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She broke eye contact with Tarn and looked to Krys’ crew. “You have stood beside Lady Krys, a woman I call daughter, for many months. You have endured great perils in my name, and Krys informs me that her mission is not yet done. As Empire officers, your Queen charges you to remain by her side for however long it takes to end this rebellion. As Ellandra of the Chosen, I ask you personally to accept this charge. Will you?”

Stven nodded his great head and said yes. M’Sada stopped his preening and clicked his mandibles, then uttered, “Of course, Your Majesty.” Tarn just looked at her and nodded grimly, his arms still engulfing Krys. Gortlan and the two gunners nodded solemnly.

She removed a locket and chain from a pocket and stepped to Stven. “Captain Stven, I Name you Friend of the Royal Family,” she said as she placed the chain over his head. She repeated the process before each of the crew, Naming each of them a Friend.

Tarn came last. She studied him for a moment, then reached into another pocket and removed another locket. “This one belonged to Krys,” she said with a glimmer in her eyes. She placed it over his head, saying, “Tarn Lukes, I Name you Friend of the Royal Family.”

When she was done, she stepped back. “You have seen the power of these lockets. Use them wisely.”

All of them lowered themselves to the deck, but Ellie would have none of it. “We’re off to dinner. I had hoped it would be an informal affair, but we’re going up to Admiral Buskin’s ship, and he has asked for a formal entrance. For those of you who wear clothes, it’s time to dress. I’ll be back as quickly as I can.”

They lifted for the cruiser an hour later, and Ellie again pulled Krys to the side. “Will you stay with me when we go aboard? I’d like to have a Knight by my side.”

Krys smiled. “I will, Mother.”

“Tarn is special, and it shows. I’m happy for you.”

“He’s the Guide, Mother.”

Ellie sucked in a breath. “Are you certain?”

“Yes. In my hour of need, he came, and now he’s far more than Guide. I’ve fallen in love with him.”

“I see that now.”

Krys sighed. “If I could have nothing else, it would be to have his undivided attention in private.”

“You’ve had no privacy? I’m sorry.”

“It’s a small ship. There’s no possibility of privacy.” She blushed, and Ellie laughed.

“I know what you mean. Admiral Jons needs to return to the surface tonight after dinner. Would you and Tarn like to accompany him?”


Ellie leaned toward Krys and spoke confidentially. “I’m staying aboard with Admiral Buskin. My quarters are empty, my dear.”

Krys looked at her in shock. “Mother! You’d do that for me?”

“Not just for you. For him, as well, but only under the condition that he only shares your love, he doesn’t demand all of it.”

Krys’ eyes took on a calculating look. “It won’t be easy to convince him. Chandrajuski ordered him to remain a gentleman.”

“My dear, you outrank Chandrajuski now.”

“But I can’t compel his love.”

“No, you cannot. I faced the same problem with Michael. We’ve managed to work it out.”

“Hmm. You’ll be gone all day tomorrow?”

“At least. I might choose to visit each ship, and that will take longer. Would you like that?”

She smiled. “I’d like that very much, Mother. I love you. I hope you know that’s not going to change.”

“I know. We have too many years behind us and more ahead of us. There are others who will become part of your life, who you will have to share your love with. Did you know Val, too, is in love?”

“No! Who is she?”

“She, too, is a Knight. Her name is Reba, and I know you’re going to like her.”

“Where are they?”

“To the best of my knowledge, Val is on Orion III with Korban. A battle’s shaping up there, and Chandrajuski is pulling out all the stakes.”

“It’s the first battle?”

“Yes. Chandrajuski has not forgotten what Seeton learned from your vision. I think Admiral Buskin will be his reinforcements at Aldebaran I when the time comes.”

“If he’s ready. The Chessori are a serious deterrent.”

“I know. Mike and Reba are working on it.”


“We have a lot to talk about. Let’s leave it until later.”


When dinner ended, Krys took Tarn by the arm and led him toward the hangar deck.

“What’s up, My Lady?” he asked.

“Admiral Jons needs a lift back to the surface. We’re taking him in Rappor. You do know how to land this thing, don’t you?”

“Yes, My Lady,” he said stiffly.

A Great Cat met them at the foot of the ramp when they landed. Jons bid them farewell, and Krys took Tarn’s arm and followed the cat. When they arrived at Ellie’s quarters, the Great Cat remained outside the door when she closed it. Tarn was clearly confused, and his uneasiness was clear to Krys.

She was not confused, and she was not uneasy – she was focused. “We have the place to ourselves, tonight and all day tomorrow.”

“My Lady?”

She turned to stare at him, then pulled him to herself. “My Lady, huh?”

“You’re a Knight of the Realm now, Krys, and you really are My Lady.”

“Wrong, Tarn. I’m not My Lady, I’m your lady, for as long as you’ll have me. That hasn’t changed.”

“Oh, but it has.”

She leaned back from him, a mischievous smile on her face. “Do you want it to change?”

“Of course not. You know me better than that.”

“I do. Between us, there is only us, Tarn. I may be a Knight, but I will never command your love. Can you accept me on those terms?”

“I love you, Krys. I’ll accept you on any terms you offer.”

“You’re my knight. You know that, don’t you?”

“I’m beginning to know it.”

“We have tonight and all day tomorrow. It’s the first time we’ve ever had privacy. Will you stay with me?”

“I will. Rank or no, you are my lady.”

“And you’re my man. Mother arranged all this, you know.”

He panicked. “The Queen?” He looked around the quarters. “This is her place?”

“It is, and she’s happy to share it with us, but only so long as you don’t claim all my love. For the moment you have, but in the long run, I think you’re going to have to accept her as part of me.”

“You ask too much.”

“I do, and I will. You’re man enough. Come to me, Tarn.”


Ellie spent two days touring the squadron, then she joined Buskin in his office aboard the cruiser. “You need to meet with Chandrajuski. I expect him back any day. Can you wait?”

He rubbed the back of his neck as he considered. “I’d like to wait, but if he hasn’t entered the system, he’s weeks away. If you know what direction he’s coming from, I might be able to meet him out there when he drops from hyper.”

“Have you spoken with Admiral Jeffers about what’s going on here?”

“I have not, Your Majesty. There hasn’t been a spare moment yet.”

“Serge Parsons and his outlaws have developed some refinements for their ships. We’ve begun a program to refit my ships with these improved systems. When Chandrajuski drops from hyper, he’ll be here in a few hours.”

Buskin stared at her, his mind calculating. There wasn’t much to calculate. “They can jump within a system?”

“Almost into atmosphere, and they have beacons that can be modified at will, or simply turned off without all the difficulties Rappor had to go through. We’re surveying Rappor right now to see if we can give Krys the upgrades. Longer range and more powerful weapons are also part of the package.”

“I’d better talk with him. I want them for my ships, as well.”

“You’ll get them, but it’s going to be a while. Modifying the ships is a slow process, and the ships here will be the first to receive them.”