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“Perhaps knowledge that they are not alone will provide that common ground.”

He winced. “I wish it was so, but I don’t think it is. Not only are national identities strong, many are rooted in religious beliefs that are thousands of years old, beliefs that put humanity at the center of everything. It’s my understanding that most religions have no provisions for accepting outsiders. Many will brand the Empire as evil. It’s a huge problem, and there’s no way we’re going to hide our efforts out here for long.”

“What’s being done about it?”

“Knowledge is the key, and time is an important element in the process. My people tend to resist change even when it’s good for them. World leaders are spreading the word carefully, and they’re including religious leaders. I was part of the process just before coming here. The plan is to give these leaders time to consider how they will integrate their teachings with knowledge that we are not alone. I don’t know if the process will be successful.”

“Mike really wants to bring Earth into the Empire.”

“So do I. That doesn’t mean we’ll succeed. There will be great hope and opportunity for some, and strong resistance from others. It could easily lead to war, and I mean global war.”

She looked away from him in distress. “My Empire will not force itself upon Earth.”

“Mike’s very words, but that’s not the problem. Even if we choose to remain separate, to bury our heads in the sand and try to ignore you, the fact that you’re out here will not go away. Beliefs will be tested and tested hard. I can’t predict the outcome. And the Chessori are not going to go away.”

“The Chessori are an exterior element, and it’s my job to protect Earth from outside aggression. The Empire will not let the Chessori take over Earth.”

“At the moment, the Chessori are beyond your means to control. One single ship with the right germs aboard could wipe out all life on Earth. There are indications that the Chessori have been studying Earth for many years. I think we know why, and if they’re so inclined, they probably have the means to exterminate us. Actually, as strange as it might sound, the Chessori threat could be the thing that unites Earth. Beliefs are strong, but the will to survive is, I believe, even stronger.”

“I give you my word that I will do everything I can to protect Earth from the Chessori.”

“I know you will, Your Majesty.”

“Ray, I have a name. We’re going to be spending a lot of time together, and it’s time you started calling me by my name when we’re in private.”

“Your Majesty, I don’t even call my President by his name. I don’t think anyone does except his family.”

“My name is Ellandra of the Chosen. Do you know what it means to be one of the Chosen?”

“I do, Your Majesty.”

“Mike shortened my name. He calls it a nickname, and I like it. Among my closest friends I’m known as Ellie. Got it, Ray?”

He smiled. “Got it, Ellie, though I confess I find it strange to be calling the Queen of All Space, as Mike refers to you, by a nickname.”

“It’s a small circle that has earned the privilege. You’re one of them, and I’m counting on each of you to speak plainly even when we are not in agreement. Understood?”

“Understood, Ellie. I insist on the same treatment in my own command.”

“What can I do to help you and Mike bring Earth into the Empire?”

Trexler turned away as he considered. When he spoke, it was without hesitation. “First and foremost, protect us from the Chessori, but as soon as we can, we need to find the means for Earth to help in the process. Mike and I need to focus nations on survival of our species rather than fighting each other. Earth can’t just sit idly by while you do the fighting for us. We need to take part in the process, struggle mightily to build whatever machines are necessary to fight, and supply fighters from all over the globe to do the fighting. If we can make it a global effort, the process has some hope of unifying us.

“Beyond that, two items of significance come immediately to my mind. The first is that our energy production is, in most cases, carbon based. We’re drilling all over the planet to bring petrochemicals to the surface where we convert them to energy to power our cities, factories, and transportation systems. In the process, we’re not only polluting the planet, we’re fighting over the resources. The Empire has moved beyond this technology, and Earth needs that technology.

“Second, if you have the means to somehow neutralize nuclear weapons, we might just survive whatever conflicts arise while we adjust to the knowledge that we are not alone. Can you do that?”

“I don’t know. Chandrajuski might. The Rebels used a nuclear weapon at the Palace to instigate the coup. It was a weapon that did not destroy buildings, but the radiation killed everyone.”

Trexler nodded. “We have similar weapons. I’ll discuss it with him.”

“Do we have time to settle our differences with the Rebels before we address the problems on Earth? My resources are quite limited at the moment.”

He stared at her for a time as he considered. “Probably not. From what Mike tells me, you’re not going to defeat the Rebels without defeating the Chessori, and if my forces from Earth are successful, the Chessori, and maybe the Rebels, are going to focus on Earth as soon as they figure out what’s going on.”

She nodded, frowning. “The Chessori appear to be another empire in and of themselves. We have no idea whether their resources are limited or massive, nor do we have the means to take this war to them. Not yet.”

He stood up to pace. “Can you isolate the Chessori that are already here, keep them from being reinforced?”

She shook her head. “No. Space travel doesn’t work that way.”

“Then you have to isolate the Rebels, defeat them in spite of their Chessori partners. Without local assistance, the Chessori would have no bases.”

“We’re working on a plan to do just that. Defeating the Rebels militarily means all-out civil war, and I won’t allow that. I plan to defeat them politically.”

Trexler’s eyebrows raised. “How?”

She grimaced. “I’m not certain. We’re working on a plan. It will, most likely, require me to address the Imperial Senate in person. It so happens that the Imperial Senate convenes on my home world, a world that is now Rebel headquarters.”

Trexler blinked, several times. “And you’re going to speak there? How? Is it possible?”

She stood up to face him. “I don’t know. The very thought terrifies me, but I will do whatever is necessary to prevent civil war. Train your men well, Ray. I’m going to need their help.”


Chandrajuski assigned Admiral M’Coda, a Schect and the best tactician he knew, to mentor Trexler through his training. In addition to mentoring Trexler, M’Coda constantly evaluated the other candidates from Earth for command positions. He and Trexler would select the individuals who were best qualified to command squadrons, and a select few would go on to further training as fleet commanders responsible for multiple squadrons. Fleet tactics were still under development, and these few individuals would become part of that development.

Chandrajuski, Jeffers, and M’Coda met with Admiral Trexler and two of his senior staff to determine the minimum battle staffing of Terrans for each ship, assuming the scree disabled all regular ship’s personnel. A typical squadron consisted of fourteen ships: a cruiser, one frigate, and twelve fighters. Heavy squadrons included a second frigate, and light squadrons had no frigates at all and only six fighters. Cruisers alone normally sailed with a staff of some 1,500 officers and sailors, and another 500 were needed to staff the rest of the ships, more when the squadron was augmented with the second frigate.

A cruiser mounted over a hundred weapons, all controlled by twelve batteries of multiple weapons through the net. Each weapon needed a gunner. Additionally, the bridge required an absolute minimum of three officers, one in command of the squadron, another commanding the ship and monitoring damage control, and the other flying the ship. Repairs by Terrans during battle would be limited, falling to the ship’s normal complement subsequent to the battle or during a respite if one occurred. A cruiser needed 30 of Trexler’s men all by itself just to permit a minimal level of offensive capability. The Operations Center, at least initially, would not be manned by Terrans. There just weren’t enough Terrans to go around. The Terran squadron commander would lead from the bridge of the cruiser.