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“I’m gonna open you, and look at you, and put my mouth on you.” He slid his finger in and then back out of her mouth again, running the tip over her damp lips before sliding it back inside. “I love the taste of you,” he said against her ear. “Sweet as honey.”

She was so close, moaning on every laboured breath, and he just wouldn’t give her enough. “Please…”

“Beautiful girl,” he said, and when she opened her eyes, his were serious and so full of raw emotion that he took her breath away.

“Get the keys, Sailor. We’re going out right now.”

In the car ten minutes later, Kara’s body still burned hot for him beneath the cut-offs and vest top she’d thrown on over her bikini. He drove the Mustang with the same laid-back confidence he did everything else in his life, and as she watched his tanned hands on the wheel, she was already imagining them on her body instead.

She frowned when he turned down a lane and eased the Mustang into a parking space amongst a few other cars.

“I was hoping for somewhere more private,” she said, taken aback, glancing around at the smattering of shops and restaurants.

“You’re going to be hungry by the time I’ve finished with you. Let’s get dinner to take out.”

Dylan swung her door open for her, holding his hand out, and she grinned despite herself. “You know me too well.”

“I sure know you well enough to know how cranky you get when you’re hungry.”

“Not as cranky as I’m going to get if you don’t give me my orgasm soon.”

“I have it right here,” he said, running his finger across his mouth, catching her around the waist with his other arm. “It’s on the tip of my tongue.” He bent his head and kissed her, brief yet off the scale sexy. “Can you taste it?”

She nodded, barely. She could. He tasted of sex and promises as yet unmet.

He took her hand and steered her into the nearest store, picking up a basket as they went in.

There was something endearingly domestic about shopping with him for their post-orgasmic supper, and it heightened Kara’s anticipation even more. He ran his hand down her back as she placed water into the basket, and she kissed his cheek when he leaned down for potato chips from a rack near the till. She chucked in a few beers next to the warm cheese- and ham-laden pastries he’d added, then a punnet of fresh strawberries too. Dylan chose marshmallows and a block of chocolate.

“For you. You’re gonna need sugar for energy,” he said, dropping the last couple of things in and smiling at the woman behind the counter as he set the basket down.

“Big talk,” Kara murmured, adding a half bottle of brandy to the pile of provisions and watching him chat idly with the cashier as she rang their food through, packing it for him even though she hadn’t packed for the customers ahead of them in the queue. He had a way about him that made people do things they wouldn’t normally do. Women, anyway. He did it to her, to pretty much any other woman who crossed his path, and she was pretty sure he didn’t even know he was doing it.

Come to think about it, it wasn’t just women that Dylan Day charmed. Men and babies too, if Lucien and Tilly were any kind of yardstick. Lucien seemed more relaxed in Dylan’s company than she’d ever seen him with another guy before, and Tilly had fallen for him on sight. He seemed to sprinkle his magic wherever he went, and Kara just wanted to stay close and mesmerised.

Plus she wanted that damn orgasm from him a hell of lot more than she wanted chocolate or strawberries or beer. She wanted it more than she wanted pretty much anything else, and then she knew full well that as soon as she’d had it she’d want another. Greedy as she might be, she wasn’t planning on being selfish: she also intended to give Dylan Day some unforgettable memories of his own in return. That prospect in itself was seriously sexy.

The sun was starting to set as Dylan killed the engine on the Mustang, this time somewhere without any other cars in sight.

“This better?” He turned to Kara, who was looking out over the beautiful scene laid before her. They’d wound their way through a pine forest to a tiny, deserted beach. Dylan had parked the car on the fringes of the sand, and right in front of them the huge sun tracked low in the sky, casting long, peachy bands of shadow across the sea towards them.

“Better than that. It’s perfect.”

“I thought you’d like it.” There was the tiniest suggestion of smugness in his voice.

Kara slanted her eyes at him, her eyebrows raised.

“You think you know me pretty well, huh?”

“I’m enjoying getting to know you better every day, English,” Dylan said softly. With a slight change of tone, he added, “So, shall we walk for a while?”

“Or I could just climb into the back?” Kara was finding it hard to think about anything else right now.

“You could. There’s something I want to do first though.” He got out, coming around to open her door.

Kara gave in gracefully, swinging herself out of the car. “This better be good.”

Dylan took her hand and led her towards the trees. “We need to gather firewood.”


He nodded. “I’m gonna build us a campfire.”

“Are we playing Scouts and stuff?”’ Kara said. “’Cause I have to tell you here and now, I was thrown out of the Girl Guides.”

Dylan laughed, bending to gather sticks. “Why does that not surprise me?”

“Fraternising with the Scouts was frowned on, apparently.”

Dylan whistled low. “You’ve got me almost wishing I’d joined the Scouts, back then.”

“So why didn’t you?”

He sighed, and Kara felt his melancholy despite the fact that he wasn’t looking her way. “I guess we just weren’t a Scouting kind of family.”

She grinned when he turned towards her, anxious to restore his good humour.

“Thank God for that. You don’t learn to kiss the way you do by being a good boy.”

She stood on tiptoe to meet his mouth, his arms full of wood.

“Time to go back to the car yet?” she murmured when he let her up for air a few minutes later.

He placed the logs in her arms. “Soon. Go dump this on the beach. I’ll be there in a sec.”

Kara frowned, resigned. “You’re not expecting me to sing Kum Ba Yah or anything, are you?”

“Sing what? No.” He dropped his voice. “I’m expecting you to let me make you come by firelight.”

She was suddenly hot all over and completely on board with the fire idea. The Mustang plan had been a great one, but sex by firelight was compelling enough for her to set it aside, for the moment at least.

“Okay. So, go gather wood, Sailor. Quickly.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

When Dylan strolled out of the treeline five minutes later, it was all he could do not to drop all the wood he’d gathered.

Kara was naked. Stark naked, standing waiting for him with her hands on her hips, her hair falling in waves around her shoulders. The setting sun dappled her skin, turning her ethereal.

He walked closer, bending to lower the wood onto the sand.

“I always had a thing for mermaids,” he said, reaching for the hem of his T-shirt and dragging it off over his head. “So very lovely,” he murmured appreciatively, walking around her. “I used to wonder how they had sex.” He ran his hand around her waist and pulled her back against his body, nestling himself against the softness of her backside, enjoying her soft intake of breath.

“Everyone knows our tails turn into legs on shore,” she said, leaning her head back onto his shoulder.

Dylan moved one hand up to cover Kara’s breast, and slid his other hand down to run the tip of his finger slowly into the crevice between her legs.