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   Capricious belles of the grand monde!    Before all others you he left;    and it is true that in our years  4 the upper ton is rather tedious.    Although, perhaps, this or that dame    interprets Say and Bentham,    in general their conversation  8 is insupportable, though harmless tosh.    On top of that they are so pure,    so stately, so intelligent,    so full of piety, 12 so circumspect, so scrupulous,    so inaccessible to men,    that the mere sight of them begets the spleen.7


   And you, young beauties, whom    at a late hour daredevil droshkies    carry away over the pavement  4 of Petersburg,    you also were abandoned by my Eugene.    Apostate from the turbulent delights,    Onegin locked himself indoors;  8 yawning, took up a pen;    wanted to write; but persevering toil    to him was loathsome: nothing    from his pen issued, and he did not get 12 into the cocky guild of people    on whom I pass no judgment — for the reason    that I belong to them.


   And once again to idleness consigned,    oppressed by emptiness of soul,    he settled down with the laudable aim  4 to make his own another's mind;    he crammed a shelf with an array of books,    and read, and read — and all for nothing:    here there was dullness; there, deceit and raving;  8 this one lacked conscience; that one, sense;    on all of them were different fetters;    and outworn was the old, and the new raved    about the old. 12 As he'd left women, he left books    and, with its dusty tribe, the shelf    with funerary taffeta he curtained.


   Having cast off the burden of the monde's conventions,    having, as he, from vain pursuits desisted,    with him I made friends at that time.  4 I liked his traits,    to dreams the involuntary addiction,    nonimitative oddity,    and sharp, chilled mind;  8 I was embittered, he was gloomy;    the play of passions we knew both;    on both, life weighed;    in both, the heart's glow had gone out; 12 for both, there was in store the rancor    of blind Fortuna and of men    at the very morn of our days.


   He who has lived and thought    cannot help in his soul despising men;    him who has felt disturbs  4 the ghost of irrecoverable days;    for him there are no more enchantments;    him does the snake of memories,    him does repentance gnaw.  8 All this often imparts    great charm to conversation.    At first, Onegin's language    would disconcert me; but I grew 12 accustomed to his biting argument    and banter blent halfwise with bile    and virulence of somber epigrams.


   How oft in summertide, when limpid    and luminous is the nocturnal sky    above the Neva,8 and the gay  4 glass of the waters    does not reflect Diana's visage —    rememorating intrigues of past years,    rememorating a past love,  8 impressible, carefree again,    the breath of the benignant night    we mutely quaffed!    As to the greenwood from a prison 12 a slumbering clogged convict is transferred,    so we'd be carried off in fancy    to the beginning of young life.


   With soul full of regrets,    and leaning on the granite,    Eugene stood pensive — as himself  4 the Poet9 has described.    'Twas stillness all; only night sentries    to one another called,    and the far clip-clop of some droshky  8 resounded suddenly from Million Street;    only a boat, oars swinging,    swam on the dozing river,    and, in the distance, captivated us 12 a horn and a brave song.    But, 'mid the night's diversions, sweeter    is the strain of Torquato's octaves.