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The hardest thing to admit was that she could finally understand her mother after all these years; the attraction of wanting someone you knew was incapable of being faithful and being the man you wanted him to be. The torture of a body in need versus a mind that said it was a heartache in waiting. Knox was like the wind rushing passed them, uncontrollable and free. He would never be the man she needed to make her happy.

Chapter Thirteen

As Knox pulled up in front of Diamond’s apartment, she barely managed to wait for him to stop to jump off.

“Thanks for the ride.” Handing him the helmet, she took off for her door. When she was there, she realized too late she had left her purse in Knox’s saddlebag. As she turned to go back, she bumped into Knox.

“Diamond, what’s wrong with you? Don’t fucking jump off my bike like that again,” Knox growled, handing her purse to her.

Diamond ran her hand through her flattened hair. “I made a fool of myself. I didn’t mean to drag that crap out in front of you. I’m sorry.” Digging in her purse, she found her keys and then opened the door. She started to tell Knox goodnight, only to find herself propelled forward into her apartment.

“What are you doing?” Diamond said, startled.

“I’m going to check your apartment out before I leave,” Knox answered, brushing past her to walk through her apartment, checking each room.

“I believe I would notice if someone broke in,” Diamond said sarcastically.

“Your neighbors aren’t home next door. Who’s going to hear if you yell for help?” Knox said, unfazed by her attitude, which only irritated Diamond further.

“I have a cell phone,” she snapped.

“Yeah, you tell the man who breaks in and is waiting to take you out that you need to make a call. I’m sure he’ll listen,” Knox said sarcastically. “Until we find out who broke into your office, you need to play it safe, Diamond.”

In the turmoil of the last few hours she had forgotten about her office.

“I wasn’t thinking. Next time, I’ll be more careful,” Diamond admitted.

“Good. Now do you have anything to eat, I’m fucking starving.”

“I think I can manage something.” She laughed, setting her purse down on the table.

“Good, because I hate to tell you this, but your mama isn’t a good cook,” Knox said with a grimace.

Diamond had to agree. “How was the cake?” she asked, going to the refrigerator and pulling out lunchmeat, lettuce and tomatoes.

“I think she mixed up the salt with the sugar, and the chocolate was God awful,” Knox said, picking out an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter.

“She always manages to mix up the different types of chocolate. Sorry my dad didn’t help you out.”

“Hell, I understand; in that situation it was every man for himself.” Diamond laughed harder.

“Thank God, she doesn’t cook often. Usually it’s about something pretty bad, and I guess, tonight was no exception,” Diamond said, her laughter dying.

“You don’t want your parents to get married?” Knox went to her fridge, pulling out a grape soda. “How long have they been together?” he asked, taking a bite of the apple.

“Thirty-five years. Twenty years longer than they should have been.”

Knox paused, unscrewing the bottled grape drink. “Is that the reason you yelled at them out in their front yard?”

Diamond made the sandwiches, cutting and slicing them, even removing the crust. Then, setting them on a couple of plates, she carried them to the table.

“Yes.” When they sat down to eat, regret began to bloom in her chest, making it hard to swallow.

“I bet they hate me.” Diamond got up, throwing the rest of her food away and putting her plate in the sink.

“No, they don’t. They aren’t real happy with you right now, but they don’t hate you,” Knox said. “I have to say, though, if a man can eat that kind of cooking from a woman, there has to be a lot of love there.” Diamond had to partially agree; her mom was a terrible cook, although she had never seen him complain, acting like each meal she served had been prepared by a five star chef.

“Sex Piston hates me.”

“That’s probably true,” Knox said, finishing his sandwich, then rose to put his own plate in the sink. Diamond leaned against the counter, trying not to laugh.

“Gee, thanks.”

“I don’t believe in bullshit. What you said tonight, nothing was wrong with saying it. You simply should have done it sooner. That shit’s been festering awhile for you, hasn’t it?”

“Ever since I was fourteen and saw my dad fucking one of the sluts that had been hanging around the clubhouse.” Diamond turned away, walking into the living room. “She was always so friendly with Mom and me when we went to the clubhouse; both before and after I saw her with my dad. It didn’t bother her at all she was doing him behind my mom’s back.”

Knox followed her into the living room, sitting on the sofa. “You sure your mom didn’t know? They’ve been together a long time for her not to know he’s fucking around on her.”

“We never talked about it. I couldn’t tell her, and I’m damn sure my dad didn’t.” Diamond sat down at the end of the couch.

“It wouldn’t be something your mom would talk to you about,” Knox said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Are you saying my mom knew he was fucking around on her and she stayed with him anyway?” Diamond asked angrily.

“I’m saying that what went on between your parents is their business. Maybe she did know and it didn’t bother her; she accepted it,” Knox reasoned.

“Are you crazy? What woman is going to stay with a man who is constantly fucking around on her?”

“Some couples don’t mind sharing,” Knox said, turning on the television with the remote.

“Yeah, The Last Riders for one. Don’t tarnish my parents with the same sick kinks your club shares.” Diamond grabbed the remote from his hand. Knox reacted by taking her hand and jerking her down on his lap.

“What do we do that’s sick?” he asked, easily keeping her on his lap as she tried to wiggle off.

“You, Rider, Evie and Bliss in one bed. That’s sick.”

“No, that was fucking great,” Knox said, dipping his head and taking her mouth in a demanding kiss she was determined to resist.

Diamond jerked her head back, tearing her mouth away from his. Undeterred, Knox’s lips traveled to her throat, seeking the sensitive flesh as his hand traveled up her thigh under her dress.

“Have you ever had dick up your ass and pussy at the same time, Diamond?” Knox murmured against her throat. Diamond shivered as the image played across her mind. “You can have a lot of fun sharing that beautiful body of yours, Diamond, if you just let yourself relax and enjoy the pleasure.” His fingers slid under the band of her panties, finding the wet warmth of her pussy waiting for his attention. His rough finger sought and found her clit, stroking it until the tiny bud quivered, sending flares of need screaming through Diamond’s body. “That’s it, baby, give me all that cream, you’re going to need it.”

Diamond’s head tilted to the side and Knox seized the advantage by taking her mouth with his again. This time the pleasure prevented Diamond from retreating, instead she returned his kiss, stroking his tongue with hers and searching his mouth in a duel of dominance. His tongue ring caressed her tongue as his finger plunged into her warm passage, creating a rhythm her hips rose to meet. Escalating her passion, he added another finger, only withdrawing when her arms clasped his shoulders, pulling him close while her legs thrashed as she tried to move to the couch.