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“There’s someone I’d like you to meet, dear.”

She swept her arm toward Mike, and Krys let out a gasp. Her hand went to her mouth, so in shock that she couldn’t speak.

He held his place, afraid to approach this dark haired, fragile-looking young woman. Her very existence spoke of the ancient shamans of his ancestors. Ellie had warned him, but in his mind he had still expected an old crone wearing a cape and a witch’s hat, bent over from age and arthritis. Instead, before him stood a young woman whose strong resemblance to Val, her twin brother, was undeniable.

Ellie stood back herself, uncertain of the outcome of this meeting and sensing waves of emotion within the room.

Mike was first to speak. “Lady Krys.”

“The man of dirt,” she breathed. “At last.” She stared into his eyes. She had waited long to meet this man, and suddenly, here he was.

“You know me?” he asked.

“I know of you, Sire. You’ve been a thread linking many of my visions, and I saw you clearly in one. You are truly a Great One.”

Mike felt a chill run through his body, and he shuddered. “The very idea of your visions frightens me,” he offered softly.

“They frighten me, too. It is not an ability I want. It just is.”

“You speak the words of your mother.”

“But I am not a Chosen. I’m just Krys, frightened out of my wits most of the time.”

He smiled. “So am I. In that, at least, we are similar.”

“You’re afraid? Impossible. You’re the man of dirt.”

“I’m just a man, Krys, a man from an emerging world who finds himself in over his head most of the time.”

Her lower lip trembled. “But we serve, Sire. We have answered the call.”

He smiled kindly. “We do. I was unwilling at first, but I’ve come around.”

Her eyes widened. “I, too, was unwilling.” She risked a glance at Ellie. “Very unwilling at first. Not anymore.”

Mike felt himself warming to this young woman who had battled her own deficiencies, just as he had, and won. He felt rooted in place and had to force a foot to move in her direction, then another. He stuck his hand out. “Welcome to our small family, Krys.”

She stepped back, her hand held out before her to warn him. He stopped in surprise and stared at her. She lifted pleading eyes to him. “Sire, you are intimately tied to most of my visions, and we have never even met. Touch me at your peril.”

His eyes widened, and he stepped back from her, more frightened than when he had faced the Chessori. They stared at each other, Mike with fear in his eyes, and Krys with understanding and patience.

“I think this is part of our duty, Sire,” she breathed softly.

“I know. I don’t have to like it.” He looked to Ellie for help, but what could she do? He turned back to Krys. “I can’t move my feet.”

Krys nodded. With her gaze never leaving his, she stepped boldly to him and held out both hands in a fist. His eyes left hers to stare at those hands. Then, with pursed lips, he grasped them in both of his own.

The moment they touched, Krys’ eyes glazed over and her body stiffened. She held for long moments, then crumpled to the floor. Mike had felt nothing. He forgot his own fear and scooped her up into his arms. He looked around, then carried her to a couch and sat with her on his lap, her head resting in the crook of his arm. Ellie, truly frightened, knelt before them, her hand on Krys’ face.

“Is she okay?”

Mike felt for a pulse in her neck and found one easily. “She’s okay. Just give her a minute.”

When Krys came back to herself, her eyes opened to find her First Knight’s eyes staring into her own from inches away. His hand brushed at her face and she closed her eyes again, yielding to his comforting touch. “I saw…”

Mike placed two fingers over her mouth. “There’s time for that later. Rest, Krys.” She closed her eyes, and he continued to brush his hand across her face. So young, he thought, and so much depended on the rightness of her visions.

Ellie leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Would you like me to call Tarn?” she asked softly.

Krys nodded and tried, weakly, to rise. “The Guide should be here.” She looked into Mike’s eyes. “I’m sorry, First Knight.”

“Don’t be. Close your eyes and rest. It’s the least I can do for one of my Knights.”

He felt her body relax, and they stayed that way until Tarn arrived on the run. A Great Cat opened the door for him before he got there, and Tarn came into the room skidding to a halt, Krys his only concern. He knelt beside her and called softly to her. There was no response. He looked up at Mike. “What happened?”

“Actually, I think she fell asleep. She had a vision and collapsed, but she was awake for a minute or so. She’s okay, Tarn.”

“Are you sure?’

“Pretty sure. I’ve never seen her have a vision. This one seemed to take the stuffing out of her. Is that normal?”

“No, it’s not. Not at all. Have you called for a doctor?”

Ellie touched his arm, suddenly more concerned than she had been. “No, Tarn. I’ll do so immediately.”

Krys reached an arm out slowly to Tarn. “I’m okay. I’m awake, sort of.”

He took her hand and looked up at Mike. “Who are you?”

“Around here I seem to be known as the man of dirt.”

Tarn stared at him, blinking, then he bowed his head. “First Knight.”

“Relax, Tarn. Krys is our only focus at the moment.”

The doctor arrived and ran a portable sensor over her body. He pronounced her fine and left. Krys struggled to sit up, glancing with hooded eyes at Mike.

“I’m so embarrassed, First Knight,” she said shyly.

“Don’t be. I’m not. We’re all in this together, young lady.”

Mike and Tarn traded places, and she rested her head on Tarn’s shoulder.

Ellie clapped her hands together. “Well! This has been interesting,” she said to the room at large.

“I’m sorry, Mother.”

“It’s my fault for springing this on you. I’m just glad you’re okay. Are you okay?”

“I am. It’s the strongest, clearest vision I’ve ever had. I was actually able to look around.”

“Are you ready to talk about it, or would you like to wait? Can it wait?”

“It can, but I’m ready.” She looked to Mike. “The vision was of you, of course.”

“Of course?”

“All of my recent visions have come from contact with that person. I don’t know if that’s always necessary, it wasn’t for my earliest visions, but that’s how it’s been. You were walking out of the Imperial Senate chambers.” She looked to Ellie. “He was carrying you in his arms, Mother.”

“Was I…?”

“I don’t know. You were completely limp.”

Mike and Ellie exchanged frightened looks. Tarn shared their concern and spoke softly. “You said you could look around this time. What else did you see, Krys?”

“Before me, a cruiser hovered some twenty feet above the ground, filling the park in front of the Senate. Ramps were just extending to the ground. The remains of a number of stingers were smoking here and there, and many soldiers dressed in strange attire moved among them, some leading or carrying wounded. A number of Great Cats patrolled. I looked behind me, and the senate chamber was full, but all the senators were down. I believe they were under the influence of the scree. Several soldiers stood on the stage. One of them was pointing a blaster at a small group of Chessori, the only others in the room that were standing.”

Mike had risen to his feet as she spoke. “You say the senators were under the influence of the scree, but Ellie wasn’t moving?”

“I’m sorry, Sire,” she said, looking back and forth between him and Ellie, clearly frightened. “She was completely limp in your arms.”

Silence descended on the room. Tarn broke it, moving to kneel in front of her. “You said that’s what you saw. What did you feel, Krys?”

She considered his words, and surprise filled her face. She looked on him with love shining in her eyes. “You ask just the right question, my love. I didn’t know until you asked. I felt… accomplishment and… hope? Yes, hope.” She lifted her eyes to Ellie. “I sensed hope, Mother. I sensed hope.”