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   A magic region! There in olden years    the sovereign of courageous satire,    sparkled Fonvízin, freedom's friend,  4 and imitational Knyazhnín;    there Ózerov involuntary tributes    of public tears, of plaudits    shared with the young Semyónova;  8 there our Katénin resurrected    Corneille's majestic genius;    there caustic Shahovskóy brought forth the noisy    swarm of his comedies; 12 there, too, Didelot did crown himself with glory;    there, there, beneath the shelter of coulisses,    my young days sped.


   My goddesses! What has become of you?    Where are you? Hearken to my woeful voice:    Are all of you the same? Have other maidens  4 taken your place without replacing you?    Am I to hear again your choruses?    Am I to see Russian Terpsichore's    soulful volation?  8 Or will the mournful gaze not find    familiar faces on the dreary stage,    and at an alien world having directed    a disenchanted lorgnette, 12 shall I, indifferent spectator    of merriment, yawn wordlessly    and bygones recollect?


   By now the house is full; the boxes blaze;    parterre and stalls — all seethes;    in the top gallery impatiently they clap,  4 and, soaring up, the curtain swishes.    Resplendent, half ethereal,    obedient to the magic bow,    surrounded by a throng of nymphs,  8 Istómina stands: she,    while touching with one foot the floor,    gyrates the other slowly,    and lo! a leap, and lo! she flies, 12 she flies like fluff from Eol's lips,    now twines and now untwines her waist    and beats one swift small foot against the other.


   All clap as one. Onegin enters:    he walks — on people's toes — between the stalls;    askance, his double lorgnette trains  4 upon the loges of strange ladies;    he has scanned all the tiers;    he has seen everything; with faces, garb,    he's dreadfully displeased;  8 with men on every side    he has exchanged salutes; then at the stage    in great abstraction he has glanced,    has turned away, and yawned, 12 and uttered: “Time all were replaced;    ballets I long have suffered,    but even of Didelot I've had enough.”5


   Amors, diaboli, and dragons    still on the stage jump and make noise;    still at the carriage porch the weary footmen  4 on the pelisses are asleep;    still people have not ceased to stamp,    blow noses, cough, hiss, clap;    still, outside and inside,  8 lamps glitter everywhere;    still, chilled, the horses fidget,    bored with their harness,    and round the fires the coachmen curse their masters 12 and beat their palms together;    and yet Onegin has already left;    he's driving home to dress.


   Shall I present a faithful picture    of the secluded cabinet,    where fashions' model pupil  4 is dressed, undressed, and dressed again?    Whatever, for the lavish whim,    London the trinkleter deals in    and o'er the Baltic waves to us  8 ships in exchange for timber and for tallow;    whatever hungry taste in Paris,    choosing a useful trade,    invents for pastimes, 12 for luxury, for modish mollitude;    all this adorned the cabinet    of a philosopher at eighteen years of age.


   Amber on Tsargrad's pipes,    porcelain and bronzes on a table,    and — joyance of the pampered senses —  4 perfumes in crystal cut with facets;    combs, little files of steel,    straight scissors, curvate ones, and brushes    of thirty kinds —  8 these for the nails, those for the teeth.    Rousseau (I shall observe in passing) was unable    to understand how the dignified Grimm    dared clean his nails in front of him, 12 the eloquent crackbrain.6    The advocate of liberty and rights    was in the present case not right at all.