We got back to the Nation County Sheriff’s Department just in time to be handed a message from Volont. The Stritch family was being transferred to federal custody in Cedar Rapids regarding federal kidnapping charges.
That was not a particularly good development. The Stritch family was being effectively removed from our control and our reach. Interviews were now going to be out, unless we went to Cedar Rapids, filled out all the proper forms, and talked to them in an interview room under the control of the Feds.
‘‘Maybe,’’ I said, ‘‘if we explain that there really wasn’t a kidnapping…’’
George was just about to make a phone call to his boss, to see if he could reach Volont, when the ubiquitous SAC rolled into the parking lot.
‘‘Hey,’’ said Hester, looking out the window. ‘‘It’s Volont.’’
‘‘Oh, right,’’ said George, still on the phone with his office. It was hard to fool George twice in the same day. I noticed he’d removed his coat and tie, and was getting downright comfortable.
‘‘Wonder why he’s here,’’ I said idly. George didn’t even bother to look up.
‘‘Probably came to shoot George for bad driving,’’ said Hester.
‘‘Or me for my raincoat,’’ I said.
George, who had cradled the phone on his shoulder, now had one foot propped on the desk, and was busily jotting down notes in his leather-bound notepad, and chuckling to himself. ‘‘You guys really crack me up…’’
‘‘Comfortable, Agent Pollard?’’ asked an even, cool voice.
Volont, as it happened, had come up because the DEA had been contacted by Harry regarding the demise of Johnny Marks. They had contacted him. He had asked where George was, and was told that he was already at the scene across the Mississippi in Wisconsin. In the territory of the Madison field office. Before their cooperation had been requested. Before he knew it was Johnny Marks, and positively related to our investigation. I thought George was surely going to be done for, but it didn’t really seem to make any difference. Volont was extremely curious about the condition of the body, and George was a veritable fountain of information on that. I thought it probably saved him.
‘‘So, Deputy, what do you think?’’ asked Volont, after George had briefed him.
‘‘It doesn’t add up at all,’’ I said. ‘‘We all agree.’’
‘‘It might,’’ he said, and launched into an explanation. He incorporated the possibility that some of the people on the right wing might sell marijuana to dopers. He seemed to like the concept. He emphasized that Herman Stritch was broke and in dire need of cash. He indicated the proximity of the Stritch residence to the town where Johnny Marks lived. They could easily know each other. Maybe through one of the Stritch boys. Things were going wrong, and they decided to ambush the officers. Marks with them. Try to harvest the plants the same day, make a clean getaway. He could have been the one who fired the fatal shots, in that case. Our case could well be solved right now. At the same time, the market, a.k.a. the Living Dead, would have had their investment blown by the killing and resultant heat. Got even with Marks. They got Johnny Marks; we got the Stritch family. Tidy.
I let him finish. ‘‘I don’t think so,’’ I said. ‘‘I kind of wish it was, but I don’t think so.’’ I quickly reiterated the basic evidence. ‘‘And,’’ I said, ‘‘there’s absolutely no indication that Marks was in the woods at all.’’
‘‘Ah,’’ he said, ‘‘that’s true. Didn’t have to be. But there’s every indication that he paid a very high price for angering the people he was growing the dope for. I think he might have been in the woods that day. He and the Stritch family. Working in concert.’’
‘‘Ahh,’’ I said, ‘‘I just don’t think so.’’
‘‘Let me work on it for a while,’’ I answered. I noticed the relieved look on George’s face.
Volont had been telling the truth about the federal kidnapping charges. Eight State Patrol cars pulled up about two minutes after he left the back office. Troopers all over the place, shooing everybody but us out of our parking lot, and then getting us to move our cars as well. Creating a security lane for the prisoners. Pretty soon, three separate cars came zipping into the lot. Federal marshals. To transport the prisoners, separately. The two people we had working the jail were busier than they had ever been in their whole lives, for about thirty minutes. Then, with all three prisoners wearing jail clothes and bulletproof vests, and pretty well surrounded by troopers, marshals, and George, they were whisked off into the waiting cars and left under heavy trooper escort.
They were gone, leaving some really confused attorneys in their wake. None of our local lawyers were even qualified to appear in Federal Court. Which meant that, within the next few hours, there would be another layer of three more attorneys to deal with. The Stritch family might as well have gone to the moon.
What was more, Volont had inadvertently created a situation where the press was absolutely bound to follow the trail of the prisoners. He’d just started the machinery that would probably take Borcherding to Cedar Rapids and out of our immediate view. And now that I thought about it, Nancy would be going there as well, both to do her job and to do ours. And with the prisoners now under the control of the Linn County jail, I wouldn’t be able to slip Nancy in for an ‘‘accidental’’ interview, even if I wanted to.
‘‘Jesus Christ, Hester,’’ I said, ‘‘doesn’t anybody want us to solve these cases?’’
Tomorrow was Saturday, the 27th, and Bud’s funeral. It had been delayed a bit by the forensic people, but they had guaranteed Saturday. That meant that things were going to be really crowded, and things we needed to do weren’t going to get done. Interestingly enough, there didn’t appear to be anybody interested in Rumsford’s body. They were having a hard time finding relatives, I guess. For whatever reason, his funeral was going to be on the 29th. Someplace in Canada. I was surprised to find out that he was a Canadian, although I don’t know why. I wondered if that French-Canadian film crew would come back.
Anyway, we had to get cracking on something, and soon.
‘‘Hester,’’ I said, ‘‘why don’t we give Colonel Gabe a jingle?’’
‘‘On his e-mail.’’
‘‘Can we do this?’’
‘‘That’s easy,’’ I said. ‘‘Making him think it’s from Herman Stritch is gonna be a little tougher.’’
‘‘But,’’ she said, ‘‘can we do this? I mean, isn’t this a wiretap?’’
We both looked at George. ‘‘Well, in the strictest sense, or any other, for that matter, I think the court would appreciate it if we got an order to do this…’’
‘‘You think we can get one?’’ It had to be federal. Iowa didn’t have any enabling wiretap legislation.
‘‘If I fax an application to my partner, we can get it pretty fast. But Volont will know about it.’’
‘‘Right away?’’ I asked.
‘‘Oh, probably not,’’ said George, ‘‘but the U.S. Attorney will, and he’ll get around to mentioning it sooner or later.’’
‘‘And that’s a normal way of obtaining a wiretap order?’’ asked Hester. ‘‘You don’t have to go through your boss?’’
‘‘Pretty much,’’ said George. ‘‘He’ll read it in the monthly summary, or somewhere.’’
‘‘Go for it,’’ said Hester. ‘‘So long as it doesn’t get you fired.’’
First of all, I figured that if it took George a short time to track down the address of Borcherding, it would take somebody like this Colonel Gabe maybe just a bit longer. So we had to be accurate. Second, I thought it was likely that Billy Stritch was the one who set the computer stuff up in the first place, although we’d have to confirm that with Melissa. We might have to make the message from him. But it was going to come through to Colonel Gabe as an authentic contact from the Stritch family.
Predictably, the Sheriff’s Department didn’t have a computer, except our NCIC terminal, which was connected to a modem. First item of business. Equally predictably, nobody in Maitland sold modems. Hell, nobody in Maitland even sold disks.