfish and pigeons trained to distinguish musical styles: Fitch, 2005.

Notes to Pages 137-147

137 Coping ability in victims of accidents: Brickman et al, 1978; Linley & Joseph, 2004.