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“No,” Knox answered, staring deeply into her eyes.

“You would have answered?”

“Yeah,” Knox said softly.

Diamond smiled, walking toward him, this time not worried about making a fool of herself. She walked up to him and circled his waist with her arms.

“I’ve missed you,” Diamond confessed.

“I’ve missed you,” Knox said.

“Well, isn’t that sweet,” Killyama said in a sickeningly sweet voice. “Does that mean we can stay for the party?”

“No,” everyone answered at once. Diamond laughed into Knox’s chest.

“We help you out and we can’t even get a beer?” Crazy Bitch asked Diamond.

Diamond looked up pleadingly at Knox.

“One beer,” he agreed reluctantly.

“Knox,” Viper said in warning.

“One beer then they’ll leave,” Knox promised.

Sex Piston and her crew nodded their heads in agreement. As Knox and Diamond left the room with everyone following, she noticed Viper turning to go to a bedroom at the end of the hall where Winter stood in the doorway with a sheet covering her body. When she saw Diamond’s eyes on her, she shut the door just as Viper was about to enter. Unable to stop his momentum, he ran into the door.

Before she could so much as laugh at the spectacle it had created, they reached the top of the steps and saw the front door open and Stud enter with several of the Blue Horseman coming in behind him.

Cash, who was at the bottom of the steps, turned toward the door. “What in the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he asked Stud.

“We want our women.”

“What women?” Cash asked, blocking Stud from coming any further into the clubhouse.

“Sex Piston, Crazy Bitch and T.A., you can keep Killyama,” Stud said, looking up the steps. Catching sight of the women at the top of the steps with Rider and Train half naked sparked a fury within him that Diamond hadn’t expected the emotionless man capable of.

“What in the hell are you doing here, Stud?” Sex Piston yelled, leaning over the railing. Her hair messed up and her top torn, she looked down at the President of the Blue Horseman.

“Which one touched you?” Stud yelled back.

“What?” Sex Piston asked in confusion.

“Which mother fucking asshole touched you? Because they’re going to regret touching something that’s mine.”

“I’m not yours!” she yelled, putting her hands on her hips and glaring back.

“You damn sure are. Get your ass down here now!”

“We’re not going anywhere, we’re staying for a beer.” Smugly, Sex Piston continued to ignore his order.



Stud signaled his men at her response. Knox didn’t waste time, he moved Diamond back as Stud charged up the stairway after Sex Piston at the same time that the Blue Horsemen came through the doorway in a mass.

Sex Piston tried to take off running down the hallway, but ran into Viper who had come back down the hallway when he heard the commotion.

“Just a minute,” Viper said, preventing Sex Piston from getting away.

As Stud reached the top of the stairs, seeing Viper holding Sex Piston seemed to piss the biker off even more.

“Let her go, Viper.”

“My pleasure.” Viper let Sex Piston’s arm go, and before Sex Piston could move, Stud had her.

“Let me go,” she said, trying to twist free.

“Pike.” Stud turned and one of the Blue Horseman came up the steps. “Take her to the truck.” Sex Piston tried to struggle away, but found herself tossed over the big man’s shoulder.

Stud turned back to the rest of Sex Piston’s crew.

“Now, you can go with her or be carried away, which is it going to be?”

T.A. immediately went after Sex Piston, giving Stud a wide berth while Crazy Bitch and Killyama merely stood there with their arms crossed over their chests.

“Fuck off,” Crazy Bitch said.

“Back off, bitch,” Killyama snarled.

Stud didn’t argue. “Rock, Blade.”

Two men came up the steps slowly. One took a step forward and grappled with Crazy Bitch before he managed to get her in a tight hold, tossing her over his shoulder then went down the steps with the woman threatening to cut his dick off.

“Blade,” Stud ordered.

“Do I have to?” Stud threw the man a look that had him taking a step forward taking on Killyama. The woman fought the man dirty, ramming his nose with her fist then jerking out the loop in his ear before he managed to get her, still struggling, out of the house to a cheering audience.

“Now which one touched Sex Piston?” Menace filled the hallway.

“None of them did. She came in here and started a fight with our women,” Viper said sharply.

“That true?” Stud asked Diamond.

“Yes,” she answered from behind Knox’s back.

Stud looked at the women in the hallway. Bliss, who had pulled on a robe, had a black eye and Evie, who had put on Train’s shirt, whose hair was a total mess from Sex Piston’s hands.

“I don’t suppose we could switch Killyama with one of these women?” Stud quipped.

“No.” Viper apparently wasn’t in a joking mood, although Diamond wasn’t so sure that Stud had been joking from the look of disappointment on his face.

“I didn’t think so.” Stud turned to go back down the steps. “Sorry about the interruption to your party. That’s two markers we owe your club.”

“Don’t pull this shit again, Stud. Next time you come to our club like this, I’ll take it as a sign of war.” Viper made his position clear.

Stud stopped, turning back. “Next time I hit your club with our women here, war won’t describe what I’ll do,” Stud said, making his own stance equally evident.

Viper nodded. Both Presidents coming to a mutual agreement.

After Stud and his men cleared the club within minutes, Knox moved to the side, letting Diamond free. Everyone stared at her accusingly.

“Sorry.” Diamond felt terrible about the commotion she had caused.

“You two need to get your shit straight,” Viper said, turning back to his bedroom.

Knox took Diamond’s hand, leading her back to the hallway and going into the room across the hall from his.

Chapter Twenty-one

“Why do you have a different bedroom?” Diamond asked. The room was half the size of his previous room. His blanket that had once lain on a huge, king-sized bed now lay across a full bed. She couldn’t believe he even fit on the bed.

“I didn’t need the big bed anymore.”

“You didn’t? Why?” Diamond asked, studying his face.

Knox didn’t answer, instead he asked a question of his own. “Why all the hurry to see me? It would have been easier to open your door last night. Nothing’s changed, Diamond.”

Diamond stood there, wanting to be the woman that could let him have it while he stood arrogantly with his arms crossed over his chest as if he held all the cards. To be the type that had more respect for herself than to be humiliated in front of a man, however Diamond wanted Knox. If she took a chance, she might win him, and having him meant everything.

“I’ve decided it doesn’t matter if you care about me or not.”

“It doesn’t?” Surprised, his arms dropped to his side.

“No, I was wrong. Just because I care about you, doesn’t mean that you have to return my feelings.”

“What feelings?” Knox asked, going still.

“I’m in love with you,” Diamond confessed, staring him straight in the eyes.

“No, you’re not.”

Diamond nodded her head. “I am. You know I am, that’s why you left that day. I bet you were relieved that Sex Piston gave you an out.”

“I didn’t need Sex Piston to give me an out. I was done,” Knox said emotionlessly.