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accountability, 170 adaptation, 137-38 ADD (attention deficit disorder), 147 addictions, 126-27, 130-155 advertising, 81-83 agoraphobia, 151 Ali, Muhammad, 141 Allen, Woody, 118, 139 Allman, John, 12-14 alternative hypotheses, 165 ambiguity, 96,98 context and, 100-101, 164-65 sentence structure and, 118-21 types of, i2on ancestral (reflexive) system. See reflexive vs. deliberative systems anchoring belief and, 46-48 choice and, 80-81 anecdotal evidence, 171 anxiety, 154

Apollo 13, 2

Aristotle, 6, 124, 175

articulation, 106, 107-9 auto accidents, 147 awareness of origins of beliefs, 40-43 of stupid choices, 86-87

Bargh, John, 25 Bayes, Rev. Thomas, 6n Bayesian optimality, 6-7 belief awareness of origins of, 40-43 biased reasoning and, 53-57 components of, 65 contextual memory and, 43-46 hearing and, 65-67 irrationality and, 57-60, 64-65 logic and, 60-62 mental contamination and, 43-51 perception and, 65-67 reflexive vs. deliberative systems and, 51-53 Berra, Yogi, 67 bipolar disorder, 157-58 brain. See neural substrates “brain farts,” 144